Home > Books > Never Marry Your Brother's Best Friend (Never Say Never, #1)(63)

Never Marry Your Brother's Best Friend (Never Say Never, #1)(63)

Author:Lauren Landish

“Fuck you, Carter. Leave my sister alone.”

Standing but still hunched a bit, I clarify, “We still having lunch later this week?”

“Yeah. Your treat.”

Zack had left, but I’d been stuck on the image of Luna crying and hadn’t been able to focus properly on what I could do to fix this deal. Now, ready or not, it’s showtime.

“I’m happy to hear any concerns you might have,” Dad tells Claire, throwing the door wide open for her to fully destroy me.

She smiles evilly but schools her face into something more akin to concern as if she just remembered that she’s not supposed to be smug about this situation.

“Dad—” I start, but he holds up a hand, cutting me off.

“Ms. Reynolds,” he says, giving her back the floor.

“Thank you. I had concerns from the get-go when Carter approached my aunt, but after last night . . .” She fades off, making a clicking sound with her tongue. “Well, suffice it to say, I’m alarmed at the way he’s represented Blue Lake Assets.”

She looks around Dad’s office as though it’s a used car salesman’s trailer, playing to Dad’s deepest concern—the legacy of the family business.

“What exactly happened?”

“I think you have some idea, given that you also referred to Luna as Carter’s wife during the dinner at your home.” The accusation is bold, especially given the disappointed tone she adopts.

Dad sighs and shoots me a look of frustration before returning his attention to Claire. “Yes, unfortunately,” he starts, weaving his fingers together on his desktop. “After dinner, Carter and I discussed that the misunderstanding about his marriage needed to be addressed. I presume this is about that.”

Claire narrows her eyes, assessing Dad again. “Yes . . . and no. Carter didn’t say anything about his marriage after our initial dinner. But I could feel something was off about them—I’m perceptive that way. And when I happened to see Luna out for a cozy dinner with another man? I knew I was right.” She taps a fingernail to her temple as she nods, agreeing with herself.

I try to interrupt to explain, but Dad nearly imperceptibly shakes his head. I inhale deeply, biting back the words . . . for now.

“I tried to get Aunt Elena to see reason. But she’d had a meeting with Carter and our family financial planner and felt it’d gone well.”

A tiny jolt of satisfaction shoots through me. I knew I’d aced that meeting.

“She wouldn’t listen, no matter how many times I told her. She’s gotten a bit stubborn and is quite scatter-brained. But she did talk to Luna and invite them over last night. I joined them, hoping to clear the air—”

“You mean gleefully accuse Luna of cheating on me with her brother?” I can’t sit here idly while Claire paints herself as the picture-perfect niece trying to look out for the forgetful old lady. That’s not at all what’s going on.

“Carter,” Dad says sternly.

“There may have been a misunderstanding there. I guess the dinner was with her brother.” She rolls her eyes as if that’s a mere minor detail, and then she drops another bomb. “But Luna was quite clear—although a bit hysterical—when she explained that their marriage was a sham . . . and then became quite real. Very real, by the looks of it.”

Dad leans forward sharply. “Excuse me?” he demands of Claire, but then his eyes jump to me. “Carter, what is she talking about?”

I meet his eyes brazenly. “Lying doesn’t suit a Harrington—something you’ve told me my entire life—so I made it the truth.”

“I told you to tell the truth, not make it the truth!” he barks. “Did you actually marry Luna Starr?”

“I did.” I nod, but then confess, “Though it’s not going well right now.”

Claire snorts out a laugh. “I’d say.”

Dad’s had about all he can take and turns on Claire. “I appreciate your bringing this to my attention, Ms. Reynolds. It appears Carter and I need to have a private conversation to discuss some family business.”

She balks, probably wanting to see me get smacked down by Dad, but when he stands with his hand out, she has no choice but to follow suit. Claire shakes Dad’s hand, again barely and delicately touching him, and then looks down her nose at me.

“Do not contact my aunt again,” she orders. “Or I will be forced to take further measures.” She lets the threat hang, and then with a steely glare, she whirls and walks out.

As soon as the door closes, Dad collapses into the chair and scrubs his hands over his face. “Carter . . . what the hell have you gotten us into?”

“Yeah, this is all about you,” I snarl, done with his shit at least for a moment. “I’ve been working on this deal for weeks and it just blew up in a blaze of glory, but yeah, let’s talk about you.”

His eyes clear as they land on me. “Me? Try the company. That’s what I’m worried about, what I’m always worried about. And then you go and do something stupid like this and put everything at risk?”

I’m quiet, knowing he’s right but unwilling to admit it.

“We’ll have to get the marriage annulled,” he declares, as if it’s his decision to make. “Because I’m sure you didn’t bother getting Luna to sign a prenup, right?”

“Luna’s not like that. She’s not after my money,” I tell him coldly. I can’t believe he’d even suggest such a thing. “And I don’t want an annulment. I want . . .”

What do I want?

I’m not sure I even know. Or maybe I just don’t want to admit it, because if I do . . . I can get hurt.

I’m angry at Luna, that’s for sure, but I don’t want to pretend this never happened. Because it did. I looked into Luna’s eyes as we said our vows, I held her in my arms as she shattered in ecstasy, I listened to her dreams about how Alphena can change young women’s lives, and more. Yeah, I’m mad, but I can’t imagine life without her.

I want her.

I want Luna.

The insight hits me hard. When did that happen? I’m not sure I can pinpoint an exact moment, but somewhere in this crazy mess, I think I fell in love with Luna Starr. No, Luna Harrington. My wife.

And I want the Cartwright deal. I like Elena and her way of looking at the world. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and wants to have a positive impact. I’ve enjoyed researching her portfolio and analyzing ways to maximize her investments so she can leave a legacy she’s proud of. It’s made me reconsider what I’m doing day-to-day and the legacy I want to have.

Is it living in Cameron’s shadow at Blue Lake? Is it fighting to get Dad to see me as a professional peer? Or something else entirely? I do know I’ve had more fun with this deal than any I’ve ever worked on, and I don’t feel remotely done with it. I want to keep going, keep working with Elena and the full scope of her estate.

Dad takes the opportunity of my quiet realization to jump in. “We don’t always get what we want, Carter.” He says it as though it’s a divine, important lesson. “Let’s just hope she’ll sign the annulment so you don’t lose half of everything.” Thinking that’s a valid threat or an actual possibility, he looks to the ceiling with a sigh. I don’t know if he’s praying Luna signs or praying for the patience to restrain from killing me. “I’ll call our attorney and have the paperwork prepared. And for fuck’s sake, don’t tell your mother that you got married without her.”

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