Home > Books > Jasper Vale (The Edens #4)(61)

Jasper Vale (The Edens #4)(61)

Author:Devney Perry

“You don’t have to.”

He shrugged. “I’m not doing anything else.”

“You never told me what you decided with that fighter in Vegas. What did you decide?”

For weeks, I’d been terrified to ask him about that interview. So I’d just blocked it out and let my hectic schedule overshadow my fears. But so much had changed this past week. And after this morning, asking wasn’t so terrifying anymore, not when I had a fairly good idea of his answer.

“I told him that I’d train him.”

Wait. What? Well, that wasn’t the answer I’d expected. He’d really taken that job? Did that mean he’d be spending part of his time in Nevada? “Oh.”

“But he’d have to move to Montana.”

The air rushed from my lungs as he smirked.

“Jerk.” I poked his rib with a finger.

Jasper grinned. “I’ll have to find something to do eventually. For now, I’ll help around here. You good with that?”

“Very.” I nodded. “Thank you.”

“Welcome.” He kissed my cheek, then rounded the desk, going to straighten up the lobby.

My computer chimed with an incoming email, but I ignored it, content to watch Jasper for a minute.

The lobby door opened, forcing my gaze away from Jasper’s ass.

Winn walked inside, waving to Jasper before she came around the desk for a hug. “Hi.”

“Hey. What are you up to?”

“Lunch with Pops.”

Her grandfather, Covie, was the former mayor of Quincy and a regular at Knuckles.

“Working today?” I asked, taking in the badge and gun holstered on her hip.

“Yes. Catch-up from the Fourth.”

“Same,” I said as the elevator doors slid open and two guests made their way over.

“I’ll let you get back to work,” Winn said, shifting out of the way.

The guests needed a recommendation for a hiking trail, so I plucked one of the area maps from the drawer where I kept them, spreading it out on the counter and circling a few of my most recommended spots.

With the map in hand, they headed outside into the summer sunshine.

Covie had come in while I’d been talking with the guests. He and Winn were chatting with a local man who’d also probably come in for lunch too.

A woman in a floppy hat was talking on the phone on the opposite end of the room. This was her first stay at The Eloise, but she’d already booked a room for next summer.

My fingertips skimmed the desk as I took it all in, breathing in the scent of the lobby. Of the sunshine and fresh air that wafted inside every time the door opened.

No matter whose name was on the deed, this hotel would always be mine. Like the man tossing an empty to-go coffee cup in the trash.

Maybe the reason I’d stayed married to Jasper hadn’t been because of this hotel. It hadn’t been to go to that wedding in Italy. Maybe I’d stayed with Jasper because, deep down, I’d glimpsed something in him in Vegas.

Something that had resonated in my heart, and even though I hadn’t been able to see it yet, I also hadn’t been able to let him go.

Winn and Covie walked toward Jasper, Winn making introductions.

The doors opened and Frannie Jones and Clarissa Fitzgerald walked inside, two local girls I’d known for ages. They were a year younger than Mateo and both had crushed on him endlessly in high school.

Other than in passing, I hadn’t seen them much these past couple years. But now that news of Mateo’s return had spread, they’d probably be stopping by The Eloise more often, hoping to snag his notice, just like in high school.

Clarissa scanned the lobby, searching for my brother, but when her eyes landed on Jasper, she did a double take. Her cheeks flushed and she leaned in to whisper something in Fran’s ear.

Then Fran’s gaze shot straight to Jasper too.

I rolled my eyes and rounded the counter as they neared.

“Hey, Eloise.” Fran pulled me into a hug.

Clarissa was still staring at Jasper as he talked to Winn and Covie.

“Hey,” I said. “What are you guys up to today?”

“Lunch at Knuckles.”

“Fun. Hey, Clarissa.”

She tore her eyes from Jasper’s face. “Hi. Um, who is that?”

“My husband.”

She blinked, and as my statement settled in, her eyes widened. “Oh. I heard you got married. I just . . . I haven’t seen you guys around town.”

“Yep, that’s him.”

Clarissa gave me an exaggerated frown. “Busted. Sorry.”

“It’s fine.” I laughed, waving it off. “I check him out all the time too.”

“Well, before I embarrass myself even more, we’re going to lunch.” Clarissa looped her arm with Fran’s and together, they headed for the restaurant.

I shifted past the desk, about to go and say hello to Covie myself, but when I looked over, Jasper was shoving past Winn.

His face was hard, his eyes . . . frantic.

I froze.

Time slowed.

Jasper ran, his body an explosion as he sprinted across the lobby.

Behind him, Winn was reaching for her gun.

Why was she reaching for her gun?

My heart jumped, my eyes tracking in the same direction as hers.

And there, by the front door, was Blaze.

Everything clicked at once.

Jasper’s fear.

Winn’s shout to drop it.

The pistol Blaze had lifted and aimed my way.

One moment, I was standing on my own two feet.

The next, chaos.

My body slammed into the floor, the wind knocked entirely out of my lungs.

Gunfire filled the lobby, the noise so loud it drowned out the screams and shouts.

Then . . . quiet.

A silence so eerie it chilled me to the core.

Jasper’s body covered mine. He’d slammed into me so hard that we’d flown behind the counter, skidding to a stop.

Warmth spread against my shoulder. Wet warmth.


“Jasper,” I whispered, ice flooding my veins.

He didn’t move. His body was hard and so heavy against mine it was hard to breathe.

Beyond the counter, people were crying. Footsteps pounded on the floor. But I blocked it all out, shifting back and forth, trying to dislodge Jasper. Why wasn’t he moving?

“Jasper.” My voice was panicked. I leaned up as far as my neck would stretch, trying to see where he was hurt. Red spread through the white cotton of his shirt, all across his shoulder. “Jasper.”

He didn’t move. He didn’t breathe.

My gaze caught on his hand, pressed against the floor at our sides.

His left hand.

And on his finger, the wedding band I’d given him weeks ago.



Five shots.

I’d heard five shots go off as I’d tackled Eloise to the floor. Then . . . nothing. For a long moment, not a sound.

But beyond the counter, people were moving now. Footsteps. Crying. Screaming. The doors had opened and people were shouting outside, calling for help.

“Jasper.” Eloise shook me, squirming beneath me.

I didn’t budge.

Was Blaze still out there? How long until he rounded the counter to come for Eloise? Part of me wanted to risk it. To look around and see if there was a way to get her the hell out of this hotel. But I stayed huddled on top of her, hoping that my body would be enough to shield hers.

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