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A Soul to Keep (Duskwalker Brides #1)(147)

Author:Opal Reyne

He doesn’t want another human? Does… Does that mean he wouldn’t replace me if I died or left? Her tears finally slipped down her cheeks, not understanding what this meant.

She is upset with me, Orpheus thought as he paced around the living area, walking restlessly between the chairs and in front of the fireplace. Like a mindless dog, he was doing laps as if he was chasing his tail.

A small whine left his chest. What did I do wrong?

It had been five days since the night they’d shared their bodies for the first time and he told her of the woman from centuries ago.

Each day, she did different tasks, whether that was tending to the garden or making herself clothing that he was enthralled in watching her make. He liked the clothing she made for herself, never having seeing this kind before, and she looked pretty in them. They were colourful as she used the dyes that were much more effective than the food dyes she’d been using originally.

However, he didn’t like it when she pricked her finger on the sewing needle. She’d make a noise of pain, and he’d become distressed that she was hurting herself, only for her to laugh at him like he was being silly.

She made new ornaments for him to hang up. Slowly she was replacing the ones he’d put up centuries ago for the woman who originally wanted them. She seemed very set on this task, wanting to make sure they were gone. Reia would destroy them by pulling them apart so she could use them for new ones.

The house smelled of strange food he’d never smelt before, like pastries and cookies. She used the honey he’d gotten for her in many different things. He’d learned not to eat any of it as it was too sweet and hurt his stomach.

But Orpheus wanted to learn everything she was doing, even if he didn’t like the smells and tastes, and she was happy to teach and allow him to spend that time with her.

He didn’t stop her from doing anything.

So, he tried to reflect on what he could have done to make Reia upset with him. She had gone to sleep in her bed when she’d spent every night in his since that day.

He’d gone to do a final lap of the yard, making sure there were no cracks in the salt circle and that the withering trinkets were still good for another day or two before needing replacement.

She’d been reading to him before he went outside, each night going through one of the tales in that book the Witch Owl guided her to take.

He had thought all was well and fine – only to discover when he came back inside that she’d gone to sleep, and it hadn’t been in his bed.

Scratching at his chest, he tried to figure out why she didn’t want to embrace him. He couldn’t. He didn’t know what he’d done wrong.

As the night grew later and Orpheus found himself too restless to even try to sleep, he snuck into her room while crouching, using one of his hands to steady himself.

He placed the underside of his jaw on the mattress near her chest, her shoulders flat against the bed while her legs were turned slightly. Looking up to her, he gently tapped at her arm.

She stirred, her face frowning before she slowly flickered her eyes open.

“Orpheus?” she asked, her voice hoarse and sleep-filled as she rubbed one of her eyes. “What’s wrong?”

Another light whine came from his chest.

“Why are you angry with me, Reia?”

Her brows drew together to create a little crease between them. “I’m not angry with you. Why do you think that?”

He looked over her resting under the furs.

“Then why are you here? You have not slept in this room for days.”

Reia groaned, turning to her back as she brought the fur up to cover her face. “Because I’m really tired tonight.”

“I don’t understand.”

She brought them down to peek at him. “If I sleep with you, you always wake me in the middle of the night.”

He tilted his head, making his bells jingle slightly.

“But you said I could do this.”

“I know.” She let out a small, yet awkward, laugh. “And I like it, but we’ve done it enough today, and I’m really tired tonight. I thought it would be easier if I slept in here.”

His vision turned a reddish-pink. Am I touching too much?

He didn’t think it was enough. Orpheus had an insatiable hunger to touch her, a burning need that ate at him constantly. She told him he could take, and he took multiple times a day.

His favourite was over the dining table while she was face down because when he filled her with his seed, her legs would squirm and kick because they free to do so. It was a strange sensation to feel her twist, contort, and move around his cock like that while he was releasing inside her.