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Radiant Sin(7)

Author:Katee Robert

The bitter irony is that if my parents had just been content with their privilege and power, no one would look sideways at Apollo dating me. We were a legacy family, which meant I would be an acceptable marriage option for one of the Thirteen.

Everyone expects me to try to reclaim what we lost. They’ve been watching me like a bug under a magnifying glass for twelve years, and what Apollo’s asking for means putting myself into the public eye in a way that invites attacks.

Even Hermes knew better than to ask that.

I had thought Apollo understood why I avoid anything resembling the spotlight, at least in theory. He’s the one who offered me this job, who pays me far too much for the work and constantly seems concerned about my welfare. For him to ask me to play sacrificial lamb… It hurts. It has no right to hurt this badly.

“No,” I repeat. “I won’t do it.”

“Okay.” Apollo holds up his hands, looking guilty. “I’m sorry. It seemed the smartest route, and I trust you to be able to hold your own. I understand why you won’t.” His voice goes soft in a way that threatens to make me weak. “Cassandra, I’m sorry. I should have considered the implications.”

I can’t let him be soft to me. If he’s soft, then I’ll go soft, and then I’ll end up agreeing to something against my best interests. It takes far too much effort to straighten my spine and offer him coldness when he’s only given me warmth. “Yeah, you should have thought of it. If that’s all?”

His sigh is nearly soundless. “Yes, that’s all.”

I flee from his office. If only it was so easy to flee from the guilt nipping at my heels.



I messed up.

I was too rattled by Theseus showing up uninvited and issuing the command that I attend Minos’s party. It was a command, too. Minos might not be one of the Thirteen, but he knows he holds power and he’s throwing it around for all he’s worth. It can’t last, but it’s inconvenient in the extreme while it does.

Still, that’s no excuse. I shouldn’t have made such an inappropriate offer to Cassandra. If she was anyone else, she might have felt compelled to say yes even though she didn’t want to…

The thought makes me sick.

I have no illusions about what kind of place Olympus is. Power is the only law that matters, and as a member of the Thirteen, I have it in spades. I’ve seen the corruption that runs rampant, the way that some who hold titles abuse their influence to further their own goals and vices. I can’t pretend I’m any different. I’ve used my influence to pull my family members out of the fire more times than I care to count. Especially my little brother.

If I pressured Cassandra, who’s already suffered at Olympus’s hands…


I drag my hands over my face. It was a good plan, at least from the outside, but I’ll have to pivot to something else. I wasn’t lying when I told her she’s the only one who could accompany me. She’s one of the smartest people I know. She might think I hired her out of pity, but the truth is she’s become an irreplaceable asset. One I trust, though she’d never believe it if I told her.

There’s Hector, of course, but he’s so deliriously happy in his marriage that accompanying me to this kind of event would get tongues wagging. He won’t say yes. His marriage might be able to weather any kind of media storm, but he wouldn’t put his family through that. Not even for Olympus and the greater good.

The rest of my team is good, but they’re not on Hector and Cassandra’s level.


I straighten so fast, I send my chair rolling away from my desk. “Yes?”

Cassandra’s pretty face is locked down tight. Her lips naturally turn down at the corners, but they’re molded into a frown currently. She flicks a glance off to the side. “Zeus is here to see you.”

Fuck again.

I should have anticipated this. I’d texted him when Theseus arrived, but I expected a phone call requesting an update. I didn’t think he’d show up here personally. I smooth out my expression. “Go ahead and send him in.”

Zeus, of course, doesn’t wait for her to relay the invitation. Cassandra barely gets out of his way before he stalks into my office. “Tell me.”

I bite back a sigh and bring him up to date. It doesn’t even occur to me to keep the rejected offer to Cassandra to myself until his expression goes thoughtful. Zeus leans back in his chair. “Bringing her along is smart.”

“It’s a moot point. She said no, and I’m not comfortable compelling her into a situation like that.”

His lips quirk in a bitter smile. “You don’t have to play the bad guy, Apollo. That’s my job.” Before I can generate a response, he raises his voice. “Cassandra.”

It takes several beats for her to appear in the doorway, looking justifiably suspicious. “Yes?”

Zeus moves his chair so he can see both of us. He studies her for a long moment. “You want to get out of Olympus and take your sister with you.”

She crosses her arms under her breasts and narrows her eyes. “That’s not news.”

“You don’t have the money to do it.”

“Also not news,” she snaps.

Later, it might awe me a little that she’s one of the few people who doesn’t seem to care that the de facto ruler of Olympus sits before her. Right now, I’m too busy fighting a wave of unease. I can tell where he’s going with this, and I don’t like it on a number of levels. “Zeus—”

He ignores me. “Do this one thing for us and I’ll give you enough money to start over. Comfortably. Seven hundred grand.”

Cassandra glances at me, and even though I know her well at this point, I can’t read her expression. She turns her attention back to Zeus. “You’re serious.”

“I am.” He holds her gaze. “This party presents an opportunity we won’t see again. You work for Apollo. You know the potential threat we’re facing. We need that information. There’s no lengths I won’t go to protect Olympus.” He doesn’t move. “Name your price. As long as you deliver on your end of the deal, if it’s within my ability to give it to you, I will.”

She’s silent for a long time, her gaze on something in the middle distance. We both wait silently, though I have to bite my tongue to keep from protesting. Zeus is correct in his arguments, but Cassandra just told me no. It’s not right to put this kind of pressure on her. She’s not one of the Thirteen. She didn’t sign up for this kind of responsibility.

Finally she nods to herself and refocuses on Zeus. “Any price? Double your offer and provide me and Alexandra a safe way out of Olympus. If you agree to those terms, then I’ll do it.”

He doesn’t hesitate. “Done.”

I can’t stop a choked sound. One point four million dollars. That’s her price. I don’t blame her for that, but gods, the audacity. She’s amazing. Still, I can’t ask this of her. I know she doesn’t want it, and even throwing so much money at the situation doesn’t change how uncomfortable she’ll be acting the part of my girlfriend. “I’m sure we can find—”

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