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Ryan Reign (New York Ruthless #4)(49)

Author:Sadie Kincaid


揃ecause I抦 worried I抎 be a terrible father. Just like mine was.?

揑 know,?I say softly as I place my hand on his arm. 揧ou don抰 have to explain.?

揃ut mostly, I was worried that I might hate the kid. Like our dad did us.?

揑 know.?

He stares at me. 揃ut I looked at my cousin抯 kid, and fuck I would protect that chubby little fucker with my life, and he抯 not even mine.?

I swallow hard as I stare at him. Glancing around the room, I see that Conor and the twins are staring, too.

揑magine how much I抎 love a kid that was part of you, Jessie? Or any of us??he goes on.

揥hat are you saying, Shane??I stammer, because my heart can抰 take this if he doesn抰 mean what I think he does.

揑抦 saying that if that抯 what you want, then I抦 happy to give you it, is all.?His Adam抯 apple bobs in his throat as he swallows.

揧ou抎 have children??

揥ith you? Yes.?

揥e抮e making babies??Mikey shouts as his face breaks into a grin.

I look up at him and Conor and Liam and the three of them stand there smiling.

揑 already spoke to them about it,?Shane says and I look back at him. 揃ut we抮e all okay with not having kids if that抯 what you want too, sweetheart.?

揥hat??I stammer, opening and closing my mouth like a goldfish, because of all the things I ever expected Shane Ryan to say to me, that he would be willing to have a child was the absolute bottom of the list.

揧ou don抰 have to decide right now.?

揑f we did do this, how would it work? How would we know??

揥e wouldn抰,?Conor answers as he walks toward me. 揟hat抯 the only way we could see this working. We抮e all the baby抯 father.?

揑 love that idea,?I smile. 揧ou know that twins run in both of our families though, right??

揧eah, but you got four dads to share the night feeds and diaper changing with,?Liam says as he walks over to join us too.

揑 know Shane just said you don抰 have to decide right now, but I kinda need to know, Red,?Mikey says with a shrug. 揂m I gonna be a baby daddy, or what??

I can抰 help but laugh as he stands there with his 慘iss the Chef?apron on and his hand on his hip.

揧es!?I say with a smile and suddenly I am in the middle of a giant group hug, being smothered in kisses.



Two weeks later

I walk into the den to see all four of my boys in there. Liam and Mikey are playing pool while Shane sips coffee and scrolls through his cell phone and Conor is reading a book.

揌ey guys,?I say as I walk into the room.

They all look up and smile at me and my heart might burst with how much I love them all. Mikey puts his pool cue onto the table and walks over to me, picking up a small paper bag from the coffee table as he does.

揥e got you something, Red,?he says with a grin as he hands it to me.

揊or me??I arch an eyebrow. 揥hat is it??

揥ell, open it and see,?he replies.

I look around the room and the four of them are watching me. I open the bag up and pull out the small white box inside. Turning it over in my hand, I laugh out loud. 揙vulation tests. Really??I arch an eyebrow at him.


揝o, we抮e really serious about this baby thing then? I only had my implant taken out a few days ago,?I protest, although the fact they are so into this gives me butterflies in my stomach.

揥ell you didn抰 think we were about to start wearing condoms, did you, Angel??Conor growls as he puts his book down and stands up.

揥ell, no. But厰

揃ut what, Red??Mikey frowns at me.

The color flushes over my cheeks. 揑抦 not sure we need these,?I whisper as I hold up the box of tests.

揃ut they抣l tell us when you抮e ovulating.?

揑 know that厰 I stand there with my mouth open. These men know my body inside out, so why am I so embarrassed to say what I抦 thinking.

揑 think what Jessie is trying to say,?Liam winks at me, 搃s that there isn抰 a single day that goes by when she doesn抰 have someone抯 cum in her. Isn抰 that right, baby??

揧es,?I whisper as I blush to the roots of my hair.

揂h,?Mikey chuckles. 揃ut these will let us know exactly when the time is right to make a baby. And, I mean, we kinda wanna know when that is, Red.?

揥e sure do,?Conor agrees.

揑 thought we agreed we were happy not to know who, you know??

揥ho scored the home run? Whose little guys were the strongest swimmers??Mikey kindly offers.

揧es,?I whisper.

揂nd we don抰, but we still want to know when the time is right,?Conor says as he stalks toward me.

揧ep. If we抮e making babies, I want to bring my A game,?Mikey winks at me.

揥hy do I feel like this is going to get really competitive??I fold my arms across my chest and try to glare at them with all of the indignation I can muster, but I can barely keep the smile from my face.

揙h it is!?Conor replies.

揝uper fucking competitive,?Mikey agrees with a flash of his eyebrows.

揝o, go do the test,?Liam says.

I shake my head and that抯 when Shane stands up and walks over to me. Mikey steps aside and Shane stands directly in front of me. 揟here抯 only two to three days a month you can get pregnant, right??

揧es,?I bite on my lip.

揝o for two to three days a month, me and my brothers are going to be lining up to fuck you. Fighting over who gets to fuck you. Fucking you harder and for longer, because believe me, sweetheart, we will all be bringing our A game.?He leans his head close to my face until his breath skitters over my cheek and I shiver in anticipation. 揂re you really telling me that even thinking about it hasn抰 already got you wet and wanting to be fucked??

I suck in a breath as the heat floods my core, because damn, that might just be the hottest thing I can imagine. 揙kay,?I whisper.

揟hought so. So go pee on the goddamn stick, sweetheart,?he growls.

揑抦 going,?I breathe.

I stare at the small white piece of plastic in my hands. Two lines. I抦 ovulating! Damn!

They are all waiting for me in the den. When I tell them the result?Holy fuck! The rush of wet heat almost knocks me off my feet.

I walk down the hallway and when I reach the den, I lean against the wall, watching them for a few seconds before they notice I抦 back. They are chatting and laughing amongst themselves, and I am overwhelmed with love for them.

It抯 Conor who spots me first. 揈verything okay, Angel??

I hold up the plastic stick. 揑抦 ovulating,?I say with a smile.

I have never seen four men move so fast in all of my life. Liam pushes Mikey out of the way as he runs toward me. Conor vaults the sofa while Shane drops his cup of coffee where he stands and sprints toward me. The four of them hurtle to me and my entire body sizzles with excitement and anticipation. I turn around and run down the hallway, hardly able to breathe I抦 laughing so hard.

It抯 Conor who catches me first, and he hoists me over his shoulder and carries me into the nearest bedroom which happens to be my own. He throws me down onto the bed and starts stripping off his clothes as his brothers run into the room on our heels and begin doing the same.

I stare up at them watching them undress, their broad chests and thick arms all covered in tattoos, including the matching one they now all have of my name which winds around the base of their necks. 揧ou ready to make some beautiful Ryan babies, Angel??Conor growls.

揧es,?I whisper.

Now that this part of the series is concluded, are you ready to see what happens next for Jessie and The Ryan Brothers? You can preorder the 5th book in the series now Ryan Renewed

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