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An Enchantment of Ravens(18)

Author:Margaret Rogerson

I wiped my toady hands off on the grass and stepped back.

A fluttering of wingbeats came from the old oak.

I turned, the breeze lifting my hair, and saw a raven in the tree. But which was it—a raven for peril, or a raven I loved?

Before I could move, Rook stood over me. I only had time to think, Both. For this wasn’t the Rook I knew. As the feathers shed from his form and gathered into a sweeping coat, they revealed a face livid with fury. No half-smile softened this hard, frozen mask, those amethyst eyes burning like conflagrations.

“What did you do?” he snarled.


ROOK’S BEWILDERING question chilled me to the core. Mutely, I shook my head. I needed to get inside.

Anticipating my move, he crowded me against the side of the house and pinned me there. He didn’t touch me, but a clear threat radiated from the arms bracketing my shoulders, the strong hands gripping the wood beside my face. With escape eliminated as an option I found I couldn’t look away from him. His normally expressive mouth was compressed into a thin, bloodless line as he waited for me to answer. I would have welcomed any change in his icy expression, even for the worse, to give me some indication of what was going through his head.

“Rook, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, sounding as daunted as I felt. “I haven’t done anything.”

He drew up to his full height. I’d forgotten how tall he was—I could barely tip my head back far enough to see him. “Stop playing the fool. I know you sabotaged the portrait. Why? Are you working for another fair one? What did they give you to betray me?”

“Give—what are you talking about?”

In his eyes, a flicker. But if I’d gotten through to him, he steeled himself quickly against his doubts. “You did something to it, between the last session and when it was sent to me. There’s a wrongness to it now. Anyone who looks at it can tell.”

“I painted you. That’s all. That’s all my Craft involves, how could it be . . .” Oh. Oh, no.

“You did do something,” he hissed, his fingers curling against the wall.

“No! I mean, I did, but it wasn’t some sort of—scheme, or—or sabotage. I swear. I painted you exactly as you are. I saw it, Rook. I saw everything, though you might try to keep it hidden away.”

Well. I may be an artistic prodigy, but I’ve never claimed to be a genius. Only at that moment did it occur to me that Rook’s secret sorrow might be secret for a reason. It could be a secret even to him.

“You saw everything?” His voice grew menacingly quiet. He leaned over me, caging me in with his body from all angles. “What do you think you saw, Isobel, with your mortal eyes? Have you ever seen the splendors of the summer court, or witnessed fair folk as old as the earth itself slain in the glass mountains of the winterlands? Have you watched entire generations of living things grow, flourish, and die in less time than it takes you to draw a single breath? Do you recall what I am?”

I shrank against the boards digging into my spine. “I could change it for you,” I said, wondering if I’d just lied to him. Even though my life might very well depend on it, I found the prospect of destroying my perfect work unimaginable. It was the only example of its kind in the entire world.

Rook barked a bitter laugh. “The portrait was unveiled publicly before the autumn court. All my house has seen it.”

My mind went blank. “Shit,” I agreed eloquently, after a pause.

“There is only one way to repair my reputation. You’re coming with me to stand trial in the autumnlands for your crime. Tonight.”


Rook withdrew. Dazzled by the moon shining directly into my eyes, I found myself marching after him across the yard toward the shoulder-high wheat. My legs moved in fits and jerks, like a marionette’s legs controlled by a puppeteer. Senseless panic seized me. No matter how fiercely I railed against my body’s betrayal, I couldn’t stop walking.

“Rook, you can’t do this. You don’t know my true name.”

He didn’t bother turning around as he spoke. The sweep of his coat was all I had to go on. “If you were ensorcelled, you wouldn’t know it—you would follow me willingly, believing you’d made the decision on your own. This is nothing more than a trifling charm. You seem to have forgotten what I am after all. There is only a single fair one in all the world stronger than I, and two others my equal.”

“The Alder King,” I murmured. In the distance, the trees swayed.

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