Home > Books > Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(59)

Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(59)

Author: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

Sofia took hers off and placed it on the table with a giggle. “Sorry guys, I won’t be an ass member no matter how much I love you both.

Diego dropped into his seat with a sigh of relief. “Who needs a drink?”

“I do.” Sofia leaned forward, grabbing a shot and swallowing it in one. Before we could lay a hand on the rest of them, she downed them all in quick succession with a wild laugh.

“Sofia!” Diego gasped.

I stared at her in surprise. She was usually so quiet, what had gotten into her?

“Sofia's a secret party girl,” Tory jibed as Sofia tossed a lock of hair out of her face with a shrug.

“I wouldn't say that, but I can handle my drink,” she said with a coy smile and Diego stared at her with a frown.

I grinned, rising from my seat. “I'll get us some more.”

The others nodded keenly and I headed to the bar, moving into the only free gap which unfortunately placed me behind Orion and his date. I was one percent curious about what they were saying and couldn't help but strain my ears as the woman leant in to speak with him.

“It's all moving so fast. We should do something about it tonight.”

She squeezed his arm and I tried my best not to hate her.

She's on a date with a hot guy, why wouldn't she want to jump him?

Orion cocked his head. “No. It's too soon. We have to wait.”

My eyebrows arched. Did this asshole actually have an ounce of gentleman in him?

“It will get out of control, Orion. It has to be tonight. I can't wait any longer,” she begged.

Woah, desperate much?

“That's not what we planned,” Orion hissed. “If we try to kill them now we'll draw attention to ourselves.”

My heart slammed into my ribcage. This conversation was not about sex. The girl looked up and her eyes widened as they landed on me. I tried to casually walk away, but the barman pointed at me to get my order and suddenly Orion had hold of my arm. His grip was painfully tight as he dragged me against his thigh. Heat surged everywhere, powerful and terrifying. The scent of cinnamon and something entirely man washed over me, permanently becoming my new favourite smell despite the origin.

“What did you hear?” he growled and I gasped, trying to prise his fingers off of me.

“Orion,” his date warned and he released me.

“I didn’t hear anything,” I insisted and my heart tripled its pace as I darted away, escaping into the women's bathroom.

I clutched onto a basin, taking in a shuddering breath, well and truly rattled.

Was that woman in on the plot to kill us? How far did this go? How many people wanted Tory and I dead?

The few drinks I'd had helped keep me calm as I turned over what I'd heard, trying to work out what to do.

The door swung open and I realised with a horrifying clarity I'd just made a terrible mistake. Orion stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him and the lock clicked loudly through the air.

I backed up, my pulse drumming in my ears.



Do something!

I opened my mouth to call out for help but he flicked a hand and the air in my throat halted, refusing to let out any noise.

My heart pounded a frantic tune as I continued to back up until my spine hit the far wall. I raised my hands, ready to force every ounce of magic into my palms to stop him. Whatever it took; I wasn't going to die here in some bathroom.

“Stay back,” I hissed, my voice only allowing a whisper. He was controlling the airflow in my damn throat!

“What did you hear?” he growled. “Tell me everything.”

His Coercion was powerful and no matter how much practice I'd had with Tory and Sofia, it wasn't anywhere near enough to throw off his magic. My tongue loosened and I couldn't hold the words back. “That you're planning to kill someone. And I know it's us. You want us out. You don't want me and my sister ruling Solaria, but you can't really think you'd get away with killing us in a restaurant do you?” My voice was barely above a whisper and I cursed him for the power he had over me. Fear rattled my heart, but my blood was pounding with alcohol and adrenaline too.

Maybe I could run – get past him. But I knew it was impossible. I wouldn't make it two steps in the direction of the door before he disabled me.

Attack him then!

I lifted my palms higher, preparing to do whatever I had to to survive. I willed magic to my fingers and they tingled with a deadly heat. Fire had come to my aid. And I would unleash the pits of hell on him if he made one move to hurt me.

Orion waved a hand almost lazily and my arms were suddenly clamped to my sides as he wielded the air around me.

Oh crap.

“That's it?” His voice was calmer as if it was entirely normal that he'd be planning my demise.

“Yes,” I spat as my heart crashed into my chest. “Isn't that enough?”

He blew out a laugh, staring at me for a few painful seconds, his eyes two black holes which sucked at everything I was and tried to swallow it whole.

“Go home, Blue.” He unlocked the door and stepped out of the room, leaving me with a chasm of rage spitting venom in my chest.

I glared at the door for one long moment before marching toward it and heading back into the restaurant. I didn't look his way as I strode back to the table and dropped into my seat, my pulse everywhere.

“Where's our drinks?” Sofia slurred with a pout but Tory shushed her, looking at me intently.

“What happened?”

Call it a twin thing, but we could tell when the other was upset. No matter how hard we tried to hide it. Not that I was trying that hard right then.

“Orion,” I said in answer and quickly rattled off an explanation, leaving out the part where my knees had trembled like I was in a grade five earthquake.

Sofia laughed. “Come onnnn, he's a teacher. You guys are getting waaay too caught up in conspiracy theories.”

Diego shook his head, his expression serious. “They could be right. The evidence points his way.” He shot a glare at Orion and I spotted him leaving the restaurant with his date. Who maybe wasn't his date after all.

Relief spilled through me as he left and I glanced over at the cluster of Professors on the other side of the room. Of course he wouldn't have attacked me here in a public bathroom. How could I have thought he would? Because he had his psycho eyes in place, that's why.

I didn't know Orion, for all I knew he could be the type of guy who chopped people up in women's bathrooms on a regular occasion.

“Do you want to go home?” Tory asked me, frowning in concern.

I ground my jaw, shaking my head. “That's what he wants.”

“Well we can't do that then,” Tory agreed with a grin and my mood brightened by a mile.

“He's gone now anyway,” Sofia said, standing and starting to dance to the background music playing in the bar. She started dancing provocatively with her chair and my mouth parted.

“Sofia!” Diego gasped, looking alarmed and Tory cracked a laugh.

Sofia stumbled into the table and knocked over a small vase at the heart of it. Diego cast a gust of air from his hand to direct the water away from pouring all over us.

Tory steadied her, glancing at us. “I thought she said she could handle her drink,” she teased.

“I caaaaan,” Sofia slurred, clutching onto Tory to stay upright.

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