Home > Books > Sincerely, The Puck Bunny (Totally Pucked #2)(7)

Sincerely, The Puck Bunny (Totally Pucked #2)(7)

Author:Maren Moore

The pink-tinted plump bottom lip that she seems to chew on when she’s nervous is pulled back between her lips as she sits back in the chair. Hesitating, she withdraws slightly. “Not much to know. You’ve seen the basics. I’m secretly a flag football captain, I like cheap liquor, and I’m perpetually graceless.”

“You sacked two hundred pounds to the ground, I’m inclined to believe this. Not sure about the graceless part. Maybe just a bit uncoordinated.”

She grins slightly and rolls her eyes. “Honestly, I like the fact that I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. Keeps things interesting.”

“I’ll take a shot to that.” I smirk. She has no idea how much I appreciate the fact that I don’t have to be anything I don’t want to be right now. To her, I’m some guy staying at her grandparents’ inn that she’s never seen before. Without the chains of my past making themselves known.

I’m not the guy who almost lost his entire hockey career after he was betrayed by his own brother. Or the guy who spent countless nights in a drunk tank, sobering up enough to get bailed out by his friend or his parents. She doesn’t know me as the guy who picked fights just to feel something.

Who was so numb inside that the only way I could feel anything at all was to make myself hurt.

She doesn’t know that guy, she has no clue who I am or what I’ve been through.

It’s freeing.

Her hot pink manicured fingers rub circles along the rim of her glass before she grabs the bottle and pours another shot in both our glasses and holds hers up in a toast. “To strangers, and cheap tequila.”

We clink the shot glasses together in a toast then toss back the tequila.

Somehow, one shot turns into two, and then four and then well, I lost count. An hour later, we’re sitting side by side on the couch, facing each other, with tears running down Maddison’s face as she laughs at the story I’m telling.

“So then, he runs out of the room butt-ass naked, and now we’ll never let him live it down.”

She’s completely doubled over, laughing, and fuck, I can’t help the smile that sits on my own face. She’s infectious. Hilarious, sassy, and everything I didn’t expect when she walked into the room tonight. And the best part… she has no fucking clue who I am. The connection feels one hundred percent genuine. While we’ve been talking about our lives, and the people in it, she hasn't pressed about my profession. We’ve purposefully avoided anything that’s too deep, and fuck, it’s been great.

Enjoying the night with no commitments or expectations.

I’m lost in thought when Maddison calls my name.


Looking up, my eyes connect with hers, and I forget the thought all together.

“Sorry, cheap tequila going to my head. What did you say?”

Her small finger traces the rim of the shot glass while she smirks. “I was saying how great your friends sound. It's amazing to have a group of people who you feel like bring out the best in you and that you can be yourself around."

“Yeah, I’m lucky to have them, for sure.”

I reach behind me for the tequila bottle and the glasses and pour each of us another shot. She takes a glass from me and together we toss back the liquid. Even after losing track of all of the shots we’ve taken, it still tastes like garbage.

It’s probably well after one a.m., but I’m not ready for the night to end. Not ready to say goodbye to Maddison.

“I have an idea. We have less than half a bottle left. Let’s finish it, but let's do it with a twist. I want you to tell me a truth and then I want you to tell me a lie. If I guess the truth correctly, you drink. If I’m wrong, then I’ll drink," I suggest.

Probably a bad fucking idea when she doesn’t even know who I really am, but if it gives me longer with her, fuck it.

"Okay, but this is probably a bad idea. I’ll have you know I am extremely competitive and I hate to lose.” She grins cheekily and brings her pink manicured nails to her lips in contemplation.

"I have a feeling you are going straight for my balls.” I laugh and roll my eyes playfully.

"I'm just trying to think of something really good.”

I’m so fucking attracted to her that I can’t hardly focus on anything but the desire to lay her down on this couch. She’s a breath of fresh air. Her laugh, her humor, her brazen realness. Even though being here with her is the last thing I need to be doing, I’m not ready to say goodnight and head upstairs.

I want more. Of this. Of her.

Arousal shoots down my spine when she moans lightly in frustration. “Shit. I have so many good ones, I don’t know where to start. Okay…Okay. I was the captain of the chess team and… I lost my virginity in a farm stall.”

My eyes widen. “The chess team?”

“Out of both of those, that’s what you’re surprised about? Go on, tell me, which one’s the truth, and which is the lie.”

I think for a minute. Fuck, she is good. I’d bet money on that poker face because it reveals absolutely nothing.

It makes me wonder who she really is. Who's under that breathtaking exterior?

“Alright. I’m betting everything I’ve got on this one. Chess team is the lie. Farm stall is the truth.”

Her eyes twinkle. “Sorry, Casanova, but you probably shouldn’t head to the casino anytime soon. Drink up.”

“No shit?” I say in bewilderment. Color me fucking surprised. “You were the captain of the chess team?”

She nods, grinning cheekily. “Don’t act so surprised. Just because I’m beautiful doesn’t mean I’m not smart. My IQ is like 180. Beauty and brains.”

That she is. That she fucking is. Fuck, I love her confidence. It’s sexy, and so rare to see on a woman. She’s completely comfortable in her skin and owns it.

I take the shot she pours for me and try not to wince when it still burns going down. Shit, when will this shit stop tasting so bad?

“Alright, here we go.” I smirk. “I went to prom with my cousin.”

Her eyes widen, and her eyebrows shoot up in surprise before she covers her mouth as she giggles.

“What’s so funny, brains?”

“I’m sorry, but if that’s the truth, I’m going to need some story time. Sorry, sorry, okay, continue.”

Shaking my head, I laugh. “And… I know three languages.”

“Oh, I am so going to win this." She sits back against the couch; her cheeks are flushed and her eyes twinkling from the light of the dying fire. She’s so beautiful it takes away my fucking breath. My hands itch to reach out and pull her into my arms, then kiss her till she’s breathless.

“I’m gonna say the three languages is the lie.”

I stay silent for a moment, then nod. It’s true, I did actually take my cousin to prom.

"Ha! Damn, I should probably go to Vegas and put it all on black.” She laughs, throaty and low. When she leans forward, the front of her shirt dips, giving me a glimpse of her milky, full tits.

I bite back a groan and laugh. “Look beauty and brains, don’t get ahead of yourself here. You’ve won two rounds, and I’m just getting started. Game’s not over yet.”

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