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A Brush with Love(18)

Author:Mazey Eddings

“So, I’ll be honest, I have no idea what state my apartment is in, and I apologize in advance if it’s a train wreck.”

Dan laughed, hoping it helped to dissolve some of the tension. “Being roommates with Alex has pretty much exposed me to the most hazardous living conditions a person could experience. The city’s housing department is petitioning to condemn him. He’s a threat to tenants everywhere.”

“Thank God for heroes like you, absorbing his toxic waste.”

He shrugged in mock humility. “I do what I can for the people. A lab is bringing me in for genetic testing. I may or may not be joining the X-Men in the coming months.”

Harper laughed, pushing the door open and stepping inside, flipping on the hallway light as she went. Dan followed and they both slipped off their shoes.

“You’d be okay with wearing the spandex?”

“I’d need a few months to get bodysuit ready, but if the objectification of my ass can save the world, I’m willing to make the sacrifice.”

“So selfless.”

His heart swelled a size at her teasing. Talking to her pushed energy through his limbs and down to his fingers, like he’d been a man starved for human connection.

They stood inside her apartment, grinning at each other. Her eyes were warm and rich, reminding him of a cup of coffee he’d gladly drown in. Dan’s hand lifted on its own accord and brushed her short hair behind her ear.

Harper opened her mouth to speak, but something out of the corner of his eye caught his full attention and pricked every survival instinct in his body.

A huge, animalistic mass barreled down the hall at full charge. Dan couldn’t make sense of what he was seeing, but his hair stood on end as he heard its low growl. His heartbeat matched the rapid pounding of its paws on the wood floors.

Adrenaline took over, Harper’s safety his top priority. Dan registered a door to his left and ripped it open, pulling Harper in with him and slamming the door shut behind her before she could speak. His body took on a protective posture, caging her against the wall.

“What the hell are you doing?” Harper’s voice was panicked. Dan moved to cup her face between his hands.

“Okay, Harper, don’t freak out but there is an animal in your apartment,” Dan said, his voice coming out in frantic bursts. “It’s some sort of giant raccoon maybe? Or a bobcat? Do they have bobcats in Philadelphia? It was angry and charging. I need you to remain calm,” he begged, feeling anything but. “I’m going to investigate, but please, stay in here, so I know you’re safe.”

“Dan, I—”

“Shh, please, I need you to stay calm.” His own fear escalated as he heard the soft thump of a paw clawing at the door. “Maybe you should find animal control’s number while I figure out what it is. It looks about twenty or thirty pounds, I’m not sure.”

“Listen, it’s—” He placed a finger over her lips to silence her, not wanting her panic to flame his any further.

“I’ll be okay,” he said gently, brushing a hand across her cheek. “Please, don’t worry about me. But stay in here. I don’t want whatever it is to attack you.”

His panic mixed with a throbbing sense of heroic pride as he saw the glint in her eyes. He moved her away from the door and steadied his hand on the knob. With a deep breath, he counted to three then whipped the door open, blocking the entrance so the animal couldn’t get to Harper.

His eyes darted around, ready to fight off an attack. They landed on a huge pile of long, gray fur sitting right outside the door. His mind couldn’t process the weird, now docile, creature stretched out before him.

It gave a tiny mewl and rolled to show a white belly. What the fuck was it?

Dan heard sobs coming from behind him, and he turned to comfort Harper, ready to tell her whatever it was, it seemed calm, and she was safe. Instead, she was doubled over, gasping for air through laughter. He stood there, dumbfounded by her strange coping method for fear.

“Are you okay?” he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m sorry,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes as she stood. “I don’t mean to laugh. You were so chivalrous and ready to fight.” With that, she snorted and laughed even harder.

“Are you really not concerned that there’s a wild animal in your apartment?” He still couldn’t control the edge of panic in his voice.

She took a steadying breath. “It’s my cat, Dan! It’s Judy. Judy, the cat.”

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