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Good Game (The System, #1)(43)

Author:Madison Fox

My mother gasps, and I switch my ears back to the conversation.

“The Covingtons are here.”

“The Covingtons?” Vittoria questions.

I stare at the beautiful blond family that just walked in. I know of the Covingtons, but I’ve never crossed paths with them. They’re old English wealth but are making modern waves. I’m pretty sure the mother comes from some royal lineage, a marquess maybe. They’re part of the upper echelon, so I’m surprised to see them here of all places. They outrank the Taylors, hell, they outrank ninety-nine percent of the families here. I’m not sure what their reasoning is for being here, but it is going to be something that Felicity lords over the rest of us now.

“The older man is Patrick Covington, head of the Covington Hotel conglomerate. Jameson and I stay in their hotel whenever we travel to Paris. Children, you remember their flagship hotel in London; we stayed there when you were in middle school.”

“I remember the fountain in the lobby.” It was a gorgeous fountain with an angel in the center and cherubs lining the sides—the sort of thing a young girl coos over. We traveled so much as children that the odds of me remembering one hotel versus another are very slim, but that fountain I remember.

“The mother is Pricilla. Her grandfather was knighted by the Queen and then granted barony; God rest her soul.”

Ah, a baron. Close enough.

“Then there’s the elder daughters, Paige and Phoebe, and the son, Parker. He is the heir to everything, but rumors say he is dabbling in his own ventures. He’s the same age as you, Stephanie, handsome as well.” My mother raises her eyebrow at me, like I wouldn’t have picked up on her point without it. “You know, I always thought you could do better than Chauncy.”

I can’t stop the soft scoff that releases from me.

That’s not what she’s been saying every time we’ve talked on the phone since the breakup, but alright.

They’re a tall, attractive family. The sisters are night and day, one in a dusty pink tulle gown, the other in a strapless, fitted black gown. Parker has every girl’s eye on him. The guy looks like he belongs on a magazine cover. The navy-blue suit he is sporting is tailored to perfection, a stark blue tie resting against his white shirt. Everyone says British men are sexier, and they are correct. The other men at this event don’t hold a candle to him. But as attractive as he might be, my mind is trapped on a devilish, tattooed brunette.

We make eye contact, and he looks at me with surprise before smiling and waving, cuff links glinting in the sunlight. Reflex has me waving back with an equal smile, but I can’t stop my brows from pinching in slight confusion. His eyes startle and panic flashes across his face as he turns away to speak with one of his sisters.


My mother grips my arm. “Stephanie, since when are you acquainted with the Covington heir?”

Since never.

But I can’t really say that, so I just shrug.

“I was about to ask the same thing. I wasn’t aware you knew Parker.”

A chill runs down my spine. I’d know that voice anywhere. His presence presses against my back without even touching me. My brother tries to discreetly move our parents a few steps away in an attempt to give us privacy. I spin around, cocking my right brow while looking my ex-boyfriend up and down.



My jaw clenches at the use of my pet name. Chase wanted to call me something no one else did as a token of his adoration. At first, it seemed cute. But as time drew on, the playful tone shifted. He has this way of saying it that makes me feel like a child, like I’m beneath him.

“You look beautiful tonight.”

“Mmm, your date doesn’t look half bad herself.”

I take a sip of champagne, watching as he huffs, jaw ticking up slightly with frustration.

“It’s not that serious, Steffy, you know that. I only came with her because you haven’t been answering my calls. You’ve completely shut me out.”

“Well, I’m serious. I told you I was done, and I meant it.”

“You’re throwing away years, Stephanie. Years.”

“No, Chase. I wasted years, and I won’t waste any more, not for a man who never saw me for me. I’m not some pet you can train and take out whenever you like; I’m my own person.”

“Stop being dramatic, Steffy. Do you think you’re worth anything without me?”

“I know what I’m worth, Chasey, and you can’t afford it.”

Whether the use of his new girlfriend’s pet name bothers him or not, I don’t know. What I do know is that Felicity has spotted us chatting, her glare hot on me. I lean into Chase, watching Felicity stalk over in her shiny stilettos.

“Also, you can stop with the flowers, Chase. It’s not doing you any favors; it’s just getting creepy.”

His eyes narrow, but he loses his chance to respond.

“Chasey!” Felicity’s voice is shrill as she loops her arm through Chase’s, drawing him back from me. “Stevie, hi, you’re looking,” she pauses, giving me a once over, “shiny.”

“Felicity.” My lips might be smiling, but I can’t stop the slight spread of venom from creeping into my eyes. Insults teeter on the tip of my tongue, but I bite them all back. “Thank you.”

She didn’t mean it as a compliment. I know that. She knows that. Her nose twitches in annoyance at my lack of reaction. She’s quick to recover though.

“I didn’t see you come in,” lie, “did you bring a date?”

She makes a show of widening her eyes dramatically to look around for some invisible boyfriend, lips slightly pouted.

“Nope, just myself.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry about that. It must be hard to see that your ex has moved on.” She reaches out and touches my hand in a move of faux sympathy.

I let my smile drop into a fake look of confusion.

“Oh, Felicity. Why would I be upset? You’re the one who had to steal someone’s boyfriend because you couldn’t land one on your own.”

“Well, at least I’m not on some slutty rebound tour,” she bites back. My eyes narrow at her over the top of my glass.

“What do you mean?”

Her smile turns smug, and she presses her chest out with the confidence of someone who is about to spill a dirty secret. “Our mutual friend said you’ve been spreading your legs for strangers. I know you’re hurt over Chase dumping you for an upgrade, but you really should be careful. You don’t want to catch an STI.”

Mutual friend, my ass. I bet it was fucking Daniel Decker. I didn’t realize how entrenched he was in Chase’s social life. He’s even spent time with Felicity. I’ve clearly been missing something, and I don’t like being in the dark.

“Upgrade? Ha. Honey, you’re the backup.” Felicity’s expression sours as I drain the last of my champagne. I use the empty flute to point towards Chase, holding her eyes the entire time. “Plus, my sex life was pretty boring these last few years. I’ve been needing to spice it up now that I’m free. You’ll understand quickly.”

“Really, Stephanie. Talking about our private affairs in public?” Chase’s tone is dripping with disappointment. “Why must you be so unladylike at times?”

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