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A Game of Fate (Hades Saga #1)(98)

Author:Scarlett St. Clair

“You are beautiful. I have never wanted like I want with you.”

He had never spoken truer words, and as they burrowed into his chest, he found himself kissing her, covering her mouth with his own, teeth clanking together as he continued, hips thrusting hard. His heart was pounding in his chest, his muscles tensed, and all he could think about was the feeling of his throbbing cock and balls as they tightened and he shuddered his release, spilling into her in what felt like waves. He pressed into her, breathing hard, his horns tangling with hers.

It took him a moment to compose himself, but he finally straightened and withdrew from her, helping her to the ground. As her feet touched the floor, the sky lit up behind them with the spirit of reincarnated souls. Hades held Persephone close, and they moved toward the edge of the balcony.


In the distance, the sky ignited as the souls turned into light, into energy, and soared into the ether of his realm. They were leaving to reincarnate, to be born again in the world above and live a new life. Hopefully, one that was more fulfilling than the last.

“The souls are returning to the mortal world,” he explained to Persephone. “This is reincarnation.”

“It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

His people had gathered in the courtyard below, and as the last of the souls left a trail of sparks in the sky, they broke into applause. The music began again, and the celebration continued, but Hades’ gaze had not moved from her face.

“What?” she asked as she looked at him, eyes glittering, and her smile made his chest feel strange and chaotic.

“Let me worship you.”

Her smile changed, taking on a sensual edge, and despite how they’d come together moments ago, Hades knew he could take her again, and again and again, if she’d only answer.


He teleported to the baths. He had intentions of finishing where they left off the first night he had explored her body and her sweet, sensitive flesh. Except as soon as their feet touched the marble steps, Hades mouth descended upon hers and they knelt to the ground, where they made love beneath the open sky.


Later that night, Hades sat on the edge of his bed while Persephone slept. Her soft breaths brought comfort to his electric body. He was restless, a rare occurrence now that Persephone shared his bed. Something was wrong in his realm. He could feel it at the edge of his mind, on the fringe of his senses, like a phantom thorn in his side.

He rose, manifesting robes as he teleported to Tartarus, to his office, where he had left Sisyphus, only to find that he was gone.


Hades stood atop the precipice in his throne room, dressed in robes, glamour gone, his full form on display. His anger was acute; it vibrated throughout his limbs, eager for a violent release. It was the middle of the night, and he had called Hecate and Hermes to his side. The two bore different expressions, Hecate looked gleeful while Hermes looked sleepy.

“Could your vengeance not wait until morning?” he asked.

Hades ignored him and spoke to Hecate.

“Summon Minthe,” he said.

“With pleasure,” the goddess replied.

Hecate’s magic surged, and Minthe appeared out of thin air, falling to the floor with a shriek, arms and legs flailing. She hit the marble with a loud smack.

“Hecate, the nymph is breakable,” Hermes reminded.

“I know,” she responded deviously.

Minthe groaned and pushed up onto her hands and knees, scowling as she looked at the three gods before her. Her nose was bloodied, and it coated her lips in crimson, spilling onto the ground.

Her murderous expression soon turned to fear when she looked at Hades’。

“You aided Sisyphus in his escape from the Underworld,” he said. He barely kept his voice from quivering as he spoke, the rage was so acute. “Have you any idea what I sacrificed to put him in chains?”

He had granted Theseus a favor. He had given away his control, and the thought made his chest feel like a chasm, split open and oozing. It was a sacrifice he’d made that was now worthless.

“Hades, I—”

“Do not speak my name!” he roared, taking a step toward her. The whole room shook.

Minthe shuffled away, her eyes wide.

She was right to fear him. Usually, when he brought people before him for punishment, he had an idea of how he would go about the execution, but not in this moment. In this moment, anything was possible. This nymph thought she had known every emotion associated with anger and loss and grief. Hades would show her otherwise.