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Play With Me (Playing for Keeps #2)(5)

Author:Becka Mack

I stand and pop a chaste kiss on his cheek, mentally cataloging his epically surprised face into the never wanna forget this file in my brain. “Thanks for my birthday tacos. Can’t wait to enjoy them silently and alone.”

The thing about a Beckett grin is it’s irresistible, even to other Becketts. My brother can’t say no to me, and I’ve been known to take advantage of that every now and again.

So not only do I get steak and lobster at one of the fanciest restaurants in Vancouver for my birthday dinner, I devour an Oreo explosion banana split at my favorite dessert bar, too, after nothing more than a simple request and a dimple-popping grin. Carter ate two, so as I follow him down the street after dinner, I’m trying not to let the fifteen pounds I feel like I’ve gained tonight weigh too heavily on my mind.

Still, I’m stuffed, uncomfortable as hell, and Carter’s making me walk. Plus, it’s cold as balls and I’m wearing my pretty coat, not my warm coat.

I shiver, snuggling my chin into my scarf. “I’m cold. Where are we going? How come Hank got to go home after dinner, but we’re subjected to walking in the snow? Don’t you love us?”

Carter ignores me, but Olivia groans, both mitten-sheathed hands on her stomach. “I need to walk all that food off. I ate way too much.”

I pat her adorable baby bump. “Little mama was hungry. That’s okay.”

“Little mama is always hungry.”

“Big daddy’s always hungry too,” Carter rumbles, patting his torso.

I make a yuck face. “Please, no. Never again.”

He deflates, frowning. “What? Why?”

“Because that’s utterly disgusting.”

“You’re dramatic.” He wraps an arm around his wife, pressing his mouth to her ear but not lowering his voice. “I could eat again, just not something suitable for public if you know what I—”

“Carter!” She slaps a palm across his mouth before yanking him down to eye level. “For the love of God,” she whispers in that threatening teacher voice of hers. “For once in your life, stop talking.”

His smirk is slow as we stop in front of a tall building downtown. “I just wanna love you out loud. Why won’t you let me love you out loud?”

Olivia gives him a reassuring pat while my mom swoons and I gag. “Trust me, baby. Nobody loves as loud as you do.”

Carter grins proudly and opens the glass doors. He ushers us into an elevator before I have time to admire the exquisite lobby, and as we ride up to the twenty-first floor, he finally answers the question I asked a full two minutes ago. “I do love you. Best sister ever.” He pushes me into the hallway. “That’s why we got you the best present ever.”

“Present? Here?” My head cranks, taking in the numbered doors lining the hallway. “Carter, this is a condo building.”

“Uh-huh.” He slips a key into a door marked 2104, then gestures into the space. “Welcome home, Jennie.”

My jaw unhinges, feet rooted in place. “Home? For…for me?” Cautiously, I step inside the bright space, which appears to be stunning and fully furnished if the living room is any indication. I turn to my family, and my stupid eyes well with stupid tears. I hate crying, but this is an emotional time of year for me. “This is for me? You got me my own apartment?”

“Guess some might call me the best brother in the world.”

He’s annoying and drives me up the damn wall, but Carter always has been the best brother, and my best friend. So I fling my arms around his neck and cry out, “I love you so much.”

Mom’s frowny face comes into view. “But you can stay with me if you want. If you want, Jennie, you don’t have to move. It’s not too late. Carter can back out of the lease. You can—”

Carter silences her with one giant hand over her face. “Shhh.” He loops his arm through mine. “C’mon. I’ll give you the tour.”

Carter pulls me around the apartment, showing me the sprawling master bedroom, the attached bathroom with the sparkling glass shower. There’s a second bedroom and another bathroom down the hall, much more than I need.

Not surprising, nor is him telling me he actually wanted to get me the penthouse. Carter loves to spoil his people, and he caught me looking up rentals last month. I don’t have much income, and Vancouver is expensive, so my budget was giving Criminal Minds vibes, sans hunky Derek Morgan. The face Carter made before slamming my laptop shut, grunting out a Fuck no, and walking away, was both entertaining and eye-roll inducing.

When we finish the tour, I dance my way through every room three more times because I’m so in love, and I can’t stop smiling.

“This is incredible and so, so perfect.” I spin around the living room before I crush my brother in a hug and throw myself over Olivia, who’s made the couch her home, and smooch her cheek. “Thank you, times infinity.”

“You can move in as soon as you want,” Carter tells me as we get ready to head home. “I can help you when I get back from our series next week.” He hands me a rose gold key chain with an acrylic J on it, filled with tiny flowers. “And one of the guys lives on the top floor, which is cool. I feel better about you living alone knowing he’s around. I haven’t asked him yet, but I know he’ll look out for you.”

“Great.” How like him to put me under surveillance.

He sweeps me into the hallway as the door opposite me opens. A soft giggle pierces the air, and Carter grins.

“Speak of the fucking devil. What are you doing down here? Well, I mean, I know what you were doing down here.” He pumps his brows. “Your hair’s all…and your shirt…” He shakes his head, still grinning, then points at me. “Jennie’s moving in. Told her you’d look out for her.” His expression sobers. “You have to look out for her.”

“I don’t need a babysitter,” I grumble to nobody in particular, buttoning my coat before peeking to see which poor, unsuspecting soul has been tasked with the job. My fingers halt their work when my gaze settles on a pair of wide blue-green eyes, the mess of dirty blond waves ruffled on his head, the gray sweatpants hanging haphazardly and way too low off his hips.

Carter’s right: Garrett looks exceptionally like he just had sex.

And the half-dressed blonde with her fire engine red nails wrapped around his elbow looks like she just got fucked straight into the ground. I find myself feeling oddly envious.

Garrett Andersen ranks a solid Chris Hemsworth on the fuckability scale, all glowing skin, rippling muscles, turquoise eyes the color of the ocean on the brightest day, and his sweatpants do nothing to hide that he’s packing some serious heat between his legs, because why wouldn’t he be? So sue a girl for wondering what a quick roll with him might feel like. It’s been way too long, and I have a couple—okay, a fuckload—of cobwebs in the dungeon.

Shit, did I call it Disneyland earlier?

Bright red heat stains Garrett’s cheeks as he holds my stare, and I have no idea what comes over him as he rockets away from the girl at his side, practically shoving her to the ground.

“Right, well, as I was saying.” Clearing my throat, I wrap my scarf around my neck. “I don’t need to be babysat, especially by Fuckboy of the Year over here.” I loop my arm through Olivia’s and head for the elevator, throwing one last look over my shoulder. Judging by her laugh, I’d say Olivia enjoys the way Garrett’s mouth gapes as much as I do. I’m sure he wants to be my babysitter as much as I want to hear my brother call himself Big Daddy ever again.

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