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One Bossy Proposal(62)

Author:Nicole Snow

He smiles, moving to the edge of the bed. After a weightless second, I follow.

That抯 where he guides me into his lap, pushing my legs apart. I slide over him with defiance in my eyes as his gaze locks.

If he thinks he抯 in full control…think again.

When I wind around him, I抦 smiling like a madwoman.

揅areful what you wish for,?I tell him.

揕ike what? Watching every sexy bit of you shake while you come on my cock??


Yeah, if I抳e learned anything by now, it抯 how ridiculously good he is throwing me off-kilter.

And he leaves me dizzy as his hips lurch up, slamming into me, raking this divine friction over my clit.

I clasp his shoulders, holding on, pleasure tearing me in two like a flimsy sheet of paper.

Again, he thrusts, his rough fingers coming to my jaw, tilting my face up just as he rocks into me again.

揕ook at me. Give me every bit of those green eyes when you go off,?he growls, his stare beaming pure dominance into my brain.

His hands move back to my hips and stay there, guiding my movements so I match his.

Soon, our pace quickens, and I don抰 have a single solitary prayer of holding on.

揙h! Lincoln. I抦 going to棓

He looks right through me, fingers digging into my ass, his thrusts coming faster and harder and deeper.

揟ongue,?he commands.

I give back a whine. My eyes roll up in my head and I抦 going, going?


The second he leans forward and takes my mouth, swiping his tongue against mine, I抦 vapor.

He swallows every breathless moan I give, every whimper, every fractured part of me going to pieces on his hardness.

My hands move up and down his back frantically to the back of his head, scratching him, joining us closer, deepening the kiss that destroys me as he sends me to nirvana.

My body clenches around him.

The room goes bright with white-hot fireworks.

I抦 coming so hard I forget my own name.

Holy shit!

I抦 an awestruck mess.

Time condenses.

My pussy experiences miracles I never fathomed until I was struck down by Lincoln 揨eus?Burns, sex god.

The craziest part is, he抯 not even finished.

I抦 barely coming off my high for air when I see him staring, waiting patiently, letting me breathe.

Or maybe not so patiently.

His breathing is different now, his massive chest rising and falling, his face screwed up and his mouth pulled slightly open.

揕incoln??I venture. 揑-is something wrong??

揧eah. I抦 enjoying this ride so goddamned much I never want it to end,?he rumbles, twining my hair around his fist.

Then it抯 on.

Another hard round where he crashes into me, making me ask a thousand times how I could ever hate this man.

Kiss by kiss, he抯 wearing me down, making me worry I won抰 ever be able to hate him again.

What then?

What the hell happens when we抮e back in the office, trying to pretend this never happened, and?揇akota!?He bellows my name, a smolder in his eyes, the unmistakable look of a man梐 wild animal梬ho抯 losing control.

Oh, God.

My heart races.

I don抰 even try to hold back as he wraps his arms around me and flattens me against the mattress.

As he thrusts back inside me with claiming teeth at my throat.

As he reaches down, finds my clit, and rubs with maddening intent.

As he swells, as he whips me around like a doll, as he breaks me down for any lesser man, past and future.

With one last cry of 揘evermore!?he fills me to the hilt.

He releases so hard I swear I feel it through the latex.

But a second later, I can抰 feel anything else as my body ignites a second time.

Sweet, searing chaos swallows me up and doesn抰 spit me out until I抦 nearly blacking out.

揇amn, Dakota. Dakota, fuck,?he mutters a few minutes later, alternating my name with curses.

We抮e both flopped down on the mattress and he抯 holding me. He runs his fingers through my hair, slow and still so sensual, his eyes calm mocha seas that could go unruly again at a second抯 notice.

揇id you enjoy that??he whispers.

揇o you have to ask? Um, yes. God, yes.?Heat pumps under my face, but I don抰 have to worry. It抯 just the two of us and a long, dark night ahead where I抦 sure he抣l deliver a lot more to enjoy. 揌onestly that was… Gah. I can抰 even compare it to anything else.?

揧ou抮e beautiful when you look like a cherry, Nevermore,?he says with a torn laugh.

He caresses me a few more times, pulling softly at my hair梩hat seems to be his new favorite thing.

Then he stands, and the moonlight spilling in splashes his naked body.

He抯 really, truly, undeniably glorious.

But I bite my lip, suddenly nervous.

Is that it? Am I wrong about tonight? We had sex and now he抯 going to get dressed and go about his evening?

And isn抰 that what Jay did, always going back to his dumb video games, where he抎 spend half the night yelling at strangers when he could抳e been holding me?

My heart slams my ribs. I wonder if I抣l ever trust a man again.

Lincoln looks back, his face that broody mask again. I still wonder what secrets, what doubts, are stewing inside of him.

揂re you leaving??I venture anxiously.

揑 need a shower to recharge. You want to come with??

My heart flutters back into place.

揢mm, I would, but…I抦 not sure I can stand.?Embarrassing, but true.

Laughing, he rejoins me on the bed, tucking me neatly into the huge, protective arch of his body. 揌ow about we just lie here until your legs work? Then we抣l clean up dirty.?

I抦 smiling so hard I want to cry.

Thankfully, I don抰。 I just kiss his cheek instead.

揙h, I like that. I like that a lot.?I抦 quiet for a heady minute. 揟hat was the best I抳e ever had,?I finally say, working up the confidence.

揝ame,?he throws back.

I do a double take.

揙kay, now I know you抮e lying.?

揧ou think I ever lie about anything besides Regis rolls??he asks with a grin.

Laughing, I roll my eyes.

揑 find it pretty hard to believe a man like you hasn抰 had more梪h梐ttractive partners.?

Why, yes, that is my own terror speaking.

揃elieve what you want,?he says casually, right before he melts me with another kiss that only Lincoln Burns could ever give. 揘ow, I have to ask, did your muse get any fresh inspiration??

I stare at him for a hot second.

Then I snap my head down and sink my teeth into his arm.

揌ey!?He pushes me off him, laughing. 揇id you just bite me??

揧ep. Because I warned you to quit talking about that stupid poem.?

揑t wasn抰 stupid,?he says firmly.

揑t was.?

揑 liked it. Best words anybody ever said about me.?He thumps his chest once for emphasis.

揙h, God. You had to say that, didn抰 you? I was crying, Linc.?

揂nd you抮e not crying now. I still love that I have my very own blond stalker writing poetry about me梐nd she抯 a freak in the sheets, too.?

I elbow him playfully in the side.

揑抦 not your stalker.?

揝hame. I adore your type of stalking, Nevermore,?he says, kissing me deeply before I can even blush.

Slowly, but surely, those kisses lead us to our feet and then to a master bathroom that could fit three of my freaking apartments. It抯 a sleek, modern design with sparkling glass, a sauna room attached, and spotless white tile gleaming next to midnight-blue-and-gold cabinets.

He takes my hand and leads me underneath a stream of water that pours from two waterfall showerheads. I think I抳e gone to another world while Linc gently washes my back.

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