Home > Books > Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(52)

Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(52)

Author:Jay Kristoff

‘“As you like it. But I warn you not to interfere with my examination.”

‘Aaron sidled up to the alderman, spoke comforting words. Again, I saw that predatory gleam in his eyes, and de Blanchet’s resolve melting. Not for the first time, I found myself envious of my fellow palebloods. The power their fathers had given them. Control over beasts. Mastery of men’s minds. And there I stood, with little to do save stare.

‘Greyhand turned to Madame de Blanchet and opened the neck of her nightshift. The alderman tensed, Père Lafitte frowned, but neither spoke protest as Greyhand prodded the woman’s throat. Finding nothing amiss, he inspected her wrists, muttering softly.

‘I stood by one of the balcony doors, and as much as I wished to study Greyhand, it seemed improper to gawp at a sleeping woman in her nightwear. I cast my eyes to the floor. And there, between my boots, I spied a tiny, dark spot on the wood.

‘“Master Greyhand …”

‘He turned from the bed, saw me pointing.


‘Greyhand nodded, slipped his gloves back on. And with no further ceremony, he took hold of the woman’s nightshift, and tore it open.

‘Father Lafitte cried protest, and the alderman stepped forward. “Now see h—”

‘“I am here by order of Emperor Alexandre himself,” Greyhand snapped. “If the nature of your wife’s affliction is such as I fear, it may be that I can save her life. But not without risk to her modesty. So decide now, monsieur, which you hold more dear!”

‘De Coste patted the alderman’s arm. “All is well, monsieur.” And bristling with rage, de Blanchet stood down. It was a testament to Aaron’s craft that the man hadn’t already rebelled – if someone had stripped my wife half-naked in front of me, I’d be breaking their fucking skull open.

‘“Initiate de León, bring that light closer.”

‘I did as Greyhand commanded, holding a lantern above Madame de Blanchet. Parting the ruined nightshift, he began inspecting the woman’s sallow, naked body. But as soon as he placed one gloved hand on her breast, the alderman finally broke.

‘“This is an outrage!”

‘Aaron seized de Blanchet’s arm. “Calm yourself, monsieur.”

‘Père Lafitte stepped forward, “Please, Frère, I must insist—”

‘I turned to the priest, warned him to be still. The alderman shouted for his servants, and the room descended into chaos before Greyhand’s bellow split the air.


‘Our master looked to de Blanchet, his voice dark with loathing.

‘“Come see, monsieur.”

‘De Coste released his grip, and straightening his coat with an indignant huff, de Blanchet stalked to his wife’s bedside. Greyhand pointed as I held the lantern high. And there, in the dark flesh of Madame de Blanchet’s right nipple, we saw small, twinned scabs.

‘“There are more between her legs,” Greyhand said. “Hard to spot. But fresh.”

‘“Plague sores?” the priest whispered.

‘“Bite marks.”

‘“What in the name of Almighty God …” the alderman breathed.

‘“Did any visitors come to Skyefall around the time your son fell ill?”

‘The alderman’s eyes were fixed on those tiny wounds in his wife’s flesh, sheer horror on his face. Greyhand snapped his fingers for attention.

‘“Monsieur? Were there visitors?”

‘“This … th-this is a mining town, Frère. We have visitors constantly …”

‘“Anyone strange that young Claude might have come into contact with? Wanderers, or travelling performers? The kind of folk who come and go with ease?”

‘“Certainly not. I’d never allow my son to mix with suchlike. I … I believe he spent time with the Luncóit boy while his mother conducted her affairs on the outskirts. He was a little older than Claude, but a fine lad of good breeding.”

‘“The Luncóit boy,” Greyhand repeated.

‘“Adrien,” the alderman nodded. “His mother was come to Skyefall to survey a claim farther down the Godsend. She is from an old prospecting famille in Elidaen. She spent most of her time surveying the land around the town, and thus, Adrien kept Claude’s company while his mother worked. Marianne, her name. A fascinating woman.”

‘The young priest folded his arms, his face darkening.

‘“You did not find her so fascinating, Father?” Greyhand asked.

‘“I … I am being uncharitable,” Lafitte said. “I admit I never met her.”

‘“Not even at holy services?”

‘“She worked, even on prièdi,” he said, obviously displeased. “Though she had time aplenty for soirees and suchlike, she never attended mass.”

‘Greyhand looked de Blanchet square in the eye.

‘“Where did you bury your son, monsieur?”’



‘“DE COSTE, DE LE?N, we three will check the tombe de famille,” Greyhand said. “If the boy has Become, he is only a fledgling. But he may not be alone by now, and even young, he is still deadly. Keep your heads, and remember the Five Laws.”

‘We’d returned to the stables to fetch our horses, and my heart was pounding like I’d just been at spar. The de Blanchet tomb stood in the heart of the Skyefall necropolis, and with a few hours until sunset, Greyhand had decided to investigate. We’d no true idea if little Claude was responsible for the dark predations upon his mother, or the other deaths around town. But removing him from the list of suspects was the next sensible step.

‘Greyhand took a spiked flail with a long silver chain from his saddlebags. “If pressed, keep your swords sheathed. If he’s Become, I want this boy caught, not killed.”

‘“To what end, Master?” de Coste asked.

‘“Perhaps it’s naught.” Greyhand glanced to the dark sun, now sinking towards the mountains. “But the name Luncóit means raven child in old Elidaeni.”

‘“The sigil of the Blood Voss is a white raven,” I murmured.

‘“As I say, perhaps nothing. But perhaps this Marianne has a dark sense of humour.”

‘Greyhand took a phial from his bandolier, coating his hands and face and rubbing down his leathers with the chymical concoction inside. As he passed it to de Coste, I saw the glass was marked with a wailing spirit.

‘Ghostbreath, I noted. To mask our living scent from the Dead.

‘I busied myself with my gear – black ignis and phials of holy water. I checked that my wheellock was loaded, then took the chymicals de Coste passed me. Aaron slung a length of silver chain about his chest along with his bandolier. He seemed to stand a touch taller, wrapped in his black leathers with a gleaming sevenstar at his breast. If I didn’t know better, I’d have said the spoiled little prick almost looked like a vampire killer.

‘“Let’s away.” Greyhand mounted his horse. “Sunset waits for no saint.”

‘Skyefall was a town of tiers and levels, with richer folk living up the hillside and the poorer down the slopes. The necropolis lay in the lower end, close to the towering cathedral. We cantered through grey fog, past scowling townsfolk and a few trundling wagons. As we crossed one of the old stone bridges, I imagined the rivers to the north, the coming wintersdeep, the armies of the Forever King. Wondering what role San Michon was to play in stopping him, and if I’d be a part of it.

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