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Bittersweet Memories (Off-Limits #4)(147)

Author:Catharina Maura

The crowd disperses, most of them sending me pleading looks as they walk away. “You truly are insane,” I tell Silas. “You can’t just do stuff like that!”

He wraps his arms around me, his gaze intense. “I can, and I will. Did you really think I’d make you suffer in silence? I was just biding my time. I will never ever let any harm come to you again, Alanna. Anyone who so much as harms a hair on your head is going to pay ten times the price. I’m done being lenient. I won’t compromise on anything relating to you.”

“You’re crazy,” I tell him, “but I love you.”

He grins at me and cups my face, leaning in. “I love you more, Ray,” he whispers, his lips brushing past mine, once, twice, before he kisses me.

“Hey, you know what?” he whispers against my lips.

I pull back to look at him. “What?”

“I think that wish of yours has been granted. This. This is true happiness, the kind we’ve always wanted.”

I grin at him, my heart overflowing with the exact happiness he’s describing. This really is it. This moment, right now. It’s all of our dreams come true.

Chapter Eighty-Three


I lean against the kitchen counter and quietly watch Silas. He’s been acting weird all week, and I’m not sure what’s going on. He’s been coming home late every day, not returning until I’m fast asleep, and I’m not sure why. I checked with Amy, and he truly is staying at the office late, but what is keeping him so busy? Even now, he’s on his phone instead of spending his morning with me. Our mornings used to be my favorite part of the day, but lately I’ve been feeling lonely even though Silas is right here with me.

I’m worried he’s hurting because of Ryan, but I’m not sure how to make it better. I don’t even want to mention Ryan to him, because I don’t want him to be reminded of my past with Ryan. I’ve hurt Silas more than I realized at the time, and I’m scared he’s finally realizing that the past can’t be undone, that he can’t live with my unknowing betrayal.

“Si,” I murmur. “Are you okay?”

He looks up from his phone, startled. It’s almost like he forgot I’m even here. “Yeah,” he tells me, his gaze roaming over my face. I can’t decipher the way he’s looking at me. Why do his eyes appear to be filled with such longing when I’m standing right here?

“There’s somewhere I want to take you today,” Silas says.

I nod, my heart racing. There’s something about the tone of his voice that makes me uneasy. Lately I’ve found myself overthinking everything, wondering how I can make up for the pain I put him through, and whether I’ll ever be good enough for him.

Silas offers me his hand, and I hold on to him tightly as he leads the way to the garage. He seems absentminded as he starts the car, and I’m too nervous to ask him where we’re going. He seems so distant lately, and I can’t help the way my heart aches.

I tense when the roads become more and more familiar. “The blossom tree,” I whisper.

Silas nods and turns to me as he parks the car. “This used to be where I went when I missed my mother. It’s where some of my most precious memories were created when I was younger, and as I grew older, you became the center of them.”

He gets out of the car and walks around it, offering me his hand. I look up at him nervously and place my hand in his. I can’t tell what’s going on, and his expression unnerves me. He can’t be here to end things, can he? In the same place we started?

Silas chuckles and pulls me closer. “You’re wearing your overthinking face, little psycho.”

I tear my gaze away in embarrassment, and Silas laughs, surprising me. This is the first time I’ve heard him laugh all week.

“Come on,” he says, bending down. “I’ve got something to show you.”

Silas lifts me into his arms and grins at me, setting my restless heart at ease. “Keep your eyes on me until I tell you otherwise,” he orders, and I nod in agreement. That’s an easy enough request. I’ll never get enough of looking at him. I thought he was handsome when we were younger, but nothing could’ve prepared me for Silas as he is now. Everything about him is better than it was in my memories. The way he loves me is fiercer, the way he kisses me leaves me breathless, and then there’s the way he touches me, as though each time could be our last. I thought I loved him before, but with each day, my feelings for him grow. I’ve never been this scared of losing someone. I don’t think I even know who I’d be without Silas. He completes me, in every way that matters.