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The Sinner(5)

Author:Shantel Tessier


I wrap a zip tie around the wooden door handles to ensure he can’t get out if he manages to find them. I watch through the glass as he very slowly turns to nothing but bones as his skin falls off his body along with his hair.

Another initiation completed.

It’s time to go see my little demon. It’s become a reward. After I finish an initiation, I go and get her off. It’s the best part of becoming a Lord.






I’M ON MY knees, hands cuffed behind my back. I’m kneeling beside fourteen other brothers. There were twenty-five of us during my freshman year, but not all of us made it. A fellow Lord by the name of Ryat kneels to my right. My friend Jayce to my left.

Lincoln stands in front of us, hands behind his back, chest bowed and a smile on his face.

This is it. What we’ve trained for. What we were bred for. A Lord is a machine. He does not fail at any task, no matter how big or small.

I can feel the power that surrounds the room. Men dressed in suits that cost more than most make in a year. It’s like electricity. It excites me more.

My breathing picks up when I hear the singe of Ryat’s skin to my right as he gets his brand. I’m next.

One by one, we will each take our oath and become a Lord tonight. We start our senior year at Barrington in five weeks, and we are all very aware that this is just the beginning. The past three years of initiation are nothing compared to what’s to come.

Lincoln comes to stand in front of me, and I look up at him through my lashes. “Easton Bradley Sinnett, you have completed all trials of initiation. Do you wish to proceed?” he asks me.

“Yes, sir.” Without a doubt in my mind. This is just another step toward getting who I want—a gorgeous blonde who has no idea who I really am. I can’t wait to show her.

“Remove his shirt,” he orders someone behind me.

The fabric is yanked behind my head, exposing my chest and stomach to the room. I take in a deep breath, knowing what’s to come. The next second, the chain wraps around my neck from behind. A boot presses into my back, pulling it tight to restrict my air but not suffocate me. It’s so we can’t fight them. No matter how much we are willing to go through to get to this point, a man’s fight or flight will kick in during situations like this.

“A Lord must be willing to go above and beyond for his title. He must show strength and have what it takes.” He dips the end of the hot iron into the fire at his feet, slowly turning it over. I try to fight the chain wrapped around my neck, my cuffed hands clenching and unclenching. “If you shall fail your position as a Lord, we will take what was earned.” He looks at the guy who stands next to him. “Silence him.”

The chain is pulled tighter, taking away what little breath I had left while the guy shoves a cloth into my mouth. I fight harder, but the guy with the chain shoves his boot into my back, holding me in place.

“Easton Bradley Sinnett, welcome to the Lords. For you shall reap the benefits of your sacrifice,” Lincoln states before I feel the hot searing pain in my chest and smell my own flesh burning.



THREE YEARS OF celibacy can make a man go crazy. Just ask any Lord. We are to show just how far we will go to prove ourselves. We have to be initiated into the secret society our freshman, sophomore, and junior years at Barrington University—only the elite attend from all around the world. But not every male student at Barrington is a Lord. Some don’t even know we exist, and we prefer it that way. It’s easier to attack when you jump out from the shadows.

We’ve officially been Lords for seven weeks now. We’re two weeks into our classes at the university. Our senior year, we get pussy. A chosen is given to us. She is offered on a silver platter to use however we want.

For someone who hasn’t had his dick sucked in three years, I’m not all that excited about accepting a chosen. Nothing about that process appeals to me. I like the chase. The hunt. A challenge.

It’s funny how the Lords teach us to take what we want, including a life, but we’re supposed to accept the pussy they offer us. Where is the excitement in that?

I sit at the round poker table at the house of Lords—we’re required to live here while attending Barrington—looking over the cards in my hand with a cigar in my mouth. I can’t stand them but thought what the hell when Jasper—a fellow Lord—opened the box that sat on the table. His father gave them to him in celebration that he gets some pussy tomorrow.

“Pick a name, dude. You’re taking forever.”

I look over my shoulder to see a few guys standing at the pool table. A black vase in the middle full of folded-up pieces of paper.

“What’s the point in picking names again?” I ask curiously. “You’ve already decided on your chosens.” They’ve been talking about drawing all day, but I’m not sure why. The vow ceremony for our chosen is tomorrow night, and we already know who we’re getting. Some of us get who we want, and others don’t. I only want one woman, but unfortunately, she wasn’t on the list.

“Pussy,” Jasper answers, looking up at me. “Want to draw?”

I shake my head. “No thanks,” I say, turning back to my game.

“Ryat, how about you, man?” I hear Jasper ask.

I look at Ryat, who sits across from me at the table. He, too, stares at his cards. “No.”

“Come on, Ryat.” Jasper whines like a chick, and Ryat’s green eyes snap to glare at him, getting his attention. “What if she doesn’t show?” Jasper asks.

“She will,” Ryat says matter-of-factly.

“Dude, why are you putting all your eggs in one basket when you can have six baskets?” Larson jokes from my right, listening in.

“You mean, why is he putting his cock in one cunt when he can have twelve?” Jake mumbles around his cigar. “Seriously, man. I wouldn’t waste your time on Blakely. She’ll never be over Matt.”

Ryat tenses but doesn’t acknowledge that statement.

“Well, I’ll be nice.” Jasper goes on from behind me at Ryat’s silence, “When she doesn’t show up tomorrow at the vow ceremony to be your chosen, I’ll share my pussy with you. Hell, I’ll even be nice enough and give you her ass.”

Ryat tosses his cards down and gets up from the table, leaving the room without another word. I can’t tell if he’s mad or just tired. We’re not close. Over a hundred men of all grades live in this house right now. Only fifteen of us made it to be seniors this year. His two best friends, Prickett and Gunner, who sat on either side of him, also get up and silently exit the room.

“Hey, Sin, you sure you don’t want to draw?” Jasper asks again.

“Positive,” I answer with a sigh. The guy is relentless. Ryat had the right idea by leaving the room.

“I bet you’ll change your mind when you see who I just got,” he adds with a dark laugh.

It’s not like women volunteered for their cocks. They just wrote down the names of girls who attend Barrington that they want a piece of and threw them in a vase to draw from. Then they’ll do whatever it takes to fuck them. They’ve got a bet going on who can fuck the girl they draw first. I think the pot is up to fifty thousand dollars. They’re bored as fuck, if you ask me.

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