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Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(187)

Author:Jay Kristoff

‘“Sweet Mothermaid …” one of the ’saints whispered. “What was that?”

‘I looked to the four of them, silverclad in the cold. One was a Sūdhaemi youngblood I’d no knowing of, dark of skin and black of eye. But the other three, I knew from days of glory. Big de Séverin, the bear of the Blood Dyvok ablaze on his chest, and his mug’s face split in a stupid smile. Sly little Fincher, a gleam in his mismatched eyes as he lifted the silver carving fork his grandmama had gifted him, flashing me a rogue’s grin as he twirled it between his fingers. And last, of course, the one I knew best of all.

‘He was older now; ever skin and bone, hair that was once dirty straw now almost grey. But still, he’d charged with all the faith and fury of his youth, a silversteel longblade in his one good fist, and righteous fury burning in his one good eye.

‘“Greyhand …” I whispered.

‘“Gabriel de León,” my old mentor breathed. “By the Mothermaid and all Seven Martyrs, I never thought to see you alive again …”

‘“How in the name of God did you find us?”

‘He lifted his good arm, and the snow hawk that had been circling above alighted on his wrist. “Old Archer passed a few years back. This is Winter. She’s been following you since before you reached Aveléne.”

‘“But how did you know to even look for us?” the girl beside me asked.

‘I nodded to her by way of introduction. “This is Dior Lachance. She—”

‘“We know who she is,” Greyhand said.

‘“Gabe?” came a wild cry. “Dior?”

‘My heart dropped and rolled in my chest, Dior’s eyes lit up, and we both turned towards the shout. And stumbling down the frozen riverbank, among a cadre of Silver Sisters armed with wheellock rifles, I saw a face I never thought to see again.

‘“Sister Chloe!” Dior cried.

‘The girl broke into a limping run, and the little sister dashed across the ice, slipping in her haste. Dior slid as she tried to stop herself, tumbled into Chloe, and the pair fell again, laughing and weeping as Chloe whispered, “Merci, oh merci, Almighty God …”

‘“A river runner brought the good sister to San Michon weeks back,” Greyhand murmured. “He found her on the banks of the Volta, half drowned, mostly frozen. But he was a godly man, and he took it upon himself to carry her back to us. We thought she might not pull through, but her faith burns strong. And when she regained consciousness, S?ur Sauvage told us of your travels together, that you and the girl might yet live. And so, we sent our eyes to look for you, by all the roads you might travel.”

‘I smiled as I watched Dior and Chloe roll in the snow, my heart grown warm.

‘“Is it true, Gabe?” Fincher looked to me. “What Sister Chloe told us about the girl?”

‘“Is she truly the Grail of San Michon?” de Séverin asked.

‘I looked to the ruins of Danton’s corpse, shaking my head. “Her blood burned a Prince of Forever to ashes. Brought men back from the brink of death. If she’s not what Chloe says, then I’ve no other explanation for what she does.”

‘“Redeemer be praised,” Finch whispered, making the sign of the wheel.

‘“The end to daysdeath,” the youngblood breathed.

‘“… Maybe,” I sighed.

‘“It’s good to see you again.”

‘I looked towards Greyhand as he spoke, my jaw clenched. Reunited after all that time, I didn’t know what to feel. He’d been my teacher, this man. He’d saved my life, and I’d saved his in kind. And though in truth, I’d surpassed him in my days of glory, a part of every son will feel ever trapped in his father’s shadow. But there was still a gulf between us. Greyhand had been among those who ordered me to set Astrid aside, who’d passed judgement on me when I refused, who’d sent my love and me out into the cold and dark. And though I remembered Aaron’s words, though I was more conscious than ever that every moment of my life seemed to have been leading to this, that all I’d suffered and all I’d lost might simply have been so I could be the one to deliver Dior to San Michon, still, still …

‘“I wish I could say the same, Frère,” I murmured.

‘“Nae Frère,” Fincher said. “Nae longer. Greyhand stands as abbot now, Gabe.”

‘I looked to my old master in question. “Khalid?”

‘“His thirst grew too loud.” Greyhand signed the wheel. “He took the Red Rite four years back. God granted him the strength for a silversaint’s death.”

‘“Better to die a man than live a monster, eh?” I asked.

‘“You did it!”

‘I grunted as Chloe barrelled into me, throwing her arms around my neck in a fashion most unbecoming a sister of the Silver Sorority. But I caught her and laughed, the joy at seeing her alive overcoming the shadow on my heart at this strange reunion with the brotherhood who’d abandoned me. Chloe kissed my cheek, heedless of the blood and ashes, her eyes sparkling like cut crystal.

‘“I knew it!” she shouted, laughing and crying. “Did I not tell you all those years ago? Did I not say it then as now? God intended great things for you, mon ami. And you have done a greater service to this empire than any holy brother, any chevalier, any hero or emperor in all the pages of history!” She kissed me again, squeezing tight. “You’re a good man, Gabriel de León. The best of men.”

‘“He’s a bastard is what he is,” Dior grinned, limping towards us.

‘“Watch your tongue girl,” I growled, mock-serious. “I owe you a bollocking for breaking your promise to me. And you owe Aaron and Baptiste a sled and a team of dogs.”

‘Greyhand’s jaw twitched as he glanced downriver. “San Michon will compensate the Lord of Aveléne for his losses. You may give him my word when you return to the ch?teau.”

‘I frowned. “I’m not going back to Aveléne.”

‘Chloe nodded, climbing down from my neck. “Gabriel has business in the eas—”

‘“I’m not going east, either.” I glanced between the pair, a slow frown creasing my brow. “I’m going to San Michon with Dior.”

‘Chloe smiled soft, shaking her head. “Gabe, she’s safe with us now. You’ve done more than I could ever have asked, but there’s no need to trouble yours—”

‘“It’s nothing close to trouble.” I trudged across the ice to stand at Dior’s side. The light in my aegis had faded now, and the cold was creeping in. But as she slipped her hand into mine, I could still feel fire in my chest. “I’m not leaving her.”

‘“All is well, Sister,” Greyhand said. “Though we parted beneath a cloud, Gabriel served San Michon for long and storied years. ’Tis no sin to seat him at our table for a night. I’ve no doubt a few of our youngsters would like to meet the infamous Black Lion of Lorson.”

‘Not famous, I thought to myself. Infamous.