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Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(20)

Author: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

Next to the pencils was a slim device, sleek and white. It looked like an iPad only wider with a few rectangular buttons along the bottom of it and a digital pen attached to the side.

I brushed my fingers over the screen and a noise sounded like wind chimes as the symbol of Aer appeared in black on a white background.

A soft male voice emitted from it as the image dissolved and several rows of apps appeared. “Welcome to Zodiac Academy. This is your Atlas. Your profile has been added to our database. You can now call or message your friends throughout the entire school. Click through the apps to discover your timetable, school events, Pitball matches and scores, and find your full syllabus for the term. If you need assistance, just send a message directly to your House Captain and they'll help you with any problems you have.”

“Yeah sure he will,” I muttered, picking up the Atlas and finding my way to a long list of contacts. I typed Tory's name in at the top but it found no results. When I typed 'Vega' I found my name listed as Gwendalina and Tory's as Roxanya. I changed mine to Darcy and my finger hovered over Tory's original name as I thought about the people who'd given it to her. Could they really have been the king and queen of this unknown world?

I'd always thought we'd been orphaned, but now it was almost worse to know our parents had chosen to get rid of us. Orion had thought we'd been in danger, but from what? And if that were true, why swap us for some random human children and put them in danger instead? It was beyond cruel.

Seth had mentioned Solaria was better off without my father as king, but judging from the nastiness I’d witnessed in him tonight, I wondered if I could believe anything he said.

I gave up on trying to figure out the answers to the never ending questions in my brain. Tiredness took hold of me and as I checked the time on my Atlas, I found it was almost three in the morning.

I yawned broadly, kicking off my shoes and slumping onto the soft bed as I called Tory. I prayed she'd answer. I had so much to catch up on with her and I half-hoped her time in Ignis had been easier than my time here. But somehow, I doubted it.

Windchimes were calling to me, ting ting ting-alinging. The noise grew louder and more persistent and I rolled over with a groan, finding I'd fallen asleep fully-clothed with my face squashed against my Atlas.

What Tory had been through sounded even worse than what I’d endured. She was strong as hell, but I always knew when she was quietly hurting. She’d sounded nothing but angry on the phone, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d let a few tears escape after what Darius had done to her.

In the end, we’d both agreed to try and make the most out of this incredible opportunity. A few idiot bullies weren't going to ruin a whole lifetime of possibilities for us. But we needed to start learning about this world as fast as we could if we were ever going to survive here. Claims to thrones and royal blood was all too much to take in without knowing a damn thing about what that meant. And the Heirs would soon realise we weren’t here to steal anything from them.

With all that in mind, I was excited for my first lessons, to learn everything there was to know about my newfound powers. I couldn’t wait to feel the kiss of them against my palms again.

The chiming persisted and I realised my Atlas was the source of the noise. I squinted at the bright screen as a notification flashed up on it.

Your daily horoscope is waiting for you, Darcy!

I clicked on the message and a night sky spread across the screen, shimmering brightly as words scrawled to life in silver lettering.

Good morning Gemini. The stars have spoken about your day.

You've recently been through a transformative change, but now that the dust has settled you're feeling strangely at home in your new landscape. The clouds are parting and you can almost see the sun shining back at you. But don't be too hasty. Mars is still casting a shadow over your movements this month and it looks like it's here to stay for a while yet. Between a Libra and an Aquarius, your day may become very challenging but if you call upon your Gemini instincts, you'll find a way to rise above the trials thrown your way.

I frowned. My Gemini instincts? I vaguely recalled my star sign described a Gemini as optimistic and today I felt I was lining up with that assumption.

Another message flashed up on the Atlas.

Your Cardinal Magic class starts in thiry minutes, Darcy.

Click here for a map.

I pressed the button and found a route laid out for me leading away from Aer Tower toward The Orb at the centre of the grounds. Ringing it were a group of buildings named after the planets and my lesson was located in Jupiter Hall.

I yawned broadly, getting out of bed and heading into my own private bathroom. The tiles were blue and white and a huge shower unit stood to one side of it. There was even my own toothbrush and a whole basket full of cosmetics for me to use.

I squealed like a kid as I washed in the waterfall-like shower then applied a sweet smelling moisturiser to my skin. Conscious of time, I rushed back into my bedroom and headed to a wardrobe which reached right up to the ceiling. I tugged it open, finding a uniform waiting inside for me. There were a few of them plus a bunch of yoga pants, shirts and sweaters with the Aer logo printed on them.

I pulled on my uniform, eyeing myself in the mirror inside the wardrobe door. The navy and white check skirt was pleated and brushed my knees, the white shirt crisp and figure hugging. I pulled on knee-high socks and some pumps then put my blazer over the top, brushing my fingers over the golden crest of the Academy which was ringed with each symbol of the zodiac.

I tamed my hair which ran loosely over my shoulders, the blue tips almost blending in with the navy blazer.

Today will be a good day, I promised myself then grabbed a leather satchel from the wardrobe and tucked the Atlas inside it alongside a few notebooks and pens.

I headed out of my room, locking the door before following the flow of students who were all descending the stairs. Some of them glanced my way and mutters were exchanged. None of them said hello. But it wasn't going to bother me. I'd proven my worth yesterday and I deserved my place here as much as them. In a few days, they'd probably forget I was a 'Vega Twin' and I could start making some friends.

Outside, the morning air was fresh and the scent of junipers carried to me on the breeze. As the wind washed against my face, my skin tingled as if the weather were bringing the Elements to life inside my veins. Anticipation rolled through me at the idea of using more magic and I wondered what it would be like to wield fire, water and earth too.

“Your majesty!” someone called from behind me and I turned curiously, spotting the burly girl who’d been one of the few students happy to see us in The Orb last night. She rushed toward me up the path, her eyes widening with joy.

Was she talking to me?

She came to a halt before me, bowing her head low. I frowned, taken aback.

“My name is Geraldine Grus and I am at your service. I wanted to let you know that you now have a loyal band of followers around you, the Almighty Sovereign Society. Do not fear the Celestial ruffians who call themselves Heirs. You and your sister are the true queens and they will accept that soon enough.” She bowed again and I sensed eyes on us as students headed by.

“Oh um…” I had no idea what to say. But I didn’t like the attention she was drawing, or the way she referred to Tory and I as queens. “We’re actually not really here for the throne. The Heirs are welcome to it to be honest.”

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