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Queen of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms, #5)(95)

Author:Amelia Hutchins

“Ashes to ashes,” Killian said beside me.

“Dust to dust,” Zyion growled.

“In no goddess, shall we trust.” I laughed, biting my lip as the coppery tang of her blood lined my teeth. Flicking my fingers, I brought the vibrant, blue flames up to my lips and blew on them until her head caught fire. Stepping back, I smiled as it charred the skin to black flakes, which drifted upward until the flames died out. What was left was nothing but the skull with a circle-less pentagram on the forehead. “You look much better without a head. It’s a vast improvement, Hecate. If Knox were here, he’d thank you for the skull. We must never forget our manners, right?” I asked the men standing beside me, who were watching the bitch burn. “Anyone bring marshmallows? I’ve been craving some lately.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine


The battlefield was bathed in blood that ran in rivers. My heartbeat drummed in my ears, the entire group celebrated by throwing body parts, which caused my stomach to churn. I stood in the midst of it all, dragons swooping down to feed on the dead, while the girls danced around barefooted. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought of what Knox would be doing if he’d been here.

Would he dance with me? It would be rather morbid, but Hecate was afire, her witches were being hunted down and rounded up for extermination. I’d allowed the dead a chance to deal with those who’d harmed them in life. It wasn’t much, but even now, I could feel the souls singing with relief, knowing they’d survived long enough to help wash away the sickness within the land.

Hecate wouldn’t remain dead, but in order to put her down, she had to be drained. There was also the issue of Aurora, who’d begun feeding on the magic of those without darkness. It meant she’d need to be handled before she became like her mother. The girls would need to be checked for darkness as well.

“Why aren’t you celebrating?” Esme asked, clapping me on the back. Her violet eyes were aglow with adrenaline.

“I was thinking about how Knox would’ve loved to see this. This moment is one that will be remembered, he should be here with me. He helped me learn how to be this person. Now he’s missing out on it. For so long, I’ve wanted to hurt her for what she’s done to him and the realms. I should be celebrating, but really? All I want is for him to hold me and tell me I’m not a horrible person for enjoying the small things. Like murdering my grandmother.”

“Yeah, how are those hormones working out?”

“He should be here with us.”

“King Karnavious wouldn’t care if he was here or not,” Zyion stated, even as Eva smiled warmly at him. “He’d be glad you kicked her ass. It doesn’t matter how you do it, or when it happens, as long as it happens. Tonight, she burns. The Nine Realms sleeps free of her wrath, and will for a while. You did that, Aria. You led his army today, and did what every king wishes of a queen. You protected him and his people, and you didn’t flinch once.”

“If he were here?” Killian muttered. “You wouldn’t be allowed to celebrate. He’d have you back in that library celebrating alone. That’s what you’d be doing. So, enjoy it while you can. Knox doesn’t celebrate victories. He said the only one he’d ever celebrate was the end of this forsaken war.”

“I think you have an ear on you,” I stated, reaching over to pick it off, examining it before tossing it over my shoulder.

“Did you see her, Basilius?” Esme asked, her smile fully reaching her expressive eyes. “Best fucking friend.”

“Best lesbian, maybe,” Ember snorted.

“Holy fuck. Where have you fucking been? You fucking left me. I needed you. Knox needed you! Ember, answer me now!”

“Maybe sleeping. I don’t recall. Wow, who fucked shit up? Can we have him?” she asked, even as I snorted.

“You have her. Me, I’m the one who unleashed hell on Hecate and stomped her ass. Without you. Sleeping? Are you fucking kidding me? I thought I fucking lost you, Ember. I’ve never been more terrified in my entire life.”

“I love you too, Aria. I’m proud of you.” Warmth washed through me, as if she was trying to show me how much she loved me. “Dragons! Oh, can we ride them? One, two? Can we ski on dragons?” Her excitement caused my lips to tremble.

“No, we cannot.”

She made a disgruntled sound and then softly purred. “Our babies are going to be dragons. I can feel it.”

“I guess that’s a good thing since I’m the Queen of Dragons.”

“Wait, you’re the Queen of Dragons, and we still can’t ride one?”

“No, in a moment, I need to go check on something.”

“I found this over by where you removed Hecate’s head,” Siobhan stated, handing me a bloodied crown.

“Fantastic. Thanks.” I took it from her and plopped it on my head. “Does this blood make my eyes pop, Esme?”

“Honestly, it brings out the evil in them. But, if I may suggest something?” She frowned before moving her finger toward the blood dripping from my crown. “Might want to clean the brain matter off before putting it on next time. It ruins the whole pretty-but-evil vibe. Might I also suggest using Hecate’s bones for your next crown, My Queen?”

“Shall we use her fingers or ribs? And can we add jewels? Or quartz maybe? Quartz would make the blood stand out more.” I pondered, tapping my chin.

“I think either would stand out well,” she said, giving me a cheeky smile, which I returned.

“Okay. I’m going to go check on Knox,” I admitted, smiling at her as Basilius stepped up behind her, offering me a subtle nod.

“I am honestly impressed. Liliana would never have survived being on the battlefield, let alone fought beside us. She never did like being anywhere blood was let. But you? You wear it beautifully, My Queen,” he confessed, bowing.

“Thank you, Basilius.” I glanced at Killian, who winked before he threw a head toward Brander, who caught it. Within moments, the men were playing some twisted version of soccer. “That’s so wrong,” I muttered.

“Speak for yourself.” Esme laughed, darting over to steal the ‘ball’ from Basilius.

The others rushed forward, each one teaming up with one of the men. Exhaling, I turned to stare at the blue flames burning still. The white oak would burn for a thousand years, which was more than long enough for me to travel to the Kingdom of Fire and unearth the two final elements. It could wait until I had Knox back.

Opening a portal, I entered the silent library, spotting a sleeping Lore outside the chamber where Knox was. I stopped to cover him up and kiss his forehead, smiling at the peacefulness of Lore’s face. If I had to guess, I’d say his feeding frenzy hadn’t had anything to do with his other half being incubus. It had probably been the pain he’d endured. As quietly as I could, I let myself into the room where Knox slept and pulled the door closed behind me. Then I removed the crown and set it, as well as the bloodied head, on the table.

“We won, Knox. I led your brothers and your army onto the field today. I kept them safe, as I knew you’d have done if you’d been there.” Wiping both my face, and hands off, I leaned over, kissing his lips. “I missed you out there beside me. I should’ve enjoyed it, but I couldn’t without you. But I also couldn’t wait for you to wake up. I became a monster today, and I don’t feel anything. Numb, I guess? I just really miss you and need you to come back to me. You’d have some sage advice about holding on to who I was, wouldn’t you?” I peered down, frowning. “If I’m being honest?” I glanced at our hands, ignoring the tear rolling down my cheek. “I liked hurting you. Of course, I didn’t like that there could be innocent creatures within the citadel, or the city. But you were inside my head holding me steady.” Rubbing my thumb over his palm, I smiled as tears slowly fell without stopping. “Save one, or save many. Your people—who I guess are our people now—would’ve been her target. I couldn’t let that happen. A queen protects her king, that’s what you told me.” Chewing my lip, I released a shuddered breath. “I need my king back, Karnavious. I can’t do this without you with me. I love you. Do you hear me? I’m in love with you, and I need you to come back to me. Your chaos stirs mine, and I can’t be the queen if I don’t have my king beside me. You’re my King of Chaos.” His hand tightened against mine, and my breath stalled as I slowly dragged my eyes to his face. Black eyes with flickering crimson embers floating within them, watched me without blinking. My lips parted as a sob burst free from my lungs. Knox’s eyes slipped to the color of an angry sea, sending me adrift as the world seemed to mute. Then a loud, heartrending sob broke from my lips as a shattered breath of sound. “Knox."

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