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Chain of Iron (The Last Hours #2)(178)

Author:Cassandra Clare

“Grandfather,” James said, looking at the throne. “Grandfather, show yourself.”

James heard a low chuckle, very near, as if someone leaned close to his ear. He jumped back as Belial appeared on the throne, lounging rather casually. He wore the same pale suit he’d worn in Belphegor’s realm, the color of mourning, with white lace at the cuffs and throat. His hair was that same mix of white and gray, like dove’s feathers. “I’m surprised, James. I was left with the impression that you wanted nothing to do with me. Have you reconsidered my offer?”

“No,” James said.

“I am abashed,” said Belial, who looked no such thing. “It would seem you have sought me out, not the other way around. Did you come here to scold me?”

“Would you believe,” James said, “I didn’t come here for you at all?”

“Probably not,” Belial said. “You must admit it does seem unlikely. I see you brought a warlock with you.” His steel-colored eyes danced across Magnus. “And a son of Asmodeus at that. My nephew.”

“?‘How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning,’?” said Magnus, in a thoughtful sort of tone, and James realized he was quoting the Bible. “?‘For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.’?”

Belial finished the quote. “?‘Yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the Pit.’?”

“Quite,” said Magnus.

“You are very rude,” said Belial. “Does your father enjoy being reminded of the Fall? For I doubt it.”

“I don’t much care what he enjoys,” said Magnus. “My father is not a thief, however; he does not go about robbing others of their homes. Lilith is powerful. Do you not fear her wrath?”

Belial began to laugh. The sound seemed to echo off the polished floor, off the far points of light James had begun to suspect were very distant stars. “Fear Lilith? Oh, that is amusing.”

“You should be afraid,” said Magnus, very softly. “You have one. You only need three.”

Belial’s laughter stopped. The look he bent on Magnus was fleeting, but filled with a sudden, sour hatred. “I do not like trespassers,” he said. “Or, for that matter, nephews.”

He flicked his hand toward Magnus, and Magnus—with a shout—was lifted off his feet and flung bodily into the darkness. James gave a cry and ran toward the place where he’d vanished, but he was gone. There was no sign he’d ever been there at all.

You have one. You only need three.

James glanced back at Belial, who was regarding him with a cold calculation. It was clear Belial had not expected his presence here, and—like a chess master surprised by an unexpected move—was wondering how to turn the situation to his advantage.

“If Magnus is hurt,” James said, “I will be very upset.”

“Such an odd child you are,” Belial said. “As if it would matter what you felt. I admit, though, I am curious: If you did not come here to seek me out, then why come?”

James considered. Belial was clever; it would take a careful lie to fool him. “I wanted to see Edom. It was there that I intended to travel.”

“I see.” Belial’s eyes gleamed. “I had rather expected incursions into my new realm, so I set this gate here to stop intruders.” He gestured airily at the chessboard darkness. “I did not expect you to be one of the intruders. What interest could you have in Edom?”

“Magnus had heard you stole the realm from Lilith, the mother of warlocks,” said James. “I suppose I was curious what my grandfather could want with such a trackless waste. I was curious about you. Your plans.”

“Bane pities Lilith, I imagine,” said Belial. “Warlocks are taught she is their ancestor, and to worship her. But if you did the same, you would bestow your sympathy on the undeserving.” He leaned back against the throne. “Lilith was Adam’s first wife in Eden, you know, but she left the Garden to couple with the demon Sammael. The world’s first unfaithful female.” He smiled sourly. “She is known as a murderer of children, whatever the warlocks may tell you differently.”

“I do not pity her,” said James, “nor any of you ancient demons—for all your claims to royalty, your thrones and titles, for all your pride, you are nothing more than the first evil the world ever saw.”