Home > Books > Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(66)

Empire of the Vampire (Empire of the Vampire, #1)(66)

Author:Jay Kristoff

‘“Enough!” Greyhand grabbed our necks and dragged us apart. De Coste and I scrabbled for a moment more, until Greyhand dropped me on my arse and shoved Aaron backwards with a snarl. “You are not mongrels in a robber’s yard!”

‘“He fucking started it!”

‘“And I’ll finish it too, you frailblood bastard! I’ll fucking kill you!”

‘“Enough!” Greyhand bellowed.

‘The rage in our master’s voice brought us to heel. Aaron and I stared at each other across the circle while Alonso, Finch, and de Séverin looked on in silence.

‘“Remember yourselves, and where you are!” Greyhand demanded. “You are initiates of the Ordo Argent! Both of you! Brothers in blood and silver. Your lives might be in each other’s hands one night. Never forget, the Dead care not for our creed or kin. To them, we all taste the same! Now make your pax!”

‘Aaron and I glowered, eyes burning with hatred.

‘“Make. Your. Pax.”

‘We hung still a moment longer. But grudgingly, de Coste and I finally shook hands, murmuring a wish for peace that neither one of us shared.

‘I knew this feud wasn’t done. Not by a damn sight.

‘As punishment, Greyhand worked us harder that day than I could ever recall. Long after Fincher and Alonso left, even after de Séverin took his leave, still our master drilled us – as if he could sweat the enmity from our bodies. Reprieve arrived only when bells rang for duskmass, and when services finished, Greyhand took us back to the Gauntlet for more. By the time I crashed into bed, I was almost comatose, falling into the kind of sleep that only corpses enjoy.

‘So it was I awoke in the dark, hours later, gripped with sudden dread.

‘I was late for my rendezvous with Astrid.’



‘IT WAS BLOODY freezing as I stole out of bed. The night after we first met, I’d followed the sisternovice’s instructions and found myself a way out through the old tiles of the Barracks roof. Since then, I’d been sneaking out to meet her every night. Now I moved swift as I could, cutting across the monastery and dodging Keeper Logan, but it was close to second bell by the time I stole through the Library’s front door.

‘The gates to the forbidden section were unlocked as always. But sneaking through the warren of forgotten lore, I found Astrid’s table empty. Looking around the long rows of books and curios, I could smell candlesmoke and the scent of silverbell and rosewater, but I couldn’t see a soul. It seemed the sisternovice had tired of waiting.

‘“Shit,” I sighed.

‘“Indeed,” came a voice behind.

‘“Sweet fucking Redeemer,” I gasped, spinning in fright.

‘“Flattering. But I prefer when you call me Majesty.”

‘Astrid stood there between the shelves, dark eyes sparkling, skin pale as starlight. It seemed for a moment she was a piece of the night itself come alive. I smiled at the simple sight of her, but that smile died quickly as I spied a figure in the shadows beside her. As it stepped into the candlelight, I saw wildly curled mousy brown hair, pretty green eyes and freckled skin. A girl Astrid’s age, but almost a foot shorter.

‘“… I know you,” I frowned.

‘“Gabriel de León,” Astrid said. “May I present Sisternovice Chloe Sauvage.”

‘“Fairdawn, Initiate,” Chloe murmured. “A pleasure to see you again.”

‘I looked to Astrid in question. As far as I was aware, we were meeting as we’d done the last fortnight – to search for mention of the fifth line, discover the truth of daysdeath.

‘“Chloe is a friend, Gabriel,” Astrid said. “The dearest I have within these walls.”

‘“I’ve no doubt. But what’s she to do with me?”

‘“You owe me favour, do you not?”

‘I groaned inwardly. “Oui.”

‘“I owe Chloe more than one. Services rendered and suchlike.” Astrid waved a hand vaguely. “It’s all a rich tapestry. Point is, you shall repay your boon to me by repaying her.”

‘“And how should I do that?”

‘“Sisternovice Sauvage wishes to learn the art of the blade.”

‘“Learn what?”

‘“The art. Of the blade. All that cutting and thrusting and whatnot.” Astrid looked down to my hands, up to my eyes. “I have it on good authority you thrashed two initiates in the star today without so much as a scratch. And while I understand this is no Gauntlet, Chloe would like some pointers. Journeyman to novice, as it were.”

‘“But … she’s a girl.”

‘Astrid looked at the little lass beside her, leaning in close to squint at Chloe’s chest.

‘“My God. You’re right.”

‘“I told you this was a foolish idea,” Chloe hissed. “They don’t teach girls here.”

‘“Patience, ma chérie,” Astrid murmured. “Our good initiate will eventually figure out that your breasts, whilst magnificent, aren’t any real impediment to combat prowess.”

‘Chloe’s cheeks burned a furious red. “They actually do get in th—”

‘“Hush now, love,” Astrid said, patting Chloe’s hand. “Here it comes.”

‘“You told the sisternovice what we’re looking for in here?” I asked.

‘“Have no fear, Initiate. Chloe can keep a secret.”

‘“I can’t sneak out as easily as Azzie,” Chloe declared. “My room is right next to the prioress. But one night a week, she keeps a vigil in the Priory chapel, and I can steal away.”

‘“… And you’re willing to help?”

‘“I’m not at all convinced the answers to daysdeath lie in this library. It’s through prayer and piety we shall regain the Lord’s love. Through his words,” Chloe gestured to the shelves about us, “not these. But all this talk about a fifth bloodline is intriguing.”

‘“It’s as Mama always said, ma chérie,” Astrid smiled. “When in a storm, the wise woman prays to God. But she also rows for shore.” The sisternovice glanced to me. “Chloe can read Old Talhostic. And Ancient Ossian. Which I cannot. So, for two hours a week, you will teach her the art of steel. And for the rest of the night, she will help us search. Agreed?”

‘I was uneasy at this. I didn’t know Chloe Sauvage as far as I could spit her. But Astrid trusted her, and I did owe her a debt. I wasn’t a treacherous dog like de Coste. I dealt my cards straight and paid what I owed.

‘“We don’t have swords,” I finally declared.

‘“See?” Astrid smiled to Chloe. “A man of his word.” Reaching into her cloak, the sisternovice produced two wooden training blades.

‘“Where did you get those?” I asked.

‘She waved vaguely. “All a rich tapestry.”

‘I glanced about the room; the countless tomes, the illegible spines, the tangle of words that might contain the secret of what I was. I knew I’d struggle to read a quarter of it, and that the secrets of an ancient line would likely be written in an ancient tongue. So finally, I took the practice swords from Astrid’s hands with a scowl.

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