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Offside (Rules of the Game, #1)(102)

Author:Avery Keelan

I grunted, pressing my lips into a thin line, breath shallow and jagged. Morrison was so close I could practically see my fist hitting his face. It was going to feel so good. The crunch would be music to my ears.

“Carter,” she said. “Look at me.”

I turned back and focused on her calm hazel eyes. My blood pressure dropped a few notches at the sight.

“I love you,” she said. “And I appreciate that you want to stand up for me, but I don’t want you to get in trouble over Luke. He isn’t worth it. I got this.”

I sighed. “Fine.” I wouldn’t argue with her because of this asshole.

She looped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. I went willingly until our mouths came together, lips parting. I was already hopped up on adrenaline and testosterone, and the contact made me want to bend her over the nearest hard surface and fuck her right here. But I could hold off on that until we were at home.

Then she took me by the hand and pulled me halfway to where Luke stood with his friends.

“Wait here a sec, okay?”

“Okay,” I muttered.

Uneasy and without an inkling of what she planned to do, I propped myself against a pillar and watched Bailey march up to Morrison. She wound up and slapped him so hard it echoed through the concourse.

Oh snap. I wasn’t expecting that. And neither was he. Sucker.

God, I fucking loved her.

Luke put a palm to his cheek, mouth hanging open in shock. He looked over Bailey’s shoulder, and our eyes met. Her back was still turned to me.

“You’re dead,” I mouthed, making a throat-slitting gesture.

Sorry, James. I only had so much restraint.

He paled, turning his gaze back to Bailey.

“Don’t talk to me ever again.” She spun on her heel and strode my way.

Luke dropped his hand, exposing a red handprint on his face. It was beautiful. Really suited him. I had to admit, seeing Bailey lay the smackdown on Morrison might have been more satisfying than getting to do it myself.

“Bailey! What the hell was that?” Derek called, jogging to catch up with her. But she didn’t stop.

“Luke knows,” Bailey said over her shoulder, long blond hair bouncing, “why don’t you ask him?” She grabbed my hand and pulled, inclining her head to the doors. “Let’s go.”

“No.” Derek caught up to us. He touched her on the arm, ducking to meet her gaze. “B, tell me what’s going on.”

Bailey and I exchanged a look. She bit her bottom lip and raised her eyebrows as if in question. I shrugged. This wasn’t my place.

“Fine.” She sighed. “Actually, why don’t you tell him, Chase?”

So I did.

When I was finished, Derek’s face contorted with rage. “What in the actual fuck?”

He stormed back over to Morrison and shoved him, sending him flying onto his ass.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Derek said, looming over him.

Paul watched the confrontation from a few feet away, his expression torn. Probably because, at the end of the day, although he was good friends with both guys, Paul was a little bitch who didn’t want to get into a tussle.

Luke got up, dusting himself off. “What are you talking about?”

“What you said to Carter about my sister. You’re a fucking asshole, man.” Derek shoved him again, but this time, he kept his footing. “Bailey never did anything to you.”

I watched, barely fighting back laughter. I could not contain my glee at this turn of events. Both people in the James family were beating on Morrison this evening. It was fantastic.

But if one of those other idiots stepped in to defend Morrison and touched Derek, I’d wipe the fucking floor with all of them.

“What?” Luke scoffed. “Why would you trust Carter? He’s fucking lying.”

Mendez cleared his throat. “Actually, dude…I heard you say that in the locker room too.”

Oh, how the turn tables. My night was improving by the second.

Amelia and Jillian looked at each other, eyes wide like they didn’t know what to make of everyone turning on their leader. Now which way would Paul land?

Luke’s face reddened, and he glared at Mendez. “Obviously, you misheard.”

“Fuck you, man.” Derek shook his head. “And to think I gave you the benefit of the doubt over and over again because we’ve been friends for so long.”

Fucking finally. It was long overdue, but Derek was taking Bailey’s side.

“Derek,” Luke said. “Come on—”

“We’re done,” Derek fumed. “Better watch your ass on the ice against Boyd next time, because I won’t do shit if they come for you. And neither will the rest of our D.”

Derek made his way to us again, and the three of us walked away from the crowd. When we stopped at the front entrance, he shook his head, exhaling heavily.

“I am so sorry, Bailey. I had no idea…” He trailed off. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She tangled her fingers together, her head dipped low.

“Do you want me to leave you two?” I asked Bailey, thinking the siblings might need some privacy for this conversation. “I can look for Ward.”

“No, it’s fine.” Bailey grabbed my hand and laced her fingers in mine. “We can talk about it another time. Okay, Derek? I just want to get home.”

“Okay.” He nodded, turning his gaze to me. “Thanks for sticking up for her. I’ll see you guys.” He turned and weaved back through the crowd.

A pretty redhead came up to him, and he leaned in, giving her a kiss. Bailey’s eyebrows shot up a notch.

“New girlfriend?” I asked.

“I’m not sure,” she murmured. “But I’m happy he’s moved on.”

Bailey turned to me again, studying my face. The low thrum of people milling about in the background filled the silence. Neither of us said anything for a minute.

“That slap was pretty badass,” I told her, unable to hide a smile.

Her lips tugged. “It was, wasn’t it?”

“Hey,” Dallas said as he and Shiv approached tentatively. No doubt he wanted to grill me about what happened with Miller, but he wouldn’t do it in front of the girls.

“Are you okay?” Shiv asked, her eyes darting back and forth between Bailey and me.

“Fine,” I said. “Let’s get out of here.”






The air was bitterly cold, making my breath come out in little white puffs as I weaved through the quad on the way to the library. After the most dramatic hockey game of my life, attending classes like normal the following day was almost a relief.

My mind was spinning, and I was still struggling to process last night’s events. Had I really meant so little to Luke? Then again, he’d done lots of things when we were still together that were also disrespectful. Things that had been normalized at the time. Strange how one can be in the thick of such a plight and not see it for what it is.

And what about Derek’s relationship with the team after his fallout with Luke? It sounded like he wasn’t the only one sick of Luke’s shit, though. Paul was still in his corner, but not many others. Luke was captain in name only at this point.