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A Country Affair(116)

Author:Debbie Macomber

Kate held her breath for a moment, then dried her hands on the dish towel she’d tucked into her waistband. She struggled to give the impression that she was completely at ease, tried to act as though she made dinner for him every evening.

“Hello, Luke,” she said to break the silence that had been growing heavier by the second.

He blinked. “I suppose you’re looking for an explanation.”

Kate wasn’t sure what he meant.

“Taking Beth out on Friday night was a mistake.”

“Then why’d you do it?”

“So you’d be jealous. The night you and I went out, I was furious at the way you started laughing, and talking as if you were never going to marry me. I wanted you to know you weren’t the only fish in the sea. Only my plan backfired.”

“It did?” Not as far as Kate was concerned—she’d been pretty darn worried.

“That wasn’t all that went wrong. Beth saw I was in town on Saturday and started following me,” he explained. “I swear I had no intention of seeing her again, but before I knew it, her arm was linked with mine and we were strolling through the middle of town together.”

“Beth’s a nice girl.”

He frowned. “Yes, I suppose she is. I’d forgotten it doesn’t bother you who I date. You’ve never been one for jealousy.”

“I was so jealous I wanted to die.”

“You were? You could’ve fooled me.”

“Believe me, I tried to,” Kate murmured.

“So what are you doing here?”

“I made dinner,” Kate said sheepishly. She’d admitted how she felt about Luke seeing Beth and she couldn’t stop there. “I’ve got pork chops in the oven, along with scalloped potatoes and an acorn squash,” she rattled off without pausing for breath. Then, gathering her resolve, she casually added, “and if you’re still asking, I’ll marry you.”

Luke stared at her. When he finally spoke he sounded strangely calm. “What did you just say?”

“There’s pork chops and potatoes and—”

“Not that. The part about marrying me.”

She struggled to hold on to what remained of her tattered pride. “If you’re still asking me to marry you, the answer is yes.”

“I’m still asking.”

Kate dropped her gaze. “You’ve been right about so much. I do need you. I guess I was waiting for you to admit you needed me, only you never did.”

Luke rubbed a hand over his face. “Not need you?” he repeated, his voice filled with shock and wonder. “I think my life would be an empty shell without you, Kate. I couldn’t bear the thought of living one day to the next if you weren’t at my side to share everything with me—all the good things that are in store for us. I’ve waited so long, Kate.”

“You do love me, don’t you?” she whispered.

For a long, long moment Luke said nothing. “I tried not to. For years I stood by helplessly, watching you break out in hives with excitement every time you saw Clay Franklin. I realized it was a schoolgirl crush, but you never seemed to get over him. Instead of improving, things got worse. How could I let you know how I felt?”

“Couldn’t you have said something? Anything?”

A flicker of pain crossed his face. “No. You were so infatuated with Clay I didn’t dare. It wouldn’t have done any good—although God only knows how you managed not to figure it out yourself. The first day Rorie met me, she guessed.”

“Rorie knew all along?”

Luke shook his head in bewildered amusement. “We were quite a pair a few months back—Rorie in love with Clay and me crazy about you. All this time, I thought I’d kept my feelings secret, and then I discovered everyone in town knew.”

“Beth Hammond didn’t.”

“No, but she should have. I’ve never wanted anyone but you, Kate Logan. I haven’t for years. Somehow I always kept hoping you’d see the light.”

“Oh, Luke.” She took a step toward him, her eyes full of emotion. “Are you going to stand way over there on the other side of the room?”

For every step Kate took, Luke managed three. When they reached each other, she put her arms around his waist, hugging him tight. She felt the beating of his heart and closed her eyes, succumbing to the wave of love that seemed about to overwhelm her.

Luke’s hand was gentle on her hair. “Do you love me, Kate?”

She couldn’t speak, so she nodded her head wildly. Her hands framed his face and she spread light, eager kisses over his mouth and nose and eyes, letting her lips explain what was in her heart.