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Confessions on the 7:45(19)

Author:Lisa Unger

But before all that—what had she wanted to do? What had she wanted to be?

A writer.

For the first time since last night, she let herself cry. She turned on the television and buried her face in a big soft pillow and let it rip. All her anger, sorrow, the fatigue of holding it all in, her fear for what came next released into the cotton. When she was done, she felt better, cleansed.

She needed to think, figure out what to do.

Her phone lay dark and silent on the comforter next to her. Who could she call? Who should she call? No one. Her sweet mother. Her perfect sister. Her successful friends. Who could she tell what a shambles her life was about to become? The only person she wanted to call was Will, her ex, the man who she’d left for Graham. Improbably, they were still friends. Good friends. She could call him; she knew that. He’d be happy she did. A little too happy. It was a bad idea. She didn’t call anyone.

She thought again about the woman from the train. Martha, that was her name. Her confessor. She felt like maybe she would tell Martha what had happened. What would she say? Not that she had any way to reach the other woman.

On the dresser was a photograph of Graham, Oliver, Stephen and Selena, a family portrait taken at a low point in their marriage. It had been sheer chaos getting everyone dressed and out the door to the park to meet the professional photographer. Stephen wailed the whole way there. Graham thought it was a stupid expense, groused about that, about traffic, snapped at the boys. It was miserable. But everyone managed to pull it together for the session, fake smiles plastered on bright.

“Don’t worry,” said the photographer, an older woman with a wild head of curls and a wise smile. She must have sensed their stress levels, though Selena had tried to hide it. “It will be worth it.”

She meant more than the photo session, gave Selena a warm squeeze on the arm.

When the photos came back, they were perfect. All of them looking blissfully happy, she and Graham in love, the boys like little angels. She chose one for their photo Christmas card; everyone raved about it. The photographer was right, Selena thought when the proofs arrived. It’s all worth it.

What a fraud, she thought now, holding the portrait. She wanted to smash it. Instead she placed it down again, lay back on the bed, blanked out staring at the screen. Game of Thrones—everyone beautiful, draped in leather, smoldering, urgent with the approach of war. She let herself escape into that beautiful, dangerous fantasy world for a while. Dragons. Dirty sex. The Three-Eyed Raven. An army of undead soldiers. All of it way more manageable than real life.

Then she heard something, turned down the volume on the TV.

The security alarm was set; she’d done that before they came up.

Walking out into the hallway, she was greeted by quiet.

At the landing, she paused and listened, then went down. She checked the front door—locked. Alarm still armed and active. Back door closed and locked. Selena checked each window on the first floor, moving room to room. There’d never been a break-in in this neighborhood that she knew of.

But what the woman on the train said was true, wasn’t it? Bad things happen all the time. Randomly. When you least expect it.

At the top of the stairs, a slim figure hovered. A scream crept up her throat.

For a terrible, reality-altering second, she thought it was the woman from the train.

“Mom.” It was Oliver. “I heard something.”

Relief flooded her system as she climbed the stairs. At the top, she took his shoulders. “You scared me, buddy.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Back to bed.”

“Stephen’s snoring. Can I sleep with you?”

She looked into those wide, dark eyes. Her little old soul. He came out of the womb staring at her. Stephen wailed and fussed, wouldn’t nurse, was colicky and a general pain. But Oliver had been her angel baby, her kindred spirit. When she looked at him, sometimes when he wasn’t being a troublemaker and a con, she saw all the layers of past, present and future. Who he was before he was born, who she had been, the man he’d become, who they’d be together, and long after they were both gone.

They climbed into the big bed, and she teddy-bear-hugged him, relishing the warmth of his little body, the role of mother that allowed her to back-burner everything else.

“I heard you and Dad fighting last night,” he said when she thought he was asleep.

She thought about denying it. Then, “I’m sorry.”

She thought the boys had slept through it. But really, how could they have? It was epic.

“It sounded like you hated each other,” said Oliver.

She felt a dump of sadness in her middle. “No.”

“You said that. You said, ‘I hate you, Graham.’ You said you wished you’d never married him. That you should have married Uncle Will.”

Shit. Had she said that? That was low, and not exactly true.

“Let me ask you a question,” she said. “Do you and Stephen fight all the time?”


“Do you tell him that you hate him?”


“Do you mean it?”

He didn’t answer right away. “I guess not.”

“Just sometimes when you get so mad, so frustrated, you say things that you don’t mean, right?”

“I guess.”

“That’s what happened with me and your dad last night. I’m sorry you had to hear that.”

She remembered what it felt like to listen to her parents fight. She and her sister used to cling to each other while their parents raged. She remembered—she felt helpless, powerless, afraid. That’s how she’d made Oliver feel. God, that was terrible. She hated Graham, she did. And she hated herself.

She stroked her son’s silky hair; his forehead felt hot.

He was quiet a moment, his chest rising and falling with his breath.

“Zander’s parents are getting a divorce,” he said softly. “He says he gets two birthday parties and two Christmases now.”

“Okay.” She didn’t know who Zander was.

“I don’t want two birthdays,” he said.

“I understand.”

“So where is Dad?”

“Boys’ weekend. I told you.”

The lie hung between them.

“Okay, I think he’s at Uncle Joe’s,” she admitted finally. That’s usually where Graham went when they needed a break, to his brother’s bachelor pad.

“I think he’s outside,” said Oliver.

“What?” she asked. “What do you mean?”

“I think he’s sitting in his car across the street.”

Selena got up and went to the window. Sure enough, there was Graham, sitting in their SUV across the street. She bit back an intense roil of anger, of annoyance. What the fuck? She told him that she needed time and space to think. That he should stay away. That she’d make an excuse for the boys and he could call on Saturday to talk to them. But, of course, he was going to do whatever he wanted. Because that was Graham. He didn’t respect or even understand that other people had boundaries and only bullies pushed through them.

When she was a young woman, out of college, working, and her mother had finally confessed to Selena and her sister the true scope of their father’s many affairs, Selena pretended to understand why her mother had stayed so long.

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