Home > Books > Shattered Altar (Makarova Bratva Duet #1)(60)

Shattered Altar (Makarova Bratva Duet #1)(60)

Author:Nicole Fox

“You haven’t dated in a long time,” I point out.

“What’s happening here?” she asks in a teasing tone. “You’re married now, so you want to marry me off, too?”

We both laugh as I watch Demyan walk back up towards the house. Aleks stays by the lake, cutting a brooding figure against the metallic sheen of the sunlit water.

It feels like the perfect moment to go down there and start up a conversation. I have no idea what I’m going to say, but I have to earn his trust. I have to make him think I’m on his side so that he feels comfortable enough to tell me what he’s hiding.

“Listen, Mia, I have to go.”

“Go?” she asks incredulously. “Where? Is it time for your daily walk around the prison yard?”

“Umm, downstairs. I want to stretch my legs.”

“Oh, wow, you weren’t kidding. Well, walk after we’re done talking.”

“We are done, aren’t we?” I ask.

“Wow. My feelings are hurt. I really didn’t expect to be playing second fiddle to your damn kidnapper.”

“Will you stop?” I scold. “I just… I have to go.”

“So you and Rob are up to something,” she says shrewdly. “I guessed as much but he refused to tell me what.”

“We’re not up to anything.”

“It’s a little insulting to be kept out of the loop, you know.”

“We just want to protect you, Mia.”

“Is that it?” she ponders.

“Come on, what other reason would there be?”

She sighs. “Just be careful, Liv. He may look like Paris or Achilles or whatever, but the man can and will burn you. He already has.”

“I know. I’ll be careful.”

“Call me later, okay? I love you.” She sounds like she isn’t sure I’ll actually do it. Like this might be the last time we talk.

“I promise. Love you, too.”

I hang up and race to my walk-in. I stare at myself in the mirror, entirely unimpressed with what I’m seeing. I strip off my clothes and scan for the perfect outfit.

Too dressy and it’ll be obvious I’m up to something. Too casual and he’ll think I’m the same person I was when I walked in here.

I finally settle on a baby blue cotton halter dress. I pair it with flip-flops and keep my hair loose. Hopefully, it will strike the right balance. Breezy. Innocent. The kind of person you tell secrets to regarding your various kidnapping adventures.

I hurry through the house and head straight for the lake. But he isn’t there when I walk out.

I move to the edge of the lake, trying not to look too obviously like I’m searching for him. Still nothing, though.

Disappointment pools in my stomach, and it’s not just because my plan has been botched.

I try to take solace in the beauty. Failed plan or not, the water looks amazing. It’s a deep turquoise blue with emerald green moss growing along the fringes of the bank. I slide out of my flip-flops and step into it.

It’s warmer than I expected. I’m half-tempted to jump in and soak.

Maybe more than half-tempted, actually. My mission was a bust. I might as well enjoy myself, right?

I glance around surreptitiously, making sure I’m still alone. I could go for a quick dip and have my clothes back on before anyone noticed.

I reach back and start to unzip my dress—when I hear movement just behind me. I glance to the side without actually turning my neck and I see what I missed before, standing amongst the trees.

It’s definitely Aleks. Nobody else has shoulders that freaking broad.

I freeze, wondering if I should let on that I know he’s watching and zip myself back up. Or…

Seduce him.

The voice in my head is growing louder, more confident.

Seduce him. That’s how men like him operate. If he thinks you want him, then maybe he’ll give you something in return.

I feel the adrenaline pump through my body as the voice in my head gets louder. Resisting it is probably in my best interests.

Instead, I do the opposite.

I close my eyes and pull the zip down further.

It’s not a conscious decision. I follow my body's urges. Instincts that I didn’t even know I had. And once I’ve made the decision, I commit fully.

I pull my dress down and strip until I’m standing at the edge of the water naked. I know he’s still watching, but I pretend to be unaware.

I step into the lake quickly and immerse myself in the water, basking in its silky touch. The sun is warm and the air is soft, quiet, expectant.

When I pop up again, I feel more adrenaline lance down my spine. I didn’t expect to feel so… empowered. I’ve never done anything this brave before, and I’m finding the high to be more than a little addicting.

Maybe that’s why, when Aleks steps into the light, I meet his eyes without the slightest bit of self-consciousness.

He moves forward, his eyes locked on mine, and leans against the big ash tree crooked over the edge of the lake.

“I couldn’t help myself,” I explain in a sultry voice like a 1960s detective movie dame. “The water looked irresistible.”

“I don’t blame you,” he says. “I’ve done the same in the past.”

“Well, sorry to encroach on your sacred space,” I say sarcastically. “I’m sure you have fond memories of all the girls you’ve brought to skinny dip.”

“Apology accepted. I like this view the best of them all.”

I wince as an uncomfortably intense rush of exhilaration powers through me. The way he’s looking, the way he’s licking his lips… he’s twenty yards away and it’s still the most erotic thing he’s ever done.

But I can’t show him that. Keep up the act. Play your role.

So I look around at the water and crinkle my nose. “Well, then maybe I’m not so sure I should be in here. I bet there’s unspeakable things floating around in these waters.”

“I wish I could deny that.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “You’re disgusting.”

“Don’t worry, moya zhena,” he says. “I haven’t brought anyone around since I married you.”

He’s teasing me. I can’t take anything he says seriously. But for some reason, those words comfort me.

“I’m sure that’ll change.”

I wait for more reassurance, but he gives me none. I shouldn’t care. We’re not really married. This isn’t real.

But my heart beats angrily even as I think about the possibility of another woman.

“Got you worried there, darling?”

He’s looking at me with his crooked smile and one wickedly arched eyebrow. That smirk conveys his intentions perfectly: he’s toying with me. He’s having some fun at my expense.

Well, fine. He wants to play?

Let’s play.



I can see her collarbones and the vague shape of her breasts through the rippling water, but nothing else. Her dark hair is smoothed back and floating along in the water behind her.

She looks phenomenal. Like a wet dream come true.

But I’m not about to push this little experiment she’s trying. She wants something from me? Then she’s going to have to work for it.

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