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Den of Vipers(63)

Author:K.A Knight

“Or I might use them on D.” I grin, and Diesel shivers.

“Please do, Little Bird,” he murmurs.

“You two are messed up.” Garrett rolls his eyes, but there’s a smile on his lips.

Vipers’ girl indeed.

Ryder and Kenzo feed me enough to have me lying on the sofa, unable to move, and I end up napping there with my feet in Ryder’s lap as he strokes my toes, his other hand on his phone. My head is in Kenzo’s lap, and Diesel is lying on the floor next to me, his hand reaching up to grab mine. Garrett sits on the other sofa, but he doesn’t leave, which is a plus. When I wake up, everyone but Garrett is gone.

Stretching, I yawn and look around. “Shit, how long was I out?”

Garrett glances up from the blade he’s sharpening and puts it away, leaning back as he watches me. “A few hours, you needed it.” He gets to his feet and stretches, his shirt riding up to expose his abs, and I can’t help but stare.

He catches my ogling and must think I’m staring at his scars, because he shuts down, his eyes darkening. “You ready to try your new gun?” he offers, but he seems distant now.

“Sure.” I get up and slip my shoes on. “Do we need to drive there?”

He grunts and heads of out the front door, so I follow after him, my new gun in tow. He heads to the elevator, not speaking to me the whole way down, and I know I need to rectify this shit before he goes back to hating me fully, but as I go to talk, the elevator door opens and he strides out.

Sighing, I follow him, but I freeze when he leads me into what looks like a fucking shooting range. What the hell? What else are they hiding in this building?

“You have your own shooting range?” I scoff.

He shrugs as he sets up. “We have everything we need in the building—a gym, a restaurant, a shop. It’s a self-sufficient tank.”

I move his way, and he drops earmuffs on my head. “Have you ever shot a gun before?”

I nod. “Once or twice, Rich taught me, but…well, nowhere like this. We shot in the forest.”

“Rich?” he echoes, peering down at me.

“He owned Roxers,” I inform him, and then look away. “He—my dad owed him some money, and I got a job there to clear his debt, but, well, I loved it, and Rich took me under his wing. When I left home, I had nowhere to go, so he gave me a home, a place to stay. He helped me. Rich was a good man.”

“What happened?” he asks softly.

I gulp and stare at the gun. “He died.” I suck in a breath and look at him. “So, how do I do this?”

He shows me how to stand and the proper way to hold the gun before letting me fire off a few shots. He corrects my stance a few times before allowing me to continue firing until I’m grinning again. Stopping, I flick on the safety and take off my earmuffs, looking at him as he stands next to me. He avoids my gaze though. Apart from talking about Rich, he still seems pissed about the staring.

Alright then, guess it’s up to me to fix this. No way am I letting our truce break over a misunderstanding.

“You going to glare all night or fucking talk to me?” I snap, cocking out my hip.

He grinds his teeth but ignores me. “Dude, get some balls. What’s wrong?”

He snarls, “Sorry my scars disgust you, fucking princess. Time to go back upstairs.”

Pressing the gun to his chin, I narrow my eyes. “I don’t give a fuck what you think about your scars, Garrett, but you will listen to me. I love them, they make me feel better about mine. Each one was earned, and it shows you survived something most others wouldn’t. When I see them, I’m reminded how strong you are, and honestly, they don’t detract from your hotness, but add to it. I was staring earlier at your fucking abs, okay? Wondering if it would be weird if I licked them.”

He freezes, his eyes wide. “What?”

“You saw what you wanted to see in my eyes—disgust, because it would make it easier to keep pushing me away.” I sigh. “We have a truce, Garrett, so if you’re mad at me, just talk to me, okay?”

“Did you love him?” he inquires, throwing me off. I must look as confused as I feel because he clarifies, “Rich.”

“I did, not the way you’re thinking, but like a father. It seems older men don’t really do it for me. I prefer snarky assholes who kidnap me.” I grin.

He smirks then, pressing closer to the gun, our bodies almost touching, and it sends a spike of heat through me. I want Garrett, I even told him that, and he clearly wants me, but something is stopping him, holding him back. Knowing it’s a stupid move, I open my mouth. “What happened to your chest?”

He freezes, his eyes darkening and body hardening. He asked me, and I told him about myself, so why can’t he trust me just a little? He pulls away and turns. “Put the gun away, we’ll go back before the others get home.”

“So that’s it? I get some snarled words, I bare my pain to you, and all I get is locked out?” I snap. “You don’t get to do that to me, I’m not asking for anything but the past.”

He snarls and spins around, his body heaving. He looks massive right now. “You’re asking too much!” he yells. “My pain is my own. I didn’t ask for yours, nor do I want it. You might have the others, but you will never have me.”

“Fuck you!” I shout. “You can’t try to cut down people’s walls and get into their heart without showing yours, that’s not how it fucking works, you asshole!”

“Who said I wanted in your heart?” he murmurs, leaning his head down, his voice cruel. “I don’t even want in your knickers. You’re trying to mistake lust for love, love,” he mocks. “As soon as they’re bored of you, they will toss you aside like all the others.”

I jerk back at that…is he right? “Fine, they might. I can manage on my own, but until then, I’m here. I’m one of you—”

“You will never be one of us. Just because you open your legs, it doesn’t make you our equal,” he roars, and I actually fall back from the venom in his tone. This ain’t Garrett anymore, this is a wild animal lashing out at everyone and everything because he’s scared, scared I was getting too close. Scared to get hurt. “You are nothing more than a debt.”

“I hate you,” I hiss.

“I hate you too,” he snarls, and without another word, he storms off, leaving me there wondering if everything he said is true.

I stare after him before turning and grabbing the earmuffs, taking my anger out on the target. I fire again and again until I’m panting and filled with more questions than answers. Leaning against the wood partition, I hang my head. I shouldn’t have pushed him, he wasn’t ready…but the shit he said…

Is he right?

“Don’t you dare let him get in your head. Garrett is many things—a fighter, a killer, and yes, an asshole—but he’s not right. Not this time,” Ryder murmurs, and I feel him press against my back. He heard all that? I didn’t even hear him come in. “He’s scared, love, scared that you are one of us, that you fit so easily…scared what that means to him, and he lashes out. He didn’t mean what he said, and you know you are more than a quick lay.”

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