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Monster Pucker: A MMF Monster Hockey Romance

Author:Clio Evans & Ashley Bennett

Monster Pucker: A MMF Monster Hockey Romance

Clio Evans & Ashley Bennett



I’d done many things in my journalism career to get ahead, but being stuck in a hockey player’s locker had to be the worst of them all.

I breathed through my mouth, trying not to inhale the stench of sweaty fur and gods knew whatever else. It was absolutely rancid. All the fantasies I’d ever had of dating a hot hockey player seemed to go up in smoke now that I was trapped inside this hell hole.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

It was my fault, really. My stupid ex was here trying to outdo me. He could have gone to any other game, but of course he’d chosen the Michigan Growlers vs. the Colorado Claws. Mike was a sports journalist like me, which was how we’d met.

Two years of bliss and a ring on my finger, only to catch him in bed with his intern. My whole life had crumbled one year ago, just in time for me to spend the holidays utterly alone and miserable.


Because I wanted to show the douchebag that I was better than him, I’d snuck into the locker rooms to overhear whatever I could about the biggest rivals in the league. Any bit of gossip or drama I could catch might help me one up the asshole.

But now, I regret doing that. I’d climbed into a locker to escape a security guard who had done a sweep of the room, only to find myself trapped inside it. I’d spent a good ten minutes trying to slam my shoulder against the metal door, but it was no use.

I was stuck.

The good news was that monster hockey players’ lockers were roomy. I was a big girl, but this thing made me feel like a doll in a box.

The bad news was that it smelled absolutely disgusting. And it wasn’t like I could call for help. I didn’t want to get fired.


I wasn’t even sure how long I’d been in here now. All the players had come through already and left. I pressed my face to the grated holes, trying to peek through.

A soft moan floated through the locker room.


Klaus?! The Klaus?

The Growlers were one of the most popular teams in the NMHL: National Monster Hockey League. Their team had two star players, and Klaus was one of them.

I’d only seen him up close once or twice, but he was hot… Nine feet tall, not including his massive horns, which required a custom helmet. He was muscular with a down of fine ashen gray fur, and abs for days…

“Oh fuck. Klaus…”

My eyebrows shot up, my eyes widening. That…sounded…

A growl echoed through the room, and I stifled a gasp as two monsters came into view. I knew that ass and tail from anywhere. Klaus slammed another monster into the lockers across from this row, pinning someone there.

I could see a flash of white fur…


“All the other players are gone, Flurry. Get on your knees.”

Flurry? FUCK.

Frank “The Flurry” Murry was the rookie center on the Growlers, but was already second line. He was on his way to being one of the most impressive hockey players the NMHL had ever seen.

Klaus, on the other hand, was one of the most famous first line center snipers in the league. There had been rumors that there was a lot of tension between the two players because of their roles.

Maybe this was how they worked that tension out.

“Are you sure we’re alone?”

“Get. On. Your. Knees,” Klaus snarled.

My thighs squeezed together, my breath hitched. I covered my mouth as I watched the massively sexy yeti get on his knees in front of Klaus.

Oh gods. Oh gods, oh gods.

I felt a flush of panic and…something else. I bit my lower lip, unable to look away. It was completely inappropriate, completely unprofessional, but I had to watch.

Klaus let out a low groan. I could only see his back and his hips, and the way they were moving. The low growls and gasps…

My pussy throbbed. This had to be the most unprofessional thing I’d ever done.

“Take it deeper, champ. I know you can,” Klaus huffed. “Your punishment for getting distracted by that pretty journalist.”

Flurry moaned, pulling back on a breath. “I don’t know who you’re talking about—mmph—”

“You know exactly who,” Klaus snarled, pumping his hips harder. I heard Flurry’s head hit the locker. “Naughty little slut. You missed the fucking goal because of her. How are you ever going to take my spot if you can’t even shoot straight?”

Who? I had to know who. That could be an interesting story, although I’d feel bad for whatever journalist got mixed up in a romance with hockey players. The media were vultures.

“You were bad,” Klaus growled. “Fuck. I can feel your throat gripping me.”

My mouth fell open. I’d never heard dirty talk like this before. Every nerve ending in my body flared to life, my thighs now squeezing together as tight as possible.

I couldn’t stop watching. Even though I felt like a pervert spying on two lovers, I couldn’t find a moral shred of remorse or guilt. I sucked in a breath as Klaus kept going, his hips thrusting in a brutal rhythm.

Flurry’s moans filled the room, echoing louder and louder.

Gods, Klaus’ ass is perfect. How is his ass so perfect?

I shook my head, my cheeks hotter than irons. When in Rome, right? At this point, I was in it for the whole ride.

My hand slid down my body. I was wearing high-waisted palazzo pants with a tucked in blouse and blazer. I unbuttoned the top of them quietly, slipping my hand down towards my pussy.

This is so wrong.

“Naughty, naughty,” Klaus chuckled.

For a moment, I felt a flash of fear that he was talking to me. My heart pounded in my chest as I touched myself, still watching them hungrily.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. I watched as Klaus thrust into his mouth harder. He finally let out a guttural growl and pulled back.

My nipples hardened, pleasure rolled through me as I played with my clit. I was so wet from watching. I knew I had somewhat of a voyeur kink, but this was way more intense than I could have ever dreamed.

Klaus turned and grabbed Flurry, gripping his fur and dragging him into a kiss. Klaus was massive, but Flurry was even more so. He was at least a foot taller, his shoulders broad. His fur was bright white with tufts of steel blue here and there, his hands ending in retractable claws. He didn’t have massive horns like Klaus, but he had two tusks protruding from his mouth, similar to that of an orc.

There had been many nights I’d fantasized about riding tusks like that…

Fuck me. I was doomed. I bit back a moan as I kept circling my clit. It was getting harder and harder to be quiet, but I had to be. I couldn’t get caught.

I wasn’t sure what would happen if they discovered me, but it wouldn’t be good.

Klaus paused for a moment, breathing in deep.

“What is it?” Flurry whispered.

“A scent,” Klaus hummed. He scowled, glancing around the room.

“Is someone here? You know I don’t have the same heightened sense of smell as you.”

“This is pretty strong…”

“Sorry, all I can smell is the sweat from the team,” Flurry teased.

Klaus was silent for a moment, but then spoke. “It’s nothing. Just a hint of something…delicious. It’s gone now. Why aren’t you still sucking my cock, Flurry?”

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