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Crush (Crave, #2)(157)

Author:Tracy Wolff

Out of the corner of my eye, I see both dragons from the other team racing straight for me. I can’t stop them, so I don’t worry about them. I just fly. And right before they overtake me, I reach inside myself and pull on the platinum string again, forcing more of my body to turn to stone, and then I instantly drop fifteen feet straight down from the extra weight. And they collide overhead like an explosion.

But that doesn’t matter, because I’m at the goal line. I release the string and yank on my human golden string, shed the extra weight, then fly straight over the goal and drop to the ground just before my thirty seconds of flight are up.


Comet Me, Baby

“We did it!” Flint crows for what has to be the hundredth time since we won the tournament earlier this afternoon. He shoots me an excited grin as he drops a few six-packs of soda on the table in Jaxon’s tower antechamber.

“Damn straight we did!” Xavier echoes, crossing to meet him so the two of them can engage in the typical backslapping and chest-bumping celebration that comes with winning a sporting event. “Cole who?”

“That’s what I’m saying,” Eden agrees from where she’s sitting on the couch, her scuffed purple combat boots propped on Jaxon’s coffee table. “Swear to God, the best part was his face at the end. He couldn’t believe they’d used all the dirty tricks and still lost.”

“Dude. In what universe is a werewolf ever going to beat a dragon?” Flint scoffs.

“Excuse me?” Xavier asks. “What am I?”

“I haven’t figured it out yet, actually,” Flint answers, looking him up and down. “Maybe a weredragon? Or a dragonwolf?”

“Let’s go with wolfdragon,” he tells Flint with a grin.

“I could get behind that,” Eden agrees, making grabby hands at Macy as she rounds the corner from the top of the stairs carrying a truly impressive number of pizza boxes from the cafeteria.

“How’s Gwen?” I ask Macy.

“Her girlfriend texted me, told me they gave her a bunch of painkillers and she’s sleeping in the infirmary right now. But she should be okay in a few days.” She plops the boxes down on Jaxon’s coffee table. “What are we debating now?”

“He’s more dragon than wolf, so dragon should go first,” Flint continues, grabbing a box off the top of the stack…and then keeping it for himself. “I mean, Xavier here’s not a douche, is he?”

“True that,” I say. And since—gargoyle or not—I don’t have the amazing metabolism that comes with the ability to scarf down an entire pizza or three, I grab a much more sedate two pieces out of the communal pepperoni box before settling on the floor at one end of the coffee table.

“Not all wolves are douches,” Xavier answers, right before he also grabs his own personal pizza box. “Just the ones at Katmere.”

“You can say that louder for the people in the back,” Mekhi tells him from his seat next to me.

“Like alpha, like everyone,” Jaxon agrees. “That’s why you should challenge him, Xavier. Once he’s gone, the rest of the wolves will knock all their shit out.”

“Pretty sure our boy already challenged that jackass on the Ludares field today,” Flint answers. “You owned his ass before it was done. He was clucking long before Macy turned him into a chicken.”

“We owned all their asses today,” Eden says right before shoving half a piece of pizza into her mouth. “Every single one.”

“But seriously? Best play of the game has to go to Macy. Not only did she save dear Xavier’s life, but did everyone see Cole’s tiny chicken body plop to the ground and cluck around for what felt like the happiest ten seconds of my life?” Mekhi laughs so hard, there are tears in his eyes. “And close second is when Grace was just flying down the field with Cole hanging off her foot.” He brings his fingers and thumb together to mimic Cole biting me.

“Oh yeah,” I tell him, totally deadpan, as the others crack up. “That was sooo hilarious.”

“Maybe not for you,” Jaxon tells me with the grin that always sets butterflies off in my stomach. “But it was pure gold for the rest of us.”

“I actually really liked it when you turned Seraphina to stone,” Eden tells me. “It was the coolest move I’ve ever seen on a Ludares field.”

“Yeah, it was,” Flint agrees. “And did you see when…”

He keeps talking, while I turn to Jaxon beside me. “Are all dragons such braggarts?” I whisper.