Home > Books > Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(83)

Zodiac Academy: The Awakening(83)

Author: Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

“Need a hand escaping the masses?” he teased and I laughed as I glanced back at the ass club who were all occupied with gushing over Geraldine’s return.

“I think I made it out alone, thanks. Have you seen Darcy anywhere?” I asked.

“She was heading outside the last time I saw her,” Diego replied with a faint frown. “Seth disappeared not long after. He’s been hounding after her a lot recently. Do you think we should be worried…?”

“Don’t be silly, I’m sure she’s fine,” I said, ignoring the little warning trickle that ran down my spine. “But I think I’m just gonna go and make sure.”

“I can come with you,” he said brightly, following me as I took a step away.

“Where’s Sofia?” I asked, pausing again. I didn’t want him leaving her for my sake. She’d been so excited about attending this dance with him and I wasn’t going to let anything ruin it for her.

“She’s grabbing a drink, I’m sure she won’t mind if I just-”

“No.” I waved him off as I stepped away. “Just look after your date. I’ll be back soon.”

Diego seemed inclined to argue further but I waved him off dismissively and headed for the exit. He liked to act all protective of us but if it came to an argument with Seth or any of the other Heirs I knew he’d just slink back into the shadows anyway. But that was alright; I didn’t need anyone to fight my battles for me.

The cool air chilled my skin as I stepped outside and I paused for a moment, trying to figure out where to begin my search. I didn’t want to interrupt Darcy if she was enjoying Seth’s company but I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

Shimmering orbs of light marked a pathway to the left of the exit and I headed in that direction, eyeing the way the moonlight glimmered off of the silvery Lunar building ahead of me. This place really was beautiful.

My high heels clicked against the brick pathway and my breath rose in little puffs before me as I wrapped my arms around myself to ward off the chill.

I moved into the shadow of the curving Lunar building and stilled suddenly as I felt eyes on my back. Years of stealing bikes and skulking in the shadows had taught me to trust my instincts and I whirled around a moment before Darius reached me.

I gasped as I spotted him and he smirked like my fear amused him.

“Out for a walk?” he asked and I took a step back. He’d removed his jacket and stood before me in a pale blue shirt with the sleeves rolled back. His muscular chest pressed against the fabric in a way that drew my gaze but I refused to let myself appreciate it.

“Something like that,” I muttered.

I glanced behind him but we were alone out here. His gaze trailed over me slowly and I shivered beneath his scrutiny as a beat of silence stretched a little too long.

“Did you want something?” I asked, holding my chin high.

“Last chance, Roxy. Take your sister and leave this Academy. Go back to your little mortal lives and leave Solaria in the hands of people who are worthy of the throne,” he said darkly.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I replied. “So you need to get over it.”

“Is that your final decision?” he asked, taking a step towards me that made my heart leap with fright.

I held my ground despite the fact that my knees felt like they might buckle at any moment. “Yes,” I snarled. He wasn’t going to bully me out of here and I was done playing nice about it.

“Then I guess I’m going to have to change your mind,” he said and it almost seemed like he was resigning himself to the fact.

I scowled at him as I made a move to turn away from him but his hand whipped out and he caught my arm, his strong fingers locking around me like a manacle.

“Let go of me,” I demanded, trying to drag my arm out of his grip but he yanked me close instead of releasing me.

“No, I don’t think I will,” he growled. “You’re going to learn a little lesson about respect. I won’t have you turning your back on me again.”

I struggled to free myself from him but he caught my other arm too.

“Don’t fight me. And don’t scream,” he said, his voice thick with Coercion.

I threw all of my power into my mental shield but the force of his will tore through the wall I constructed like it was built of nothing but tissue paper and my eyes widened as I felt his commands take possession of my limbs.

Darius smiled at me but there was nothing warm in it. His jaw was set, determined and his grip on me unwavering.

He steered me towards the Lunar building and my traitorous legs went willingly beneath me.

My heartbeat thundered in my ears, and my limbs trembled with fear.

Darius Acrux had me in his clutches and I was completely at his mercy.

SETH HAD COAXED me into a few dances but I'd finally escaped, slipping outside The Orb to get some air. I was hot all over and had a knot in my stomach that kept warning me against Seth. I had to stop letting him draw me closer. I was starting to think maybe he wasn't so bad. And that was a dangerous position to put myself in.

He'll cut your heart out and eat it raw.

I circled the building away from the few students who were milling outside then pressed my back to the cool metal wall of The Orb and shut my eyes. I just needed a moment alone and some fresh air to knock sense back into me.

Goosebumps rose on my arms as the wind swept around me. I drank in the quiet and made a mental plan to go back inside and spend the rest of the evening with my friends. Something in Seth’s wolf nature coaxed out a willingness in me I didn’t like. When I was with him, I fell into the trap of his touches and stares like I was just another dog in his pack. One he could prompt and guide simply by being an Alpha.

A tingling feeling on my neck told me someone was approaching and I quickly opened my eyes. My heart squeezed with a mixture of emotions as I expected to find Seth, but Orion stood there instead.

“Oh,” I breathed, a note of dread in my voice. The lamppost behind him meant he was cast in shadow and I was entirely encased within it too.

I glanced down the path, finding us completely alone.

Not good.

I pushed off of the wall, intending to try and make a fast escape but he stepped into my way.

“Professor,” I warned, though I knew it was pointless. If he was here to bite me then I didn't have much choice but to let him. I couldn’t imagine he was here for any other reason. He wasn’t exactly going to kill me at the Academy formal…right?

His hand fell to my waist for the briefest of moments and his fingers pinched the material of my dress.

I sucked in a breath as goosebumps rushed across my skin which no longer had anything to do with the cold air. He extracted his hand and we shared this look that said we both knew he shouldn't have done it.

His breath rolled over me. One bourbon? Maybe two. The gleam in his beautifully dark eyes said he was letting loose tonight. But what did letting loose look like for him? It must have been so exhausting being as angry as he was all the time. And I wondered for a moment what caused such a deep, unworldly rage in him. But it definitely wasn't the time for those sorts of thoughts. If Orion was in a bad mood – which seemed to be a pretty much permanent fixture – then I needed to get away.

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