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Crush (Crave, #2)(145)

Author:Tracy Wolff

Not to mention, yeah, Jaxon gets jealous sometimes when I hang out with Flint, but I always thought that was ridiculous. There’s no chemistry between the two of us at all—even when I thought he was hitting on me in the library that time, it felt off. Like something wasn’t right. Like he was trying too hard.

Because I only saw what I wanted to see, and apparently, so does everyone else around this place. Yeah, I’m the worst.

But that doesn’t matter now. All that matters is the fact that Flint is staring at me, waiting for some kind of reaction from me, and I can’t mess this up.

“That’s awesome!” I squeal, throwing myself at him, wrapping my arms around his wide shoulders in a huge hug.

His arms go around my waist, but he doesn’t really hug me back. “Wait. Awesome?” he repeats, confused.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t it be?” I pull back and give him a once-over. “I mean, look at you. Of course there’s a guy interested in seeing you. You’re smart, gorgeous, funny… It’s the trifecta, right?”

He laughs, but there are tears in his eyes, and it breaks my heart. “Oh, Flint. Please don’t cry. There’s nothing to cry about in being gay. You know that, right? You are who you are. You love who you love. Besides, I think the Circle could use a really kick-ass gay dragon couple on it, don’t you? Give those asshole werewolves a run for their money.”

“Oh my God, Grace.” He rubs a hand over his face, and then he’s hugging me, too. For real this time. Eventually we both get all the hugging out of our system and he leans back again. “I figure once we start dating, well, everyone’s going to know. But you’re the first person I’ve told, and that was not the reaction I expected.”

“What?” I ask. “Is it not normal for me to hope you show the werewolves up in all the ways? Every werewolf I’ve met so far—with the exception of Xavier—is fucking awful. I say take them down with your awesomeness.”

He’s laughing full-out now, which is exactly what I was hoping for. “I love you, Grace.” He chuckles again when I raise a brow. “Not like that.”

“So this is all amazing news. And you’ve met someone.” I shake my head. “I’ve gotta be honest—I’m not seeing a problem here. I’m all for finding your mate!”

He sighs, and it’s like he’s trying to dislodge the weight of the world. “For what feels like my whole life, I’ve been in love with the same guy. But he was emotionally unavailable. And, well.” He laughs, but there’s absolutely no humor in his next words. “Now he’s really emotionally unavailable.”

I’m starting to see where this is going. “So you’re giving up on him, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” he says. “It’s time. I always thought, if he could just let his guard down a crack, the magic could get in and he’d see we were destined to be mated. I just knew in my bones he was my mate.” Flint shakes his head. “I was so wrong.”

I feel awful for Flint but also, I’m curious how this mating-bond magic works—since I’m currently a happy victim of it. “I’m confused. The mating bond doesn’t always mate soul mates?”

Flint shrugs. “No one knows exactly how the magic works, but we do know it’s sentient—for lack of a better word. It won’t mate pairs too young, for instance, or same-sex pairs before both are self-aware of their sexuality. Or if you never meet. In fact, the bond only snaps in place when you touch your mate.” He gives me a rueful smile. “But hey, the good news is the magic also allows for you to have more than one mate in your lifetime—and a few times it’s even been between more than just two people.”

He waggles his brows at that last statement, and I laugh. “Gives a whole new meaning to the saying ‘the more the merrier,’ eh?”

I finally get a smile from Flint that reaches his eyes. “Definitely.”

“So…you’re going to open yourself up to the magic finding you another mate, is that it?” I reach over and rest a hand on his arm. “I think that’s a great idea, Flint.”

“Yeah. Like I said, I’ve met this great guy now who likes me back, and he deserves better than a lovesick dragon pining for someone who’s never going to notice him that way. But, well, it’s hard. I’m afraid I’ll forever be split in two. The guy who loved this one person most of his life and this new person. Even if he didn’t return my feelings—he was constant, you know? He was my constant.”