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A Soul to Revive (Duskwalker Brides, #5)(13)

Author:Opal Reyne

So many people died tonight. By just one creature. Fuck. What if one of her friends had died, and instead of finding out who, she’d been busy getting dicked down because she was freaking the hell out?

Guilt nipped at her chest.

No wonder the guild forbids alcohol from being consumed within their strongholds. Everyone would likely have been useless drunks by now.

Images of the battle played behind her closed eyelids, and she cringed at multiple scenes. New nightmares to be had.

“Hey, Em,” Bryce groggily groaned.

“Yeah?” she asked, her voice breaking an octave.

She wasn’t going to cry. She swore she didn’t feel the tingle of tears tickling her nose and cheeks. Yet, why did water begin to fill her eyes?

He patted the bed next to her without looking. “Can you hurry up and leave already?”

She peeked at him. “Can I stay the night? I’m not sure if I want to be alone right now.”

The last thing she wanted was to be by herself. She’d probably start pathetically crying in a damn ball on the floor of her room, seconds from having a panic attack. Already she could feel the constriction in her chest, like she was one rushed breath away from freaking the hell out.

With lazy lids, he lifted his head and leaned it on his bent elbow.

“You know why you can’t do that.” He walked the index and middle fingers of his free hand up her biceps. “You know what the other guildmembers are like. They pick on and try to break up guild couples for entertainment.”

She knew that was partly true, but that was usually for new couples. Eventually they all came out of secrecy, and Emerie had been waiting for Bryce to approve it so she could tell her friends.

Gosh, she wanted to tell her friends so badly. Maybe they could help her piece her muddled thoughts together about this confusing, and sometimes one-sided relationship.

“Can I just stay a little longer then?”

He shook his head and turned to lie face down. “I’m about to pass out. Coming took the last bit of energy I had out of me.”

She couldn’t believe this! He was seriously kicking her out when it was obvious she wasn’t okay!

“Are you seriously not concerned about the events that happened tonight?”

Bryce shrugged in answer. “Who cares? We’re alive. Just another day in the guild.”

“You know what…” she snapped as she stood and spun to him. “Sometimes I’m this fucking close with you.”

She pinched her fingers together, leaving a sliver of a gap to show how short her patience with him was getting.

“Close to what?” He tilted his head to the side, inspecting her stance, before he chuckled. “Leaving me? Pfft, as if. You and I both know you won’t do that since you’re in love with me. So why don’t we just stop this fight before you say something you regret? I can only put up with so much womanly shit, Emerie.”

Her face turned cold.

He was dead wrong about her loving him. Could she have loved him if he wasn’t a dick to her at times? Absolutely. She wanted to love him, she wanted him to give her a chance to let that feeling grow, but he kept metaphorically punching her in the heart.

If he kept going, he’d lose her.

Actually, considering he made it out to sound like she was some love-sick puppy, who was too scared to leave him, and he didn’t even have the decency to console her after tonight… she was done.

She wasn’t a doormat, and she sure as shit wasn’t the kind of woman to be beaten down by a guy like him.

“You know what, Bryce? We’re over. I can’t do this anymore with you.”

That made him sit right up, his eyes flinging open wide. “The fuck? Are you seriously trying to break up with me?”

“Trying implies I was unsuccessful.”

Bryce stood after Emerie picked up her sword, attached it to her hips, and walked towards the door. “Wait. Stop. Let’s talk about this, Em.”

Oh? So now he wanted to talk with her? As a last effort?

“Okay fine, stay the damn night.” He pulled her into a forced hug, and her skin immediately crawled.

“Don’t touch me,” she bit out, shoving him off. “If you can’t even give me comfort when I need you the most, then you’re a real piece of shit as a partner.”

He scratched at the side of his unruly hair, that never seemed to stay in place no matter how much he tried to stroke it back. “It’s not like you tried to comfort me either,” he grumbled, just as she placed her hand on the doorknob to leave.

Her eyes grew so wide she thought they’d fall from her face. She spun around and gripped the collar of his shirt so fast that he stumbled in shock.

“Don’t you dare try to manipulate me into feeling like shit. I have been there for you every time you have asked me to, and it was only ever to get your fucking dick wet.” Then she laughed as she let him go as cold realisation settled in. “That’s it. That’s all you’ve ever wanted, isn’t it? You don’t care about me at all, so why should I continue to care for a selfish little boy? No wonder you can’t get promoted.”

His bottom lip pouted slightly under the tension of his mouth flattening in anger. “I’m not a fucking boy – I’m a man. One that’s treated you better than anyone else.”

“You’re actually a little bitch. I was just trying to be nice.”

His mouth dropped open, and Emerie took that as her chance to leave.

“I saved your life tonight, you ungrateful bitch!” She rolled her eyes as she shut the door behind her. While she was walking away, he opened the door to yell, “You better fucking tell Wren I helped you bring that monster down like you promised.”

Emerie gave him the middle finger as she stormed down the hallway. A few people cracked open the doors to their dorm rooms, but she just raised her chin. She hoped her blush wasn’t showing; she hated it when it made the white scarring on her face redden.

At least her anger was keeping all the hurt of this, and her earlier panic, at bay.

Can this night get any worse?

Emerie was about to, in fact, learn that this night could get worse… much worse.

She didn’t even make it to her own dorm before she was ushered by an Elder to Wren. Along the way, she was given a new uniform top, one with a silver insignia on it, as they informed her she had just ranked up.

There was no fanfare, no celebration.

She barely had a moment to register it before she was told to go down an empty hallway and change her shirt right there and then. Out in the open. She did it, but she would have preferred complete privacy, hating it when anyone looked at the scars marring her torso.

Her escort had given her his back, but a wandering guildmember could have stumbled upon her. All she could think was, I just wanted to go to bed.

Emerie was exhausted. Her head, heart, and body ached, and she wanted nothing more than to collapse onto her bed and pass out.

Once she was fully dressed, including her face coverings, she was escorted down the mountain fortress. Her brows deeply furrowed in uncertainty when she was taken to the dungeon just below ground level.

She wasn’t told why she was being brought here, only that Wren had ordered it.

When she saw the Duskwalker strapped to the table, surrounded by Wren, two other Elders, and one of the guild doctors, she hesitated to enter. She was gently pushed inside, despite her frozen feet.

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