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The Summer Getaway: A Novel(89)

Author:Susan Mallery

He didn’t know what she was going to do, so he didn’t move. He half expected her to go around him and into the house, but she didn’t. Instead she stopped in front of him, grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him toward her. He was so surprised, he let her tug him close, then nearly lost it when she raised herself on tiptoes and pressed her mouth to his.

She was kissing him, he thought in amazement, before the reality of her mouth on his caused his brain to shut down as his body demanded that he simply feel what was happening.

Her lips were warm and just insistent enough to make it clear what she wanted. He wrapped his arms around her so they were body to body. Her hands moved up and down his back before dropping to his ass, where she squeezed. Hard.

Wanting exploded, fueled by her heat and the way she was grinding her crotch against his suddenly rigid dick. Her mouth parted, and he pushed his tongue inside. She met him stroke for stroke before sucking on his tongue in that deep “take me now” way that always had him desperate for whatever she was offering. Was this really happening?

As he was trying to decide, she was pushing him into the house. Once they were in the kitchen, she maneuvered him into the breakfast room, where she drew back enough to start taking off her clothes. Responding in kind seemed like the most sensible course of action, he thought, nearly ripping off his shirt. He toed out of his shoes and shoved down his jeans and briefs, only to stop and stare at her.

“I don’t have a condom on me,” he said, barely able to speak through the haze of wanting. “They’re in my room.”

She gave him a slow, sexy smile that nearly drove him to his knees, before pulling one out of the back pocket of her jeans and waving it.

“I thought you might have less of a need to have one on you,” she said, her voice teasing. “I got the extra-large ones. They seem to fit better.”

He practically tore off the rest of her clothes before picking her up and setting her on the breakfast room table. She handed him the condom and looked into his eyes.

“I need you inside of me, Mason,” she said bluntly. “Forget about the rest of it. We can play later.”

His hands shook as he tore open the wrapper. It took him two tries to get the damn thing on, but then he was pushing inside of her.

He felt his world right itself. When she tensed around him, her head tilting back, her mouth gasping for air right before she called out his name, begging him to never stop, he knew he was back exactly where he belonged. Whatever happened next, he would always have this moment, this time, this memory. And then he couldn’t think anymore. He could only feel his release and the pleasure they gave each other, and hear the sound of his name as she screamed.

* * *

Robyn resurfaced to find herself naked on the breakfast room table. She’d spent most of her drive preparing what she wanted to say when she saw Mason, but instead of telling him any of it, she’d gone right to sex. He didn’t seem to be complaining, but at some point they needed to have a conversation.

Once they could both breathe normally, they cleaned up and got dressed. Only then did they look at each other. She felt his questions, knew he had no idea what she was thinking. Her carefully organized speech no longer made sense, so instead of reciting it, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the front sitting room.

When they were seated across from each other, she leaned toward him.

“Cord proposed to Zafina, and she said yes. He’s buying me out of the house, which makes the most sense. He loves that place, and I think they’ll be happy there. Harlow’s settled in Key West.”

She thought about mentioning the ridiculously high rents and how tiny her daughter’s apartment was, but knew none of that was important. It was only something to fill time until she found the courage to say what really mattered. It was time for her to do what was right for her—to say what was important and hope that he responded in kind.

She looked into his dark eyes and prepared to lay her heart bare.

“I didn’t come back for the inventory, Mason. I came back for you. Before, you asked me a question, and I didn’t have an answer. That wasn’t about my feelings so much as everything going on. There was too much, too fast. Practically everyone I know following me here, losing Lillian, having Jase show up in what can only be described as a boneheaded move. I couldn’t answer you before because I needed to be sure. I am now.”

She spoke clearly, so he wouldn’t misunderstand. “I’m in love with you. You’re a wonderful man, and being around you makes me feel safe and happy and strong. I want us to have a future together, and I’m hoping you want the same.”

He stood and glared at her. “You need to stop talking. If you propose to me, I’ll never forgive myself.”

Not exactly the response she’d been looking for. “Why are you mad?”

“I’m not mad.” He walked away two steps, then turned back to face her. “Dammit all to hell, Robyn. I’m not spending the rest of my life knowing you proposed.”

He looked so serious, she thought, genuinely confused by his annoyance. Had she been wrong about him? Didn’t he love her? “I thought you believed in equality between the sexes.”

“I do. You know I do, but don’t propose.”

“Because you don’t love me and don’t want to marry me?”

He swore silently, closed the distance between them and pulled her to her feet.

“You know I love you. If Harlow didn’t tell you, you’re smart enough to have figured it out for yourself. I practically follow you around like a puppy. I worship you, Robyn. You’re more than a fantasy. You’re real, and for reasons I can’t begin to figure out, you’re claiming you love me.”

Relief made her smile. “Not claiming. I mean it. I love you, Mason.”

“Hot damn.”

He kissed her, then pulled back and stared into her eyes. “I love you, too. All of you, for as long as I’m able to breathe. I’ve been looking for you my whole life. Whatever you want, whatever you need, I’ll make it happen.” One corner of his mouth turned up. “In and out of bed.”

“I’ll do the same,” she promised. “Always. You’re my fantasy and my hero. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m going to be grateful we’re together every single day.”

He buried his fingers in her hair, then kissed her again. A slow, melting kiss that had her wondering how far it was to either of their bedrooms. Before she could suggest they head in that direction, he drew back.

“So, about that proposal,” he said. “I’d like to marry you, but if you don’t want to go in that direction, I’m fine with it. But I do want us to build a house together. It’s gonna need to be big, what with you having fifteen cats.”

She smiled. “Fourteen. You were keeping Charles II.”

“You’re right. Fourteen of your cats and one of mine. We might need some kind of permit for that many of them.”

“I was thinking we’d talk to a local rescue facility and see if we can rehome a few of them.”

“There’s an idea.”

She touched his face. “Yes, Mason, I’ll marry you.”

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