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Crush (Crave, #2)(222)

Author:Tracy Wolff

But as they get closer, I realize one is going low—they obviously learned from the trick I pulled during the Ludares tournament—and the avenue of escape I had planned is cut off from me. The clock on the side of the field says I’ve got fifteen more seconds before the ball starts to become untouchable again, which means I have to figure this out now.

I think about voluntarily turning the ball over to one of them—desperate times and all that—but I can’t bring myself to do it. So at the last minute, just when they start a pincher movement to squeeze me in, I shoot straight up, up, up into the air.

The dragons come chasing after me and I let them, bringing them in closer and closer the higher we get. I’m counting on the fact that Joaquin and Delphina have much bigger wings than I do—and are much heavier than I am—which means I should be able to turn around faster than they can. Or, here’s hoping, anyway…

Which is why, just as they’re about to get me—and just as the ball starts to turn superhot and vibrate—I drop it.

And then, as the crowd gasps and murmurs in surprise, I roll straight into a half somersault and go full-on diving after the ball.

The dragons bellow in rage, and blasts of fire and ice come shooting down after me. But I’m in my gargoyle form, so I barely notice as I race for the ball.

On the ground below me, one of the witches, Violet, tries to cast down the ball, but I get there before she manages to pull it to her. I swoop through her spell, causing her to shout—whether in rage or pain, I don’t know—and I scoop the ball up right out of the air again. Then I’m racing, racing, racing for the goal line with the dragons coming up fast behind me.

They’re closing in really fast, and though I’m immune to their powers, that doesn’t mean I can’t feel the brush of warmth as Joaquin’s fire sweeps past my leg. Much closer and they won’t have to use magic. They’ll be able to grab on to one of my feet and send me careening across the sky.

I’m not about to let that happen—not the grabbing on to me and definitely not the “sending me flying” thing. But a superfast glance over my shoulder shows me that pretty soon, I’m not going to have a choice. So I do the only thing I can think of—dart into one of the few midair portals.

As I do, I pray it’s not like the last one I entered. A girl can only take so many things going to shit around her at any given time, and I pretty much feel like I’m at my quota right now. Just saying.

Turns out it’s not at all like the last one I entered—it’s so much worse that I kind of want to cry.

I don’t even know what to think about this one, except to say that whoever thought it up was pure evil. Brilliant, yes, but also completely evil.

Something about the gravity is all messed up, and I end up freefalling through the portal while also spinning head over heels. With each spin, the top of my head and the back of my heels scrape against the walls of the portal and I get an electric shock every single time. It’s really, really not fun.

Even worse, from the scream I hear not too far behind me, at least one of the dragons chose to follow me into the portal and whoever it is is pissed. Then again, they’re so big, they must be scraping against the sides of the portal the whole time. I’m having trouble feeling sorry for them, but I wouldn’t wish that kind of shock/electrocution on anyone.

I try to take a guess at where we’re going to come out—and how I’m going to gain control enough to keep flying when we do—all while holding on to a ball that’s starting to vibrate hard again. And can I just say, it’s beginning to feel like overkill… Bad enough that I’ve got eight homicidal paranormals on my ass. I need to also have a ball that’s sole purpose seems to be to break me apart? I know Flint and Jaxon love Ludares, but I’m pretty sure it might be the worst. Game. Ever.

The portal finally ends, throwing me out into the near pitch black…and, I realize with horror, on top of someone.

What the hell? Afraid I landed on one of the werewolves, I start to push away, but then I realize I’m hearing human screams. And not one or two but several of them…all up close and personal.

Which means… I look around desperately, trying to get my bearings and find the goal at the same time, only to realize that I’m not even on the field anymore. This freaking defective portal dropped me off directly in the middle of the audience. Which means… Oh shit.

We’re about to get squashed.

“You need to move!” I shout. “Move now!”