Home > Books > Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(44)

Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(44)

Author:Jay Kristoff

‘“He’s full of shit,” I spat, glowering at Chloe.

‘“No, Gabe.” Chloe winced as I wrapped her wound. “He knows where the Grail is. And the Forever King knows he knows. Why else would the Beast of Vellene be hunting us?”

‘I stared at the boy, thoughts at war in my head. This seemed the darkest shade of lunacy. The kind of rot that pulpit-riders feed children when they’re scared of the night. There was no magik spell, no holy prophecy that would bring an end to this darkness. This was our here and our now and our forever.

‘But apparently Fabién Voss believed. And if the Forever King was desperate enough to send his own children to hunt this boy …

‘Chloe stood with a grimace, flexing her bandaged arm, whispering thanks. And taking my hand gently, she drew me away so the others might not hear.

‘“This is a fool’s errand, Chloe Sauvage.”

‘“Then call me a fool, Gabriel de León.”

‘“I’ll call you that and more. Where do you plan to lead this pageant of fuckarsery?”

‘“San Michon.”

‘“San Michon? Have you taken leave of your senses? You’re taking these fucking children into the Nordlund? You’re never going to reach the monastery before wintersdeep sets in. Danton is going to find you, and when he does—”

‘“I need you, Gabriel. I told you, it’s not by accident we met again. For us to find each other after all these years, in the midst of all this dark … you have to see the hand of the Almighty at work here, you—”

‘“Fucksakes, give it a rest, Chloe. You’ve been bleating the same tune since Astrid dragged you into that Library seventeen years ago.”

‘Her scowl darkened. “I wish to God she was here, then. Azzie could always make your pigheaded, dim-witted, prettyboy arse see sense.”

‘I chuckled at the insults, despite myself. Scratching ruefully at my chin. “Making her husband see sense is the lot of every bride, it seems.”

‘Chloe’s eyes widened. “You’re … married?”

‘I lifted my hand to show the silver troth ring on my finger. “Eleven years.”

‘“Oh, Gabriel,” she whispered. “… Children?”

‘I nodded, eyes shining. “A daughter.”

‘“Sweet Redeemer.” Chloe’s blood-slicked hands slipped into my own. “Oh, merciful God in heaven, I’m so happy for you both, Gabe.”

‘I could see pure joy in her smile then. The kind of joy only the truest of friends feel, to learn their friends have found joy also. Her eyes brimmed with tears. And I remembered what a good heart she had, Chloe Sauvage. Better than mine ever was.

‘And then her smile slowly died. Her shoulders slumped, and she looked over her little band, bloodied and alone in the dark. I could see the road ahead in her eyes. The war-torn wastes of the Ossway. The barren hell of Nordlund beyond. The growing sea of darkness in which humanity’s light guttered like a candle, soon to be extinguished entirely.

‘Chloe hung her head. “I can’t ask you to risk all that.”

‘She released her grip, my tattooed hands falling away from her own.

‘“Tell Azzie hello for me. Tell her … tell her I’m happy for her.” Chloe sniffed and swallowed thickly, damp curls tumbling about freckled cheeks. “Adieu, mon ami.”

‘And she turned to walk away.

‘“… Chloe.”

‘She looked back at me, eyebrow raised. I opened my mouth to speak, not knowing yet what I’d say. And it seemed for a moment that everything stood poised on the edge of a knife. Those moments happen only once or twice in a lifetime. I could see two paths, either side of the blade. One where I helped this old friend of mine. And one where I left her to die.

‘“… I can ride with you awhile. See you to the Volta, at least.”

‘“I can’t ask you to do that, Gabe.”

‘“You didn’t ask. Which is why I’m offering.” I glanced around the ragged company, eyes settling on Dior. “Who am I to stand in the way of divine providence?”

‘“But Astrid … Your daughter …”

‘“They’ll understand. I’ll be back with them soon enough.”

‘I saw my words sink in, Chloe’s chest caving, all the weight she’d been carrying lifted from her shoulders. A sob slipped over her lips, smothered at once by a fierce grin. She threw her arms around my shoulders, so short she had to take a running leap. I tried not to laugh as she squeezed me tight, smooshed her lips to my cheek.

‘“You’re a good man, Gabriel de León.”

‘“I’m a bastard, is what I am. Now stop kissing me. You’re a nun for fucksakes.”

‘Chloe released her embrace. But still, she gave my hand one last squeeze, and all the light and life was shining once more in her eyes, just like when we were young. She looked up at the ceiling of that broken tower, tears spilling down her cheeks. And she put her hand to the sevenstar around her throat and whispered, “Almighty God be praised.”

‘I could see her joy, the relief of faith rewarded, and that faith itself, undimmed by toil or time. And for the briefest moment, I envied her more than anyone I’d ever met.

‘“What’s her name?”


‘“Your daughter,” Chloe urged. “What’s her name?”

‘I breathed deep, running my thumb over my knuckles.





Gabriel glanced up. ‘No?’

‘No, de León, this will not do.’

‘Will it not?’ Gabriel replied, eyebrow rising.

‘It will not.’ Jean-Fran?ois waved his quill as if vexed. ‘When last you mentioned her, this Rennier girl was but a novice sister in the monastery that trained you, and now I learn she became your wife? The mother of your child? It is my Empress’s will to know the whole of your tale.’

Gabriel reached into his battered britches, fished about under the monster’s stare. Finally, he retrieved a tarnished royale from his pocket. ‘Here.’

‘What is that for?’ Jean-Fran?ois demanded.

‘I want you to take this coin to market, and buy me a fuck to give.’

‘This is not the way stories are told, Silversaint.’

‘I know. But I’m hoping the suspense will kill you.’

‘You will take us back. Back to the walls of San Michon.’

‘Will I?’

The coldblood held up the phial of sanctus between forefinger and thumb.

‘You will.’

Gabriel stared for a long and silent moment. His jaw twitched, and he gripped the armrests of his chair so hard the wood creaked. It seemed for a second he might rise, might lash out, might let loose the terrible hatred that roiled deep and dark behind his eyes. But Marquis Jean-Fran?ois of the Blood Chastain was unperturbed.

Gabriel stared hard into the vampire’s eyes. Gaze drifting to the phial between those tapered fingertips. The bloodhymn was still sharp in him, but that didn’t mean his thirst was sated. One pipe wasn’t enough.

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