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Thorns of Frost (Fae of Snow & Ice, #2)(50)

Author:Krista Street

I picked up a shirt on the floor, one belonging to the prince. Even though it was much too big for me, I would rather wear it than mistphase back to my chambers with my bare breasts on display. I slipped it on, and it settled to the tops of my knees.

“You know, as you saw last night, I’m getting quite good at mistphasing. Matron Olsander said I have a natural aptitude for it. Maybe I should start transporting myself to the fields each day. It would be one less task for you to do.”

I waited for the prince to answer, but his attention was fixated on my breasts.


“Hmm?” He finally lifted his head.

“Did you hear anything I just said?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “You in my shirt is rather distracting.”

I bit my lip to hold back a laugh. “I was talking about mistphasing. If I mistphased myself, you wouldn’t need to take me to the fields each day.”

“True.” He curved an arm around my waist before I could stop him, then nuzzled my neck. “But then I wouldn’t have an excuse to see you every morning.”

“Do you need an excuse now that I know you’re my mate?” I asked breathlessly. Blessed Mother, when he ran his tongue along me like that . . .

He lifted his head, smiling devilishly. “Perhaps not, as long as you don’t plan to avoid me again?”

“I won’t. I have no reason to anymore.”

“Very well, but I’ll need to see that your mistphasing is reliable enough to transport you exactly where you need to be.”

“Didn’t I prove that last night when I mistphased us here?”

“Humor me.”

“Are you doubting me?”

“No, but I wouldn’t feel as restless if I was able to trust that it’ll work every time.”

“So what do you want? A demonstration?”


“Later this morning then? After my training with Sandus?”

He kissed me softly. “I may be a fool to admit this, but it’s near impossible for me to deny you anything, so yes, later this morning is fine.”

A tingle raced up my spine. “Good, then in that case, I’ll see you soon, my prince.”

I mistphased back to my chambers, and the second I appeared, my sister spun toward me.

Her hair was in disarray, her eyes bloodshot. “Blessed Mother, where were you? I’ve been worried sick all night.”

Her frantic expression made guilt bite me hard. “I’m sorry. I should have sent someone to tell you I was fine.”

“But where were you?” She gripped my hands, her wings flexing.

Sighing, I cast a silencing Shield around us, then nodded toward the sofa. “Come. I’ll tell you, but it’s imperative that you don’t breathe a word of this to anyone.”

She cocked her head but followed, and once I was certain Cailis understood the gravity of the situation, I told her. Everything. About the way I’d been feeling toward the prince all this time, his secret oasis hidden within the Cliffs of Sarum, our family’s faked deaths and that they were actually still alive and living on the tip of Isalee, the acknowledgment of the mate bond I shared with the prince, and the magical night I’d spent by his side.

When I finally finished, it was well past sunrise, and I knew Sandus would be growing impatient at my late start.

“They’re alive?” she finally breathed as tears poured down her cheeks. “Mother? Father? Tormesh? They’re all alive?”

I nodded, emotions bubbling up in me as we hugged and clung to one another. “Alive and well. And they’re happy, Cailis. Well, as happy as they can be given the circumstances.”

“Can I see them?” she asked. “Can I visit them on the Cliffs?”

“Not now, but soon hopefully.”

She pulled back, wiping her eyes. “And you and the prince, he’s really your . . .”

“He is.”

She shook her head, her look of disbelief turning to wonder. “How long have you known?”

“I’ve suspected it for a few weeks, but I didn’t know for certain until yesterday.”

She shook her head again, then laughed as another tear rolled down her cheek. “I had no idea.”

“Neither did I for the longest time.”

“Does this change our plans, then?”

I nodded vigorously. “It does. I don’t want to escape anymore, Cailis. I want to win the Trial. I want to marry the prince.”

She squeezed my hands. Shock, awe, and humbleness I rarely saw in her surfaced as she nodded. “If everything you’ve said is true, then yes, you need to win that Trial and marry the prince.”

Several hours later, Sandus told me another story about his new niece, an adorable little female that his sister had named Harpelin, as we finished our training in the courtyard.

“She sounds like a true blessing,” I said as I wiped the sweat from my brow.

The guard grinned, the portrait of a doting uncle, as he sheathed his swords. “She certainly is. She’s already strong. Did you know that she can lift her arms all the way up? I think she’s going to be very advanced.”

I managed a serious nod while keeping my smile at bay. “I’m sure you’re right.”

“Shall we eat before heading to Isalee?” He gave me a wolfish grin. “You must be quite hungry after last night.”

Eyes widening, I smacked his side. “How did you know?” I hissed.

He laughed. “There’s not much that happens with Nori that Ryder, Nish, Haxil, and I don’t know about. I’m just glad you finally know he’s your mate. Have you bedded him then? Is the bond fully sealed?”

Blushing scarlet, I nodded toward my chambers. “We’re eating now, and you’re keeping all comments to yourself, and you’re never to ask me anything like that again.”

He barked out a laugh.

The prince showed up right after Sandus and I finished breakfast, and the second the prince’s aura caressed mine, my blood hummed through my veins.

“Good morning, Ilara.” The prince dipped his head, his eyes hooded.

Sandus grinned while Cailis assessed the prince curiously.

I quickly devoured the last of my food, then jumped from my seat before Sandus could embarrass me again or Cailis could launch into a thousand questions. At least Daiseeum and the other servants weren’t around. Small blessings.

I dragged the prince out through the double doors and tried to ignore the zing of pleasure that bolted through me when we made contact. Once we were safely outside, I released my grip as his tantalizing scent of cedar and snow drifted around me.

He grinned. “Are you feeling all right? It’s almost as though my presence affects you.”

“Oh, you’re going to be insufferable. I can already tell.”

His grin only broadened.

I hastily took a step back. “Please stay where you are, my prince. You’re here to ensure I know how to mistphase, remember?”

He crossed his arms, although his air affinity continued to caress me. “Very well. Let’s start with the basics. As I’m sure Matron Olsander has taught you, half of mistphasing is picturing the area in the realm that you want to travel to, and if you’ve never been there before, you picture where it is on a map or focus on a location’s name.”

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