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The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World(89)

Author:Jonathan Freedland

‘I did not say that he is lying’ : Karski, Lanzmann interview.

‘not make any military sense’ : Van Pelt, ‘Veil’, p. 121.

‘I didn’t know’ : Claude Lanzmann quotes Aron at the start of his film on Jan Karski, The Karski Report , 2010.

small talk with waiters : Klein, ‘Confronting’, p. 278.

‘Robert, I need to talk to you’ : Krell, Sounds from Silence , p. 261.

‘on a cellular level’ : Gerta Vrbová, obituary of Zuza, AJR Journal , p. 15.

‘in denial’ : Author interview with Robin Vrba, 22 October 2021.

‘Should you not be satisfied’ : Klein, ‘Confronting’, pp. 274–5.

Battersea Power Station : Email to the author from Richard Bestic, son of Alan Bestic, 24 August 2020.

something of ‘the SS’ about him : Krell, Sounds from Silence , p. 263.

‘the Gestapo has finally gotten to me’ : Linn, ‘Rudolf Vrba’, p. 209.

‘lucky number’ : Vrba to Zuza Vrbová, 23 April 1998, p. 1, shared with the author by Gerta Vrbová.

he told his daughter : Zuza Vrbová died in 2013, aged fifty-nine.


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