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Crush (Crave, #2)(230)

Author:Tracy Wolff

A quick glance around shows me that Cole and Simone have spotted the ball and are racing for it—even as Delphina is diving to intercept me. Keeping the whirlpool going is taking a lot of my energy, and I’m running out of ideas.

I have no choice but to try to get to the ball first.

Luckily, I grab it right before Cole, which gives me the lovely side benefit of being able to kick him in the stomach as I launch myself back into the air.

I’ve got to say, for someone who’s always prided herself on being nonviolent, these last few punches and kicks have made me entirely too happy. Then again, payback’s a bitch, and I’ve had just about enough of being poor, weak little Grace.

It’s time everyone on this field—everyone in this paranormal world—figured out that I’m not fair game anymore. And that I don’t need to hide behind Jaxon, either.

My gaze narrows on the finish line as I race toward my goal. Excitement burns in my chest as I realize I’m going to make it. I’m flying with every last ounce of energy I can muster, and as my goal gets closer and closer, I can’t help the elation bubbling in my chest. I’m actually going to make it.

I’ve barely got anything left in me now, so I have to drop the whirlpool keeping Violet, Quinn, and Cam out of my hair.

But it doesn’t matter. I’m only twenty feet from my goal, and they’re all too far behind to catch me. As long as Cole hasn’t suddenly learned to fly, I’ve done it. I’ve actually done it.

I’ve mentally celebrated no more than five seconds, though, before I realize I’ve made a giant strategic error.

I lost track of Delphina.

And she’s a lot closer than I thought, blindsiding me just as I stretch out for my flight to the goal line.

She hits me full-on in the side with all her strength and velocity, and it knocks me out of the air. Even worse, I hear—and feel—the stone of my wing crack.


Stop Dragon my

Wings Around

I manage to hold on to the comet for no other reason than I’m in such agony, every muscle in my body is contracting in an effort to protect the rest of me from further pain.

And this time when I plummet to the ground, I can’t do anything about it but scream.

My right wing is obviously cracked—I haven’t seen it yet, but the trauma has me almost blacking out—and I can’t fly straight, no matter how hard I try. I can’t fly at all, to be honest, and my only hope of not shattering when I hit the ground is gliding my way down on air currents. Quickly.

It’s not easy and it’s not pretty but it works, and that’s all that matters. But thirty seconds have passed by the time I’m on the ground, and I have to get rid of the ball or the vibrations will nearly destroy me. Again.

I think back to Nuri holding the comet for five minutes before Ludares kicked off, and I’m in awe of her. Thirty seconds for me, and I would sell my soul to set it down right now.

I throw it up in the air and pray—just this once—for a small break. I can’t fly anymore, so if Delphina gets it, I’m totally screwed. Then again, I’m probably screwed anyway, considering I’m now stuck on the ground with Cole, who’s barreling toward me like the hounds of hell are after him.

Delphina doesn’t get it, which is surprising. Then again, the way she’s flying around in wavering circles at the moment hints at the idea that that last hit was as hard on her brain as it was on the rest of me. On a different day, with a different Trial, that might make me sad. Right now, I’m just glad it means she’s out of commission for a few seconds.

Cole’s racing straight at me—and the ball—in werewolf form, and I’m closer and know if I run, I might just beat him to it. So I change to my human form on the fly and race for the ball.

I manage to snatch it right out of Cole’s open jaws. I hit the ground running, but a quick look behind me shows that not only is Cole hot on my heels, so is everyone else…except Delphina, who is still doing her best impression of a cuckoo clock.

But Quinn, Violet, and Cam have finally managed to find their way out of the whirlpool I left them in and are now chasing me like their entire reputation depends on bringing me down.

That may be true, but my entire life depends on me not letting them, so I put everything I’ve got on the line. I grit my teeth as I pass thirty seconds with the comet. The ball is so hot that it feels like I’m burning the skin right off my hands. But I can’t get rid of it, can’t give it away any more, either. My energy is flagging, I’m bruised, battered, broken, and I don’t have much more fight in me.