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By the Book (Meant to Be #2)(102)

Author:Jasmine Guillory

On her walk to work the next morning, Izzy smiled as she looked around. When she’d left the city less than two months ago, the world had been gray, dreary, hopeless. Now the sun was out, there were flowers everywhere, and birds chirped all around her. She was actually happy to be here. To be back. And she was happy about more than just that. She was nervous about today, about walking back into the office for the first time in so long, and about confronting Marta about that article. And she missed Beau, so much she could barely think about it, so much she knew she would have to guard her facial expression when she talked to Marta about his book. But she also felt hope for the future, for her future. She loved books, she loved writing, she loved publishing, and she knew she had a place in that world. She wasn’t going to let anyone take that love from her again.

A few minutes before nine, she walked into the TAOAT offices. It took her much longer to get to her desk than usual—everyone stopped her on the way, smiled at her, said how much they’d missed her, gave her hugs, handed her advance copies of books they’d been saving for her. She hadn’t realized how many people here knew and liked her.

Marta’s office was still dark when Izzy got to her desk, but she’d known it would be. She had a stack of mail on her desk; that would help keep her busy while she waited for Marta. She glanced at her email inbox, but the number of new messages was overwhelming. She was already stressed about this upcoming conversation with Marta. The email could wait.

After about half an hour, Gavin walked by. “Isabelle, welcome back.”

She wasn’t going to let him destroy her good mood today. “Thanks, Gavin.”

He, apparently, was in a good mood today, too, if his insufferable grin was any sign. “You finally gave up on Beau Towers, huh?” he asked. “Don’t worry, it’s okay. I’m sure you’ll have more—and better—opportunities eventually.”

She knew Gavin was dying for her to ask him what he knew about the status of Beau’s book and to bring up that other memoir he’d acquired, but she refused to give him the satisfaction.

“Thanks!” was all she said. Just that moment, her desk phone rang, and she turned to answer it. Gavin walked away toward his desk.

“It’s just me,” Priya said, from five desks down. “I saw you were here and was going to come over for a hug, but then I saw Gavin talking to you and I had to rescue you first. Coffee?”

“Oh definitely,” Izzy said in her most professional voice. “I’ll be sure to pass along that message.”

Priya laughed. “Text me.” She hung up, and Izzy grinned as she reached for her phone.

Coffee, yes! But not until after Marta gets here. I need to find out the deal about that article. I’ll fill you in when I know

Yes, keep me posted. I have some info on that, too; I have to talk to Holly about it. We will DISCUSS

Also, thank God you’re back! I got so much WORK done when you weren’t here, can you imagine??? But wait, why are we still texting, I’m coming over for a hug right now

Izzy laughed as she stood up to greet Priya. She’d missed her so much.

Twenty minutes later, Marta walked in and went straight to her office, staring at something on her phone. Izzy wasn’t sure if Marta hadn’t noticed she was there, or if she had just forgotten that Izzy had been gone. Either way, she forced herself to give Marta time to settle in for the day.

She’d made herself a list of talking points for this conversation with Marta, but were they good enough? Would Marta listen to her? Would Marta be furious at her for pushing back about this? After ten minutes, she couldn’t take it any longer and knocked on Marta’s open door.

Marta looked up from her phone. “Isabelle, you’re back. Excellent.”

Izzy took a step inside. “Thanks, Marta. There was something I—”

Marta waved her to a chair. “This whole thing with you in California worked far better than I thought it would. You managed to get an actual book out of Beau Towers, which I didn’t think was possible.”

Izzy took a deep breath. “I wanted to talk to you about—” Suddenly, she realized what Marta had just said. “Wait, what did you just say about Beau Towers?”

“Oh, I assumed you knew, since you were cc’d,” Marta said. “He sent in his manuscript this morning.”

He’d sent Marta the manuscript this morning? The whole manuscript?

“I started reading it on the subway on the way here,” Marta went on. “When he sent those pages a few weeks ago, I could tell it was going to be good, but this is far better than I expected.”