Home > Books > A Soul to Revive (Duskwalker Brides, #5)(147)

A Soul to Revive (Duskwalker Brides, #5)(147)

Author:Opal Reyne

It was only when she palmed up his stomach, as though to lovingly soothe him, that he finally touched the ground again. His feet came out from under him, and he collapsed as he laid down. Tilting his skull to face her, he found her eyes were warm and tender as they watched him.

“Emerie,” he rasped out, cupping the side of her neck so he could rub his thumb across her smooth and freckled cheek.

She welcomed his palm by leaning into it and holding the back of it to keep it to her. Her fingers petted the exposed bones.

He thought she would be docile with him. He was wrong.

She touched her toes to the ground, lifted up and off his cock, and leaned back to sit on the length of it. Despite its softening state, his waning erection jerked at watching her stretched pussy leaking with his seed.

Then, she rubbed her clit against it as she bit into the side of his palm.

“You’re not done yet, are you?” she teased, her lips curling into a smirk. “You’re usually not after one time.”

Ingram chuckled, surprised to see she still had so much energy. Perhaps she was well rested after being in the afterworld.

He slipped his blood-stained thumb against her lips, content that the smell and sight of it didn’t stir hunger in his stomach, but in other more titillating places. He liked that he was further marking her. “What is a person called when they are addicted to sex?” he asked.

Her brows twitched, unsure of where he was going with this.

“I guess a nymphomaniac, or nymph for short?”

He drew his claw down her chin, her neck, so he could tickle it between her perky breasts. “Are you a nymph, my little butterfly bride?”

The last time they’d been intimate, Emerie had barely rested as he took her, repeatedly, for almost two days. Although she’d grown tired, she’d asked for more, just as she had now. Considering how much she’d rejected him in the beginning, had been bashful and shy, he never would have guessed she could be this way.

He was very delighted to learn of this development.

“Says the purple-eyed Duskwalker.” She giggled as she slipped the soft and luscious lips of her pussy over the groove underneath his semi-hard cock. “But no, not usually. I guess… I’ve just always wanted someone to make me feel loved, and that I was beautiful, inside and out. That I’m good enough, just as I am.” Even though she was saying things that should have been sad, she cast him a tender smile. “You make me feel all those things, and it just makes me want to ride you until my eyes cross and I become so dizzy that I can’t think about anything else but you. It makes me want to be as close to you as I can be. You mean so much to me, and I want to show you however I can.”

How was it possible for his heart and cock to throb at the same time?

He didn’t know if he just wanted to bring her back into his arms for a cuddle, or fuck her until her expression went silly again. If he wasn’t a towering Duskwalker, and she wasn’t a small human, he would have done both.

Although, he did, absolutely, try.

With the sun on his back and Emerie below him, he was exactly where he wanted to be when he buried his cock inside her.

She is perfect. She was the bride Ingram needed.

Emerie had already been on high alert when she’d seen the wanted poster pinned to the notice board just within Greenshire’s gates. Seeing a sketch of her own face with a reward prize had been unsettling. The title ‘deserter’ had been scribed, with the Demonslayer emblem pressed onto the very top in ink.

She was a criminal. A wanted woman.

Eh, she thought with a shrug.

There was only one person who currently wanted to capture her, and he had elongated, scale-covered arms. He was the only one who could have her.

She didn’t really care if humankind was turning their backs on her. She had already turned hers to them, quite happily, if she were honest.

She loved people, so it wasn’t in hate or spite towards humans, but more because she loved someone, or rather, something else so much more. She was willing to give up normality for him.

That didn’t mean when a guard holding a spear pointed his big finger at her, she didn’t gasp and tightly hold the bag of supplies she had… stolen. What? She didn’t have any money! Kind of hard to have a dime when she had returned from the dead with nothing, not even a pair of underwear.

“You there! Halt!” The guard yelled, as his companion turned around in surprise.

The second guard looked at her quizzically for a moment before he registered who she was. He bolted for her, which caused the first to run for her as well.

Emerie let out a high-pitched squeal, hiked up the skirt of her dress, turned, and legged it. No way in hell was she going to be captured.

Holding her bag of supplies to her chest, trying to make sure nothing fell from it, she turned down a path between two houses. Since they jumped into it, she just kept running. Then Emerie turned left, and then right, before going straight.

She knocked into a few people, having to cartwheel her arms so she didn’t trip and fall over with them, but she kept going.

When she was close to the edge of the town, she checked over her shoulder to make sure they couldn’t see. Then she turned incorporeal and drifted through the town’s protective wooden walls.

She became physical once more.

Running in the direction of the gate, so she could go to the hill beyond it, she glanced to a dark figure who stood on all fours at the top of it. He was mostly hidden by the long, swaying stalks of grass, and perhaps, to an unknowing eye, would be invisible.

Someone must have noticed her pass the open gates because two guards started to chase her from a fair distance away. They should have given up, considering she was leagues ahead of them.

“We need to go!” she shouted just as she came upon Ingram.

“Why?” he asked, shaking his head as he turned his raven skull towards the guards. His orbs flared red. “I can just kill them.”

“I’d rather you didn’t,” she countered, as she grabbed the horn that still had the ornament she’d give him in preparation to leap.

He lowered himself just as she jumped to his back. A makeshift saddle, a special one just for him and his spikes, cushioned her.

She liked how it disappeared whenever he shifted into his more humanoid form. It was a neat trick.

“Go, Ingram! Before they see you.”

Hopefully with the distance, they just thought he was a horse or something. It was doubtful the guild would have shared that she hadn’t only deserted them but released a Duskwalker. They wouldn’t want to share their failure.

They were secretive for a reason.

Ingram, with an annoyed huff, galloped at his top speed. Within seconds, the town with a cornfield beside it disappeared from view. In minutes, he’d crossed over a wide and vast meadow, then up a sharp hill.

He veered to the left at the top and bolted along it before going right.

She knew the path he was taking, as they had taken it twice in the past. A little over a month ago, and then recently.

Looking at the back of his white skull and jutting goat horns, the smile that curled her lips was simply because where he was taking them was… sweet, and also adorable.

“Here is perfect,” she stated, patting his neck when he’d begun slowing down on his own.