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Den of Vipers(98)

Author:K.A Knight

Just then, my phone goes off. I’m torn between hugging my bat and answering, but when it buzzes again, I place my bat down and yank it out of my pocket…yes, that’s right, bitches, my dress has pockets. Ain’t anything better. You can hide snacks and weapons so easily.

Mardyfucker: I need your help, meet me at Hotel Mors.

I reread the text with a frown. If Garrett needs me, it must be serious. Peeking over the balcony, I look at the security dudes. I’m not stupid enough to go without them, he would get mardy. “Yo, big dudes, we’re rolling out.”

“Miss, we have been told for you to stay—” One of them starts.

I hold up my phone. “Garrett texted me, he needs our help, come on, autobots, unite!” I call, making one of them snort.

One of them pulls out their phone as I head downstairs. “Ryder isn’t answering. Okay, we go, but at the first sight of any trouble, we’re out of there. I don’t want to be killed because of this,” he mutters.

“You got it, big dude, and thanks to your body, I now have some new toys to take.” I grin, holding up the guns.

He winces. “They’re going to murder me.”

“Nah, okay, maybe, but they would make it quick.” I shrug as I strap on my weapons like a badass.

Female John Wick.

Lady Wick…nah, that sucks, I’ll come up with a kickass name on the way.

Chapter Forty-Three


This is probably a bad idea, but I’m aching to get out, to help them. I’m not the sitting on the sidelines type, so I jump at the chance. I do, however, bring the security guys as backup and let them call some of the shots to let them think they are in charge. It’s cute how flustered they get when I don’t listen.

I’m also strapped with weapons, guns, and knives, some I’ve stolen. I almost snigger at that. I can’t carry my bat discreetly, so I leave her behind. I do pull on the closest pair of heels though, not wanting to waste time finding my boots, and then we’re on the move.

The hotel is downtown, and we get caught in some traffic on the way. They continue to try and ring Ryder, but he doesn’t answer, which is not surprising, considering he was going into a meeting. We pull up outside, and they frown at it. “I don’t like this,” one of the mutters.

I sigh, looking around. “Maybe you’re right. I don’t see him anywhere, and no way am I walking my ass into a random building from a text. I’m not fucking stupid.”

I try to ring him, but it goes to voicemail. Shit, what if something is wrong? “What do you want—” I get cut off by bullets.

“Down!” one of them screams.

I throw myself on the backseat, shielding my head as more bullets fly and glass shatters. I feel it sprinkle over my back, and then it all stops. Pushing myself up, I stare into the front, gasping when I find my guards dead with bullets in their heads. Fuck. Grabbing my gun, I debate getting into the footwell, but if someone rips open the door, I’ll be a sitting duck. I crawl across the backseat, open the door, and slip out, using the car for cover. Searching my pockets for my phone, I swear when I come up empty. It must have fallen out, but it’s too late to go back for it. I raise the gun, flick off the safety, and wait.

I can hear an engine, but it’s quiet, and then boots. Peeking under the car, I see four pairs heading straight for me. Fuck. This wasn’t random, this was planned, and someone got a hold of Garrett’s phone to lure me here. Fucking stupid, Roxy! I hope he’s okay, but I don’t have time to worry about him. I need to worry about myself and get my ass out of here.

I wait until they open the door before I make a break for it, heading to an alley at the side of the hotel. I run as fast as I can, pumping my arms, my old days running from the police as a rough sleeper coming back to me.

Fuck, fuck.

I hear boots behind me, followed by their yells. I round the alley and almost scream. There’s a fucking fence at the end. Fuck this. I refuse to go down without a fight. Ducking behind a bin, I wait. One of them runs right past me, and I slip out, firing as I go. He crumples easily, and I look back to see three more men in fucking bike helmets coming at me. Taking off again, I aim straight for the fence.

I got this. I throw myself at it and start to climb. I slip, cutting my fingers, but I harness the pain with a growl and drag myself up. A shot goes wide, and I flinch, but carry on going as they shout.

“Don’t fucking shoot, we need her alive!”

Well, that’s something at least.

Throwing my leg over the top, I yell as a hand grabs my ankle. I look down into the helmet and use the gun like a bat, smashing it across the visor. It shatters, and he tumbles from the fence to the alley below. Using the distraction, I heave myself over the top and land on my knees, forcing myself quickly to my feet, my heels catching in a fucking hole. I don’t have time to stop, however, because they’re coming. I can hear the clink of the fence as they climb it.

My breathing is loud as I push into a sprint, but I can still hear them behind me, their boots loud. Hell fucking no. I’m not going down like this, not now, not ever. I didn’t survive all this shit to die in a goddamn alley.

“Stop!” comes the yell.

I snort, like that will work. I pump my arms harder. The alley breaks up ahead into what looks like a parking lot. From there, I can run into the road, lose them in traffic, and get away. But they are too close, my heels slowing me down. An arm grabs me.

Not bothering to scream, knowing no one will help me, I stomp on his foot and kick back. He falls away, and I turn, firing as I go. He goes down hard, and remembering my stance, I lock my arms and fire at the other two, but they duck behind more bins. The slide locks back, empty, and I curse, knowing I don’t have any other bullets with me. I have knives, but they will have to be close for that.

I drop the gun and take off again. I can hear them catching up, they are too fast. I won’t have a chance to get to the road, so I turn into the parking lot and duck behind a car, breathing heavily as I try to stay quiet while I crouch. Reaching down, I palm two blades.

If they thought I was going to be an easy target, they have another thing coming. Someone will have heard the shots and the police will be here soon. I just have to take down these two assholes and get free and back to the guys.

“Go that way!” one of them screams. They’re splitting up, which makes it easier for me. I crouch walk to the boot of the car and peer around it. One of them is heading the other way, but one is looking around and under cars, growing closer to me.

Steadying my breathing, I hold tight, waiting for the right moment to pounce. I only have one shot at this. They are bigger and have weapons. I don’t have my bat or familiar surroundings, so I need to make this quick.

Come on, motherfucker, just a bit closer. Tightening my hand on the blade, I wait for him to round the back of the car, his head turned slightly away. Then, I strike, fast and low. He doesn’t even get his gun up before the blade is in his leg. He drops with a scream as I yank it out and, with a war cry, land on his chest and stab him again and again.

When he stops jerking, I grab his gun and turn to get the other guy, but I’m too slow. Too fucking slow. I see the butt of the pistol coming just seconds before it hits me in the face, and then everything is dark.