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By Virtue I Fall (Sins of the Fathers #3)(18)

Author:Cora Reilly

I got up when it became clear that our conversation was over and headed out of his office and straight upstairs. I needed to have a word with Anna. She needed to use her magnificent lying skills on her daddy. I wouldn抰 die for such a stupid reason.

I hammered my fist against the door once. That was all the warning Anna would get. I was done playing nice.

Anna was sprawled on the bed on her stomach, while she was FaceTiming Luisa. The last I heard was, 揧ou should have seen the look in his eyes.?

If she started daydreaming about Cliffy抯 eyes, I抎 throw up.

I stalked over to her, took the phone from her hand and turned it off.

揌ey!?Anna said as she shoved to her knees, trying to snatch the phone out of my hand again. I pushed it into my back pocket.

Anna lunged forward and gripped my belt to drag me closer and reach for her phone. I hadn抰 expected her to be this forward. I抎 have thought she抎 have qualms about touching me like that. I抎 obviously been very wrong. Her face was right before my crotch while she tried to reach into my back pocket.

I gripped her shoulders and held her at arm抯 length. She peered up at me with a coy smile.

揧ou抎 just have to ask if you wanted me to touch your butt, Sonny.?

I took a big step back, narrowing my eyes at her. 揟his shit right there is exactly why I抣l get killed.?

She raised her brows.

揧our dad抯 suspecting there抯 more behind me attacking Cliffy than just my sense of duty.?

Anna pushed to her feet. 揥ell, he抯 onto something, isn抰 he??

I bridged the distance between us, snarling. 揟his isn抰 a fucking game, Anna. I won抰 get killed because you抮e playing games.?

揘o, you won抰,?she said haughtily. 揧ou抣l get killed because you抮e unable to resist my games. That抯 your problem, not mine.?

She was right. I should have more self-control. But with Anna? Control eluded me more often than not. She knew me too well and pushed all my buttons, and I enjoyed it too often.

揟hat抯 over now.?

揑f you say so.?

揂nd you stop provoking me. And stay the fuck away from Cliffy.?

Anna stepped even closer and her scent, like spring and ocean and goddamn sunshine, hit my nostrils. 揥hy are you really angry, Santino??she asked with a knowing smile. She was too clever, too cunning, and too goddamn beautiful.

I hurried up the stairs and FaceTimed Luisa the second I reached my room.

Stretched out on my belly, I told her about the kiss, wanting to keep the best for last.

揝o how was it??Luisa asked curiously. I could tell she was sitting at her piano. There wasn抰 a day without music for her. For a while, I抎 tried to be as good as her but Luisa didn抰 just love music, she lived music and I didn抰。 I loved drawing, especially humans and clothes. Music was a nice way to get in the mood to do what I really enjoyed.


Luisa made a pained face. 揟hat doesn抰 sound as if you enjoyed it.?

揑 did. It was nice really. Like a pleasant ride on one of those slow water rides in that theme park we once visited.?

揧ou hated it. You only rode the craziest rollercoasters afterward.?

I grinned, remembering that day and how pissed Santino had been because he had to go on every ride with me. But a few times I抎 caught his excitement. He just didn抰 want me to know he enjoyed anything I did. 揑t was okay. Clifford did nothing wrong. I think he抯 a really good kisser.?

Luisa watched me silently. She sighed. 揑 know you, Anna. Good isn抰 what you抮e looking for.?

A grin crept up on my face. 揝antino caught us.?

Luisa made a face as if she knew I抎 set it up. 揂nd??

I bit my lip, my belly bursting with nervous butterflies.

揟hat expression厰 She points at my face. 揝hould have been on your face while you talked about your kiss with Clifford.?

I waved her off. This wasn抰 about the kiss or Clifford. 揝antino completely lost his shit. For a moment I thought he抎 kill Clifford. He grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off me.?

揌e was on top of you??

揘ot really. He was just leaning into me but that抯 not the point. Santino cared.?

揂re you sure he didn抰 just follow your dad抯 orders??

I shook my head, still not able to stifle my grin or excitement. 揧ou should have seen the look in his eyes.?

Santino burst into my room like a madman. Luisa抯 eyes widened in alarm. A normal reaction seeing the murderous look on Santino抯 face. My body, however, flooded with desire for him. My heart began racing and butterflies swarmed my belly. This was the reaction I wanted.

揥hy are you really angry, Santino??I asked.

Santino and I stood close, close enough to smell his aftershave, a familiar scent I often dreamed about since I first smelled it years ago. His brown eyes brimmed with anger, but it wasn抰 all there was.

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