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Radiant Sin(33)

Author:Katee Robert

“Cassandra, you know better.” Kink isn’t defined so acutely and she’s damn well aware of that. She’s protesting for the sake of protesting.

Another huff, but she slides back toward me. “Fine, fine. You’re right. Get your cuddles and aftercare.” For all her snark, she drapes herself over my chest and buries her face in my neck. I run my hand down her spine, urging her a little closer, and she makes a sound perilously close to a purr. Immediately, she tenses. “You heard nothing.”

I smile into the darkness. There will be plenty of time to worry about complicated things tomorrow. In this moment, I am so content, I’m in danger of purring myself. “I like this, too.”

“Are you sure you’re tired? We could…” Her hand starts to wander south.

I catch it and press a kiss to her palm before placing it back across my chest. “No more tonight. Sleep.”


I almost retort that I am her boss, but I’m not keen to be reminded of that right now. Instead, I keep up my gentle touch against her back. I want to touch so much more of her, but she’s put her trust in me and I won’t give her reason to regret it. Right now, Cassandra needs sleep more than she needs to have sex again.

I’m proven correct when, a few minutes later, her breathing slows and deepens and the last bit of tension leaves her body. Only then do I allow myself the shaky exhale I’ve been holding for what feels like hours.

I want to keep her.

I already wanted to keep her even before I knew we matched up so well. Cassandra is one of the most confounding and frustrating people I’ve ever met, and she will lash out first to prevent the people around her from sensing anything resembling weakness. She’s downright mean at times.

She’s also incredibly thoughtful and kind when she thinks no one is looking. She’s sacrificed more than anyone could have asked for her sister, has ridden the waves created by her parents’ assassination attempt. Not to mention she’s probably the smartest person in Olympus. She notices things I miss, can make logical jumps that seem to defy the minuscule facts in front of her; she’s very rarely wrong.

And after tonight, I know that she has a playful side in the bedroom. That she’s bold and fearless and comfortable in her desires. That her kinks seem to be a perfect fit for mine.

I close my eyes and will my body to calm. It’s a losing battle. Just like having fallen for Cassandra is. She’s leaving. She was always leaving. She hates it here in Olympus, and I’d never use her trust in me to convince her to stay. More, being with me means inserting herself into the very things about this city that she hates the most. She’ll be targeted. Not even I can protect her from that; I can guard her body, but what about the assaults on her reputation?

On her sister’s reputation?

What would keep the two of them out of the political games that are this city’s beating heart? Every day with me would be a reminder of the price her parents paid for their ambition. Every day would be a chance for my enemies to use Cassandra and her sister against me—to bruise them just to see me suffer.

I can’t ask that of her. I can’t be that selfish.

I refuse to be.


I wake up achingly hard. We’ve shifted during the night, though not much. I’m on my side with Cassandra tucked back against me, her perfect ass pressed against my cock. She shifts again, and I wake fully. “You’re doing that on purpose.”

“Who, me?”

It would be so easy to let this spiral out of control. In fact…I check the clock and bite down an unkind statement when I see what time it is. “We can’t.”

“We can’t what?” Cassandra lightly drags her nails down my arms and burrows back tighter against my body. “This feels nice.”

Nice is the understatement of the century. But if we get going, I highly suspect we will miss our chance at breakfast and all the events Minos no doubt has planned today. We can’t afford to allow that to happen, no matter how great the temptation or inevitable pleasure. “Cassandra.”

She sighs dramatically. “You’ve being very responsible right now and I don’t like it.”

“I like this.” I give her a squeeze and kiss her bare shoulder. “Be very good today and I’ll reward you tonight.” The Minotaur’s appearance last night all but ensured midnight wanderings are off the table. We needed the cameras to go, but without any recordings to hold people accountable, there’s no guarantee that someone wandering the halls at night won’t suffer an unfortunate “accident.” It’s not worth the risk.

We’ll have to find a different way. I try very hard not to be pleased with the fact that Cassandra and I will be essentially trapped in our room from nightcap to breakfast.

“I’m never good. You should reward me anyway.” She gives one last wiggle against me and then disentangles herself from my arms. I almost tug her back, but I’m the one who put a stop to things and I can’t very well walk back on it now.

Except, as she climbs out of bed and pads to the bathroom door, my mouth actually waters. Gods, this woman. I trace every curve, drinking in the sight of her. She’s perfect. Utterly perfect. I want to map her skin with my hands and mouth, to learn exactly what she likes and what drives her wild. Last night was only the beginning.

As I watch, her skin blushes a charming pink. “You’re staring.”

“I said I wanted to look my fill.” Gods help me, I actually lick my lips. “This is a good start.”

Cassandra blushes harder. “Order me to go take a shower and get ready, or I’m going to come back to bed and—”

“Go take a shower and get ready.” I inject a bit of snap into my voice and am rewarded when she blushes even more. “No playing with that greedy little clit, either. While we’re here, your orgasms are mine and mine alone.”

Her mouth works as if she wants to argue, but she gives a jerky nod instead. “Better keep me satisfied, then.”

“Oh, Cassandra.” I rake my gaze over her. “I plan on it.”

She hesitates one moment more and then turns, giving me another spectacular view of her ass, and goes into the bathroom. I slump down onto the bed and curse myself for my timing. My responsibility to Olympus has to outweigh any personal pleasure or happiness I might try to seek. Especially considering that it will be short-lived with this woman.

I cannot allow myself to be derailed.

I need to get up and moving, but as the shower turns on, I can’t stop myself from stroking my cock. I don’t tease the way Cassandra did last night. No, I jack myself almost harshly, a slideshow of her flashing behind my eyes.

The way it felt to be cradled between her thighs, sinking into her wet heat.

Her sweet little moans that she didn’t try to hide.

Her taste.

I yank my hand away from my cock before I can come. I’m not normally a masochist, but if I’m denying her orgasms, it’s incredibly unfair to not hold myself to the same rule.

My phone rings and the moment I see the name flashing across my screen, the desire leaves my body. I still take a few seconds to compose myself before answering. “Apollo here.”

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