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Dead Drop (The Guild #2)(71)

Author:Tate James

Kai seemed to have the most impeccable timing in the entire freaking world, choosing that exact moment to return home loaded with grocery bags.

“I’m back!” he called out, and I gave a squeak of surprise. He dropped his bags into the kitchen while I frantically tried to think about how to explain Kai to Jude, but he took the decision straight out of my hands.

He leaned over the back of the couch that Sabine and I were sharing, grabbing me by the throat and kissing me like he’d been gone for a month rather than two hours. Oh fuck, I couldn’t think when his tongue was exploring my mouth like that.

He released me with a hungry sound, then kissed my nose. “I’m making dinner. Sabine, are you allergic to anything?”

My friend, staring at us with wide eyes and an open mouth, shook her head quickly. “Nope, I’ll eat anything!”

Kai looked between us and gave a satisfied nod. “Good.” Then he seemed to notice Jude on the camera screen clutched in Sabine’s hand. “Oh, hello there.”

“Hiiiiii,” Jude replied, her eyes bright with curiosity. “Who are you?”

Snapping out of my Kai-induced haze, I snatched the phone out of Sabine’s hand. “Oh shit, sorry, Mackenzie, looks like we’re breaking up. Bad reception. Talk later, byeee.”

My finger stabbed at the end call button, and Kai arched a brow at me in question.

“Fuck off,” I growled at him and Sabine who was red-faced and shaking with silent laughter. “I need a refill.” I snagged our empty glasses from the table and stalked through to the kitchen with Kai following close behind. I was so conscious of his proximity it was like my skin was tingling.

“Actually, none for me,” Sabby grimaced, joining us in the kitchen and waving her phone. “I had a missed call from Maxine while we were talking to Jude.”

“Is she another friend?” Kai asked, unloading his groceries.

Sab shook her head. “My boss, sort of. She’s in charge of the dancers across all the clubs here in Shadow Grove. Choreography and costumes and shit. Anyway, if she’s calling, then I better get out of here.” She grabbed me in a tight hug, squeezing hard enough to make my ribs hurt. “Stay safe, okay? Thank you for dealing with that guy last night. I owe you one.”

I hugged her back, a ripple of worry running through me. “Just hurry up and finish whatever you’re working on here, okay? Then you, me, and Jude can take a vacation.”

Sabine beamed. “Sounds perfect. Bye, Hercules!”

Kai’s response was just an arched brow, and Sabine chuckled as she pulled her hoodie back on and zipped it up. Blowing me a kiss, she slipped out of the house and into the night, on her way back to her false life as a stripper and whore.

I watched her go from the window, and Kai wrapped his strong arms around me from behind, offering comfort that I hadn’t even realized I needed.

“Are you okay, Siren?” he asked gently, kissing my shoulder.

I jerked a nod. “Yeah. Fine. Just… can’t shake the feeling something bad is going to happen soon. I really hope this isn’t the last time I see her.”

Kai held me tighter, not offering empty promises. I liked that. A lot.


Danny was so different with her friend. She was calmer and more relaxed. Her smiles and laughter were genuine and full of joy… I couldn’t make myself stay away for long. I went into town and bought some supplies, then immediately returned. I watched them for a few minutes, chatting on video call with their third musketeer, and my chest physically hurt with how perfect my girl was.

I loved that she could have this moment of normalcy with her friends on Christmas Eve. Though I doubted she was much for celebrating the holidays.

Eventually I cracked, unable to lurk any longer. I needed to touch her. Kiss her.

“Sabine seems nice,” I commented while Danny helped me chop vegetables for the stir-fry I was making us. “You guys have been friends for a long time?”

She nodded. “Ages. Her and Jude are like the sisters I never had.”

“I’d love to meet Jude sometime. I’m guessing they’re the fake friends you told me about back on my island? What did you call them? Janet and Sarah?”

Danny snickered a laugh. “Yeah, that’s them.”

“See?” I murmured. “You weren’t lying as much as you thought you were. All you did was change their names.”

She had nothing to say to that, just glancing at me from under her dark lashes and continuing to chop the vegetables I’d given her. For a while, we worked in comfortable silence as I gave her little chores to assist me in making dinner.

When everything was in the wok to cook, my phone started vibrating on the island countertop. I barely even glanced at it over my shoulder and asked Danny to answer it for me.

She looked confused by the request, but I had nothing to hide from her. The only people who’d be calling me on that phone were my team, and they knew I was here with her.

“It’s Mo,” Danny announced, then answered the call on speaker phone for me, bringing the device over to where I stood at the stove.

“Malachi, you little shit,” my sister’s voice barked from the phone, “you promised you would call when you arrived, and you fucking haven’t. Now I hear that you called Eli this morning and not me? What the fuck, bro?”

I winced, still stirring the food in the wok. “Sorry, Mo,” I replied with a small groan. “Technically Eli called me. I was just… busy.”

My sister scoffed. “Oh, I fucking bet. Can Danny actually walk today or what?”

My eyes shot to Danny’s, and she gave my phone a horrified glance. “She can hear you, Mo. You’re on speakerphone.”

“Oh shit,” Mo yelped. “Sorry. Um, hey, Danny.”

“Hi, Mo,” Danny replied, running a hand through her hair. “You know what? I’m just going to give you guys a minute. I need a shower anyway.”

“Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes,” I said, leaning over to kiss her quickly before she could escape the kitchen.

Mo gave a mock gagging sound on the phone, and I watched Danny go, her perfect ass swinging in a way that made me eager to end this call sooner rather than later. Now I was picturing her in the shower, all wet and slippery… alone…

“Kai, we need to talk about what to do now,” Mo said in a hard voice. “It feels like you’ve totally forgotten all the work we’ve done to take down the Guild’s fucked up baby stealing bullshit. How many other women like me are still losing their children to the Guild every day we delay?”

I gave a long sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose. “I know, Mo. I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch, but as it turns out, Danny might have made some progress for us.”

“Really? Why? What has she found out?”

I hesitated, the information about Leon’s ex-girlfriend sitting on the tip of my tongue. But if I told her, that would bring my whole team to town. And I wasn’t ready to go back to business just yet. Things were so volatile with Danny and Leon… I couldn’t afford to lose any more ground with her. If I left again, he would win. I was sure of it.

Licking my lips, I made a choice. “I’m not sure yet. Give us a few days, and hopefully I’ll have something good. Have you had any more contact from our mole in the Guild?”

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