Home > Books > Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(43)

Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(43)

Author: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

The class hollered and howled in answer and I spotted Seth amongst them, eyeing us with a devilish expression that made my gut prickle.

“I'm Professor Canis.” She leaned in close to Tory, breathing in deeply. “Don't be shy,” she said as Tory flinched away.

“I'm not shy, you're just so far beyond my personal boundaries right now I can't even see them anymore.” She stepped back and the Professor laughed loudly then pushed us forward to join the group.

“Don't we have like…a lesson plan or something?” I asked her, but she answered by pulling her shirt off.

What the actual crap?

“No plan,” she said brightly, her neon pink bra all I could look at in that second. “Just run free.”

“Holy shit,” Tory breathed as everyone around us started stripping.

“What is happening?” My eyes travelled to Seth as he pulled his shirt over his head and the sun gleamed on the hard muscles of his body. He looked like temptation embodied with his ripped stomach and the sharp V which cut a path beneath his waistband.

Warmth spread through my cheeks as over a hundred students dropped their pants and I shielded my eyes as I saw way too much of my classmates and Professor.

Seth's trousers were hanging open, riding lower over his hips as he cupped his hand around his mouth and started howling to the sky. Every single person in the valley but Tory and I joined the chorus, the noise a cacophony pounding into my skull.

Seth tugged off his pants and boxers, turning away at the last second before we got an unwanted eyeful. Tory started laughing and I looked at her, shaking my head as a bubble of laughter escaped me too.

Seth started running down the hill and one hundred and fifty naked students sped after him. The Heir leapt forward in a sudden movement and his whole body changed as he pounced. White hair spread across his skin, fluffy ears, a brush of a tail and four huge paws hit the ground in his place. My mouth fell open and my pulse quickened at the startling sight.

Behind him everyone was changing too like a ripple effect, all of them turning into enormous wolves, twice the size of any normal beast.

Fear and excitement battered my heart as I watched the incredible display.

The huge mass started splitting off into packs, dividing across the meadow and darting into the trees at the verges. There were only a few white wolves amongst them and Seth was the largest of all the animals, meaning I could keep my eye on him the entire time.

He led a group of nine along the edge of The Wailing Wood, moving like the wind as he circled around, his ears flattened to his head. The ground shook as all ten of the massive beasts bounded our way led by the pure white beast at the front of them.

Tory and I backed up and my hands raised on instinct as I willed power into them but Seth came to a halt before I needed to even attempt to defend myself.

He released a soft whine, moving forward, eye to eye with me with his massive size. He bumped his wet nose against my cheek then did the same to Tory. She tentatively reached out, brushing her fingers over his ears. He nuzzled into her so hard that she fell on her ass and she laughed as I pulled her back up. In that moment, I pushed aside the fact he was an Heir, too fascinated by his beautiful transformation and the inviting look in his wolfish eyes. The magic of this place and the students in it was just too wonderful to ignore. And I longed more than anything to know what my own Order was.

Seth suddenly dropped to the ground, turning his head as he gestured toward his back.

“I think he wants us to get on,” I said in alarm.

Tory looked to me with a grin and excitement tore through my body like wildfire.

At least Seth can’t talk in this form. So what the hell?

I ran my hand down his velvet soft neck and swung a leg over his shoulders, not placing my weight down until I was sure this was what he meant. When he didn't react I settled into place, wrapping my hands in his fur to try and get a good grip.

Tory moved to get on behind me but another black male dropped down next to Seth and barked at her in encouragement. She bit into her lip as she hurried over and clambered onto his back.

“This is crazy,” I laughed as Seth rose beneath me and my belly swooped.

I clung on for dear life as his nose angled toward the trees far across the valley. He threw his head back, howling loud enough to make me wince, then lurched forward in a burst of speed.

I cried out in alarm as the wind tore at my hair and I nearly lost my grip on his silky smooth fur. I clamped my knees tighter around him, slipping back an inch as I clung on for dear life.

Laughter burst from my throat and I whooped as adrenaline bled through me. Seth bounded toward The Wailing Wood, charging into the trees down a long path. He immediately turned off of it into the thicker woodland and I ducked my head in time to avoid the low-hanging branches. The crash of heavy paws sounded behind me and I threw a look over my shoulder, spotting Tory grinning her head off as she clung to the wolf beneath her.

A chorus of howls carried from more packs throughout the forest and my heart raced as one of them charged across our path, making Seth swerve violently to the left.

The trees whipped past me in a blur of green and we were soon so deep in the forest I didn't think I'd ever get out without the wolves' help.

Seth finally slowed, padding down into a clearing where a large pool of shimmering water lay. It was surrounded by tall reeds and shaded by the low-hanging fronds of a willow. The sunlight fell in shafts over the beautiful spot and dust and pollen spiralled within the golden rays.

Seth padded straight into the pool and I gasped as he sank deep into the icy water. I slid off of him and he swam under the surface, disappearing into the depths. A moment later he resurfaced in his human form, smirking at me.

“Did you like riding me?” he asked suggestively.

“I prefer you as a wolf.” I splashed him, but a smile tugged at my lips.

Several of the wolves dropped to the ground around the pool, rolling in the dust or resting in the shade. A few of them joined us in the water, changing back into their human forms and baring all to the world. Seth's eyes followed a girl with curves to die for as she swam across the rippling pond. Tory dismounted from her ride and the guy changed back right in front of her, making her bristle as he leaned in too close. She eyed the pool with concern, taking a measured step away from it and my heart went out to her. She hated deep water and even a bunch of handsy naked students weren’t going to chase her in here.

I moved to swim back to shore but Seth curled an arm around my waist, tugging me close. I surveyed the water droplets running down his chiselled face, unable to help tracing the angles of his cheeks as I debated whether to run away. His hair was a mane of damp hazel and his eyes were penetratingly dark. I wanted to push him back but something kept me in place as I fell captive to his animalistic aura. There was something about him in that moment that made me feel like I was a part of something. Maybe it was a pack thing. Like he was always trying to bond, but at the same time keeping me under his heel. Perhaps I was a Werewolf after all…

The stressed look I'd seen in his gaze this morning seemed to have dimmed, but he was clearly less on form today. Words rose to my lips and I let them fall free as I hoped the softness I saw in his eyes now would stay a while longer. “You seemed upset this morning,” I said, cocking a brow and his eyes narrowed.

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