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Collided: Dirty Air (Book 2)(118)

Author:Lauren Asher

“Brazil. Your piece of shit agent cornered her and told her all about your current dilemma. I don’t know whether to pity you or punch you for taking so long to decide your feelings about my daughter. I know you love her. But her? Not so much. But after everything, why should she?”

My teeth press together painfully at his judgment. I deserve it and everything else he swings my way. “I do love her. I didn’t need to decide because I was waiting to hear what McCoy would say about my revisions. I told them to modify the deal or fuck off. But they didn’t tell me or Rick anything.”

“If I were you, I’d fire your agent and find better representation. Fuck, I’ll help you. But I’m getting off-task, and I’m a busy man as you can imagine.”

A cold feeling creeps up my spine. I nod along, confused and wanting any answers he can give me. His eyes slide from my face to my squeezed fists and shaking leg.

“You know, I kept my daughter away from this place for years because I love her. I want her to be happy—not caught up in this life of deception and shitty people like Rick. I tried to protect her from a life full of missed dinners, phone calls interrupting important moments, and men who can’t commit for shit. All I asked her to do was follow three simple rules. But during this season with you and her, I realize I made mistakes of my own, trying to protect her from making the same errors. She needs to live a life riddled with slipups and learned lessons. Because that’s the point. One day when you have kids, you’ll understand. You’ll want to protect them with everything in you because you’ve never loved anything as fucking much as them. You’ll want to stop time and hold on to the special moments with a death-grip.” He taps on the photo of a bubble-wrapped Sophie. “No bubble wrap can save her from you. I know my daughter and you are the one thing I can’t shield her from.”

I don’t know what to say because words don’t come easily. The statement he shares affects me in different ways, pulling me apart in multiple directions.

“What you do with this information is your choice, but I thought it was worth sharing with you. If you want to prove to me that you’re the man for my daughter, then I suggest you choose what you do next very carefully. You’re a fortunate asshole because my daughter forgives easily.” His challenging glare doesn’t fill me with alarm. Instead, hope floods my veins and takes root.

I flip open the file James made for me. My eyes scan the pages, flipping through information, transcripts, and heaps of dishonesty. If I didn’t want to look psychotic in front of him, I’d scream up to the fucking ceiling at the information he found.

Instead, I mumble a thank you to James before taking the file and booking it to my suite. Lukas hangs out on the living room couch, still dressed in his McCoy gear after attending my qualifier. I itch to rip off my own McCoy shirt, but I keep it on, not wanting to waste time.

“I need your help.” I toss the file on his lap.

“What’s this?” He leaves it unopened as he stares at me.

“I don’t even know how to start without losing my shit. I’ve been a fucking idiot, standing around while two assholes played with my future. They messed with Sophie, my deals, everything. All for money.”

“You’re losing me.”

“McCoy. Peter. Even Rick was in on the plan.” I motion toward the file. My hands shake from built-up anger and frustration, begging to unleash on the two people who tried to mess with my life at the expense of a paycheck.

Lukas combs through the papers James gathered from God knows where. “Who gave you all this?”

“Sophie’s dad.”


I clench my hands. “I’m such an idiot. Sophie told me she loved me, and I said nothing. At least nothing worthy of her. She knew about McCoy offering me a contract if I dropped her and our friendship. She fucking knew, and still gave me a chance to prove her wrong.”

“What do you mean?”

“She asked me if I wanted to work for a company with drama revolving Claudia and Peter.” I take in a sharp breath to ease the panicky feeling growing inside my chest. “I told her yes. I told the girl who loves me that I didn’t mind dealing with an ex-fling as long as I got a deal in the end. I’m a fucking moron. I don’t know how she can forgive me. Her knowing I kept that secret from her, it changes things.”

“Liam, stop being an idiot. It doesn’t change anything. You’re still in the same position, with her not talking to you. Now you have to work harder to get her back. That’s it.”