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Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(135)

Author:Jay Kristoff

‘“Avinbourg is a ploy,” Astrid said. “Isabella’s army is marching to the wrong place.”


‘“Charinfel, then?”

‘I walked out onto the great map, along the Godsend, until my silver heels were at rest atop the southern cityfort. I could picture Greyhand and my fellows marching to the garrison’s aid. If Voss attacked Charinfel, he might well take it with only a thousand extra men and a handful of initiates to bolster it. But I was still uneasy.

‘“I fear it’s not that simple. It’s lies within lies with these leeches.”

‘“In death and truth, no truth I see, through blood and fire, now dance with me.” Astrid scowled. “This reads like child’s prose. I mean, honestly …”

‘“Mediocre poetry aside, the answer clearly lies within this riddle,” Chloe said.

‘“And I’ve not the eyes to see it,” I spat.

‘“Well, we must find the eyes. Perhaps this is why God brought us together.”

‘“Sisternovice, you’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.”

‘“Well, think!” Chloe cried. “Did Laure say anything that might prove a clue? Because while we stand here, the imperial army charges towards a battle that will never come, and if the Forever King makes it around the Godsend, all the empire is set to fall before his accursed host!”

‘Astrid and I looked to each other. And I saw the thought form in her eyes just as it spilled from my lips. “Host …”

‘“Chloe,” Astrid declared. “You’re a genius, ma chérie.”

‘“… I beg your pardon?”

‘“The angels of the host,” I whispered. And looking to the sisternovice, I began walking the length of the Godsend, stamping my heel upon each peak as I passed. “Each mountain is named for one! Sarai, Angel of Plagues. Evangeline, Angel of Temperance. And look here! Justice and Hope. Mercy and Bliss. Death and Truth. They’re pairs! Mountain passes!” I knelt by Mont Sanael and Mont Gabriel, the Angels of Blood and Fire. “Laure wasn’t just scouting our forces, she was looking for the best path to cross the mountains! One of Voss’s thralls said it in Coste. The Master comes. And blood and fire shall mark his passing!”

‘“The Forever King doesn’t intend to go around the Godsend,” Astrid breathed.

‘“The bastard’s going over it.” I stabbed the map with my finger. “Here, at the Twins.”

‘Chloe frowned. “But it’s the dead of winter. The wind atop the Godsend would freeze your blood to ice, and the snows lay a hundred feet thick. No army could cross it.”

‘“No living army. But our enemies are the Dead.”

‘Chloe stared at the map, her voice a whisper. “Almighty God …”

‘“We must send word to Isabella,” Astrid said.

‘“We must,” I nodded. “But Voss would’ve got his daughter’s message weeks ago. The Endless Legion is already on the move. Even if we send a rider now and the Golden Host comes about, they may not reach the Twins in time.”

‘“What do you propose?” Chloe asked.

‘“To stop them, of course.”


‘“The Brothers of the Hearth are still here. Argyle, Keeper Logan and others.”

‘“Nightswatchmen and blacksmiths?” Astrid demanded. “Against ten thousand wretched and Mothermaid only knows how many highbloods?”

‘I turned my eyes to the window, to the Cathedral beyond and the cells beneath. “There’s at least two other brothers in San Michon who can yet help me.”

‘“This is madness. This is absolute bloody foolishness!”

‘“Let’s just call it reckless.”

‘“Oh, pack that schoolboy smile a lunch, Gabriel de León!”

‘“If you’ve a better notion, I’m all ears, Majesty. We’ll send a rider to the Empress, to be sure. Another to Greyhand. But until word reaches them, the only people standing between Fabién Voss and the Nordlund are the three of us in this room.”

‘I stood and dusted off my hands.

‘“So if you’ll excuse me, mesdemoiselles, I have a prioress to wake.”’



‘TWO HOURS LATER, we stood in the snow outside San Michon’s stables, our breath winter white in the night air. I looked among our company, saw the weight of the world on every shoulder. Keeper Logan and Keeper Micah. A dozen blackthumbs from the Armoury. Archivist Adamo’s assistant, Nasir, a few kitchenhands, the two grooms, Kaspar and Kaveh. And of course, Baptiste and Aaron, newly freed from beneath the Cathedral.

‘Old Charlotte hadn’t taken kindly to having her vigil interrupted by my banging on the Priory door. But once Astrid and Chloe were back in their bedchambers, that’s exactly what I’d done. Charlotte had listened intently, her scarred expression darkening as I explained my fears, Voss’s strategy, the desperate counter I’d hatched, and my declaration that I’d need every man I could get. The likelihood of my plan proving anything but suicidal was almost none. But to her credit, the prioress had handed over the keys to Aaron and Baptiste’s cells with little resistance. And along with it, she gifted me a dozen phials of sanctus, dark as chocolat, sweet as honey.

‘“May Almighty God protect you, Initiate.”

‘“May he protect us all, Prioress.”

‘I stood beside young Kaveh now, pushing Laure’s crumpled map into his hand. His brother Kaspar was already ahorse. “Ride hard, Brothers. Kaspar, seek the Golden Host. Kaveh, you chase south after Greyhand. Swift as the wind.”

‘“Almighty God be with you, Little Lion.” Kaspar looked to his brother. “And us all.”

‘I squeezed Kaveh’s hand, spoke soft. ‘When you return, Brother, I’d have a quiet word. About you and Sister Aoife. On the odd chance I’m still alive, of course.”

‘The boy looked at me, his expression dark. But he nodded, just once.

‘“Go. Ride!”

‘I slapped the horses, whispered a prayer as the lads galloped into the night. Baptiste’s brother blackthumbs had loaded up our wagons, and I was checking the barrels within when the rumbling of iron chains caught my ear. Looking upwards, I saw the sky platform once more descending from the Cathedral.

‘I looked to Logan in question. “Keeper?”

‘“Nae ken, laddie,” the thin man growled.

‘The platform thumped to rest on the snow. Two dozen sisters from the Silver Sorority stood upon it, clad in winter greatcoats and silver-heeled boots – raided from the Armoury, no doubt. They carried wheellock rifles, horns of black ignis, pouches of silvershot. Charlotte, Sister Esmeé, Chloe Sauvage among them. And strangest of all, Astrid.

‘“Prioress? What is this?”

‘“Exactly what it appears, Initiate.”

‘A murmur rippled among the men as I met Charlotte’s eyes. “Prioress, I—”

‘“I am not here for debate, Initiate de León. In the absence of Abbot Khalid and Seraph Talon, I am senior luminary of this monastery. You once told me silversaints could not serve their purpose without the sisterhood. I wholeheartedly concur. And if your fears prove true, by the blessed Mothermaid, you shall need all the help you can find.”