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Society of Psychos (Dead Men Walking #2)(123)

Author:Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti

__Author Note__

So, you have officially spent two books deep in the general insanity of our day to day thoughts. I’m not saying we go about the place killing people, but do we create conversations for wild animals and inanimate objects? Do we give back stories to pieces of furniture or stop halfway through a conversation to comment on some random thought that just popped into our heads?


So to all the people who live with peeping squirrels and little Glendas in their chests, we salute you. And to everyone questioning our sanity based on that statement, go back to assuming I’m joking and that we’re totally normal and don’t get your knickers in a twist worrying about the day to day workings of our minds. It’s alllll good. We’re totaaaally sane, and definitely don’t feed our inner murdery needs by killing off characters.

Niall, Brooklyn, Mateo, Jack, and Brutus (in all of his carnations) took up a special crazy place in our hearts and have honestly been some of the funnest (totally a word – I’m an author so I should know) characters we have ever written.

There is something so freeing about a character who never grew out of announcing to the whole world when they need a poop and who isn’t afraid to run wild in public dressed as a unicorn while singing out of tune and living their best life without a single shit to give about what anyone else thinks.

We’re trying to take a leaf from Brooklyn’s book and give less shits what other people think of our strange behaviour and focusing on the fun times, so if you take anything from this crazy duet then let it be that – alongside the mental image of Niall at the bottom of the pegging pile while wondering if his hip might give out before they finish, obvs.

As always, we want to thank each and every one of you for reading and enjoying our books in all of their forms from high fantasy to crazy contemporary and everything in between, without all of you we wouldn’t be living our dreams and we can never express how blown away we are by your continued love and support.

So here’s to finishing another motherfucking series!! Here’s to the anticipation for the next time we get to throw you from a cliff! And here’s to all of you pooping without a squirrel peeping.

All our love,

Susanne & Caroline xx