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Dead Drop (The Guild #2)(2)

Author:Tate James

His dangerous green gaze locked on mine as I struggled against him, but he had me tight. No way in hell was Leon a tech bunny. He was, dare I say, better than me. And that terrified me.

“I said drop it, DeLuna,” he ordered me again, his fingers crushing the bones of my wrist even harder until I no longer had a choice. My fingers loosened involuntarily, and the knife fell to the carpeted floor with a dull thump.

A deliciously evil smile curved his lips. “Good girl.”

Oh fuck. He did not just say that. I officially needed professional help, because his mocking praise nearly made me come.

“Jesus, Leon,” I groaned. “You’re so fucking hard right now, it’s really making it difficult to remember what we’re doing here.”

He wet his lips. “What are we doing here?”

I gave a shaking laugh, holding his gaze. He had me all off balance and so fascinated in learning who Leon Marx really was. The fact that he could match me in a fight? Like my best sex dream come to life.

“I’m pretty sure I was about to kick your ass, then disappear into the night with my head still firmly attached to my neck,” I informed him. “You think I can’t kill you without a knife?”

His smile spread wide. “I know you can. But you have no idea who you’re up against this time.”

My breathing was way too quick. My skin far too warm. I should be firmly in the grasp of fight instinct, but the adrenaline coursing through my veins was in no hurry to end this tête-à-tête.

“I’ve never faced an opponent I couldn’t best, Marx,” I responded, fighting the urge to kiss him. He was so close, his hot, strong body pressed tight to mine. I hadn’t been exaggerating when I said his dick was hard; it was throbbing against my lower belly with how he had me pinned. But my pussy wasn’t exactly the Sahara right now, either. Apparently, we both enjoyed the life-or-death dance we were engaged in.

Before he could offer a witty response, I dropped. Letting my knees crumple and my shoulders turn to jelly, I slithered free of his hold before he could adjust his grip suitably. Then I popped back up and slammed my elbow into the side of his head before bolting for the stairs.

“Dammit, Danny!” Leon shouted after me as I flew down the steps in just a few long strides, my toes barely touching the ground between each leap. “You can’t run from me.”

“Watch me, asshole!” I shouted back, racing for the kitchen. It had a door that led to his garage, which housed snowmobiles and weather appropriate coats. It’d suck pretty hard to get away and then die of hypothermia for being naked in fucking Alaskan winter.

He caught me before I got to the door, this time picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. If I was paying more attention, I might think he wasn’t actually trying to kill me. But the sting of the cut on my throat and the crust of blood on my skin reminded me that this wasn’t a game. Or… not any game I’d ever played before.

I slammed my fist into the small of his back, making his knees buckle and his hold on me loosen just enough that I slipped free again. He was between me and escape now, though, so I darted into the living room to grab a weapon. Any weapon.

Leon laughed when I picked up a decorative vase and tested its weight in my hand. “Danny, you’re being ridiculous,” he told me. “Why don’t we—”

Whatever he was going to suggest, I cut him short as I threw the vase at his head. He ducked at the last second, and it soared over him, smashing against the wall in a highly dramatic shattering of glass.

“Great,” I huffed, “now I’m going to end up cutting my feet when I run through there.”

Leon snorted. “You’ll never make it that far, DeLuna.”

He clearly had enough of toying with me, because this time when he rushed at me, it was like being hit by a moving tower of bricks. The air knocked from my lungs, but I still fought with everything I had until he got an arm around my neck and my wrists locked up behind my back.

“I thought you were better than this,” he mocked me, using the back of the couch to trap me as he reinforced his submission hold on me. Fucking hell, I’d seriously underestimated Leon Marx. His thick forearm banded across my trachea, compressing my breathing but not choking me out. Not yet.

“I thought you were a hacker,” I retorted, then groaned as his hips pushed me into the back of the sofa. “You’re not seriously still turned on right now.”

Leon gave a hum of amusement, his choke hold around my neck loosening even as his hold on my wrists secured tighter. “You say that as if you’re not turned on right now, DeLuna.” He traced a gentle finger over the shallow gash on my neck, then leaned in to kiss my skin. The hot flick of his tongue made me suck a short gasp and shudder with intense desire. Fuck yes I was turned on, but I was also trying to maintain a little perspective.

“Dammit, Leon,” I groaned as he kicked my feet apart.

“Stop me, if you really want to,” he dared me. “I know you’re capable.”

I was. But I didn’t want to. I really, badly didn’t want to stop him.

Leon gave a small groan, then I cried out as his cock slammed into my aching pussy. I was soaking wet already, but he was thick enough to give an edge of pain with the pleasure. Utterly perfect.

His grip on my wrists bit deeper, like he was permanently imprinting his touch into my skin as he reared back and slammed in again, hitting me deeper as I bent over the back of the couch.

“Holy fuck,” I gasped as he fucked into me with ferocity, making me see stars. “Yes. Oh shit. Leon…” His name left my mouth in a moaning plea, and my pussy gripped his cock hard with every stroke.

He muttered curses of his own as he fucked me stupid, his body slapping against my ass and pushing me harder and harder into the couch. If it weren’t for how tight he held my wrists, I’d have already toppled over because my balance was shot.

“Are you gonna come for me like this, DeLuna?” he asked in a breathless, husky voice that made my nipples tighten. “Are you gonna come all over my cock while blood still runs down your neck?”

I shuddered with the first threads of an orgasm. “Fuck yes,” I gasped.

Leon wasn’t even slightly put off by how fucked up that was. Hell, he was even more messed up than me, because his movements became more forceful, more desperate at my response.

Then he swore and pulled out abruptly. Releasing my wrists, he spun me around with dizzying speed and lifted me with his hands under my butt. Two seconds later, my ass was on the cold stone of the kitchen island, and Leon’s dick was buried back inside me once more.

Seeking balance, I leaned back on my hands, and Leon’s heated gaze flared as he took in my naked body splayed out in front of him. Then his attention locked on where we joined. At the slick movement of his cock pounding my pussy.

I watched as he dragged his lower lip between his teeth, his chest rising and falling with harsh breaths as he stared. Then my climax began to crest, and his eyes darted up to my face.

Tossing my head back, I let the orgasm take me, sweep me up in its intoxicating embrace and totally shatter the world around me for just a few precious moments. My cunt tightened, and wave after wave of heady euphoria rolled through me as Leon grunted and fucked me harder, prolonging my pleasure.

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