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One Bossy Proposal(85)

Author:Nicole Snow

揝o, I hate to cut this sort, Tillie, but I have a meeting.?


I stand, needing to get out of here.

揑 really have to go. Sorry.?I race out of the office, leaving her behind.

In the bathroom, I lock myself in a stall and ugly cry. Once it抯 out of me, I fish my phone out of my pocket and panic text Eliza.

Dakota: I wish I was dead.

Eliza: What happened??? I抦 shocked you抮e still working there. I couldn抰 hack it. Are people trash-talking you?

Dakota: Maybe. Probably. I don抰 care.

Eliza: What抯 wrong then?

I give Eliza a quick rundown on everything that just happened, including Matilda Burns?bonkers apology offer.

When I tell her the amount, there抯 a three-minute pause before my phone buzzes again.

Eliza: OMG. Take it and run! Dakota, you can write your heart out forever.

She sends a gif with a jolly pig rolling around in a pile of money.

Technically, she抯 right. I should be euphoric.

I basically hit the jackpot, only, this is a lot more personal than any faceless lottery win.

I send a one-word response. Why?

Eliza: Uh, if being an instant millionaire isn抰 incentive enough, how about being able to quit? Not being reminded of Lincoln Burns on a daily basis? That might help you get over him.

I frown, knowing she抯 right.

That抯 why it抯 been a month and I can抰 get him out of my head. Everything here still breathes Lincoln Burns.

Dakota: I don抰 know. I抦 in management now. And it feels like an even crappier move if I take the money and run.

Eliza: You hate management. You抮e a Poe.

Fair point.

When I was writing ads, it wasn抰 poetry, but at least it was writing.

Dakota: Another issue, quitting would be like admitting all the rumors are true, right?

Eliza: Well…they are.

Dakota: But no one else needs to know that.

Eliza: But they already do!

Before I can reply, another message dings.

Eliza: And why did this woman show up to randomly apologize for convincing her son to fake marry you? That抯 weird.

Dakota: She felt bad. She just wanted to make things right. I抦 pretty sure my cut is coming out of hers, and it抯 not like anyone named Burns is hurting for money…

Eliza: You haven抰 texted me from the bathroom crying for over a week until now. I just decided I don抰 like his mom any more than I like his stupid face.

I laugh. I didn抰 meet Eliza until I moved here, but she抯 so loyal. I pity the lunk who ever tries to date her.

Dakota: His mom is very nice. Don抰 hate her on my behalf.

Eliza: She upset you. What are you going to do? I hope you don抰 move out of state like you did after Jay. You抮e the only person in the building I like.

Dakota: LOL. No worries. I hate moving, no matter how much money I抳e got. I have you, my bike, and a really awesome savings cushion.

Eliza: Gotcha. What抯 next then?

Dakota: I抦 going to wash my face so no one knows I抳e been crying when I walk out of this bathroom. And I抦 going to start applying for writing jobs. When I find something, I抣l jump.

Eliza: Only in Seattle?

Dakota: Yes. Relax, I抦 stuck here.

I抳e known ever since I moved here that this was the place to be. The rain, the disappearing mountain, the cool breezes, the lush greenery surrounding the city, the art scene… This place may have its problems, but it just vibes writer.

For a while, I even thought I might find someone here to put Jay to shame.

Oh, I got my wish in the worst way.

But I also met Eliza, Cheryl, Anna, and a few more cool people. Until I got promoted, I made a nice salary doing what I love. There are plenty of reasons to stay, and Lincoln Burns won抰 scare me away from rebooting my life.

I scrub my face with cold water and head back to my desk.

Acting like memories of Lincoln aren抰 looping through my head is harder than it seems.

By afternoon, I duck out early and go for a long bike ride in the early summer breeze.

My legs pump until breathing hurts. I want to imagine I can sweat out heartbreak.

I抣l get over this jackass one way or another, richer or poorer, better or worse.

Thanks to him, I抦 stronger than I was when I first showed up in this city.

If his gift was heartbreak, I抣l mend it by building a life worth living.


Bird Of Yore (Lincoln)

I forgot how cozy the guesthouse can be until I brought Wyatt home.

It made sense and it gives him plenty of space while he recovers. Plus, the place is single level, so it抯 easier to take care of him until then.

The nurse steps out of Wyatt抯 room.

揌ow抯 he doing today??

揇efinitely better. His vitals look excellent today. I抣l be back in the evening to check in,?she tells me.

揑s he awake??

She smiles. 揧eah, you can go on in. I抦 sure he抣l love the company.?

I walk her to the door, and once she抯 gone, I retrace my steps and enter Wyatt抯 room. He抯 sitting up in the bed, leaning against the frame, only half as ghost-white as he was a few weeks ago.

I grin. 揟his is the longest I抳e seen you up. Looks like you抣l be running around in no time.?

He looks at me but doesn抰 say anything.

揟he nurse says you抮e doing better. With any luck, you should棓

揕incoln Burns, you are a fucking idiot,?he growls, cutting me off.

I can抰 say I mind the insult. I haven抰 heard him talk smack since before he got sick. If I needed a real sign, here it is.

揋ood morning to you too??I roll my eyes. 揂t least I know you抮e feeling better.?

揑 said you抮e a damn idiot,?he snaps, pulling at his newly trimmed beard.

揑 heard you the first time, pal.?

He holds my gaze.

I fold my arms. 揂m I supposed to ask why you抮e calling me stupid??

揌ow long have you been glued to my side??

揋lued to your side??I don抰 follow.

揟elling me old war stories like I didn抰 live through that shit with you, and bad jokes that are never funny for anyone but you. Can抰 remember the last time I heard something besides your voice.?

揧ou抮e talking about the coma? I didn抰 want to leave you hanging, and I figured if you could hear anything while you were out cold, I thought you抎 appreciate the entertainment.?

揃urns, you have a life to live. You were finally starting to do something besides work.?He huffs out a breath. 揥hat happened to Raven??


揃londie. Worker bee. The chick with the raven tattoo.?

My lips turn up.

揘evermore, you mean.?Then I remember she抯 truly never more and my smile vanishes. 揑梬ell梚t didn抰 work out.?

揥hy not??


I stare at him, unblinking.

揥hy didn抰 it work out??he repeats. 揝he had a husband she forgot to mention? Because anything short of that, and you抮e one dumb bastard.?

揑 ruined it, okay? Are you satisfied??I bite off. 揑t was bringing out the worst in me and I left her in a good place. She抯 in management now.?

I clamp my jaw shut, not telling him I抦 basically out the door. He might have a heart attack if he hears I抦 no longer on the corporate train.

Wyatt chuckles. 揥hat the hell ever. I don抰 doubt you left her better off than you found her. That抯 not the point.?

揥hat is??

揧our voice is almost cracking like a sixteen-year-old kid just talking about her, man. I might be stuck in bed, but shit. If I find out I抦 the reason you dropped that girl, I will beat you to such a fucking pulp you抣l wish like hell I抎 left you buried in Iraq.?

I snort at how ridiculous he sounds.

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