Home > Books > Dead Against Her (Bree Taggert, #5)(106)

Dead Against Her (Bree Taggert, #5)(106)

Author:Melinda Leigh

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Well, don’t thank me.” Adam smiled. “This is what family does. Those kids are just as much my responsibility as they are yours.”

“Indeed.” She kissed his cheek.

Adam moved off to talk to Dana.

Emotion overwhelmed Bree for a few seconds. She leaned her head on Matt’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

The hand at her waist squeezed. “You don’t have to do everything yourself.”

“I know. But sometimes I forget.” Bree rarely remembered to ask for help. She needed to work on that.

“Are we ready?” Matt herded everyone to his Suburban. He opened the back and lifted Brody into the vehicle. The dog sat on the back seat between Luke and Kayla. Dana and Adam took the third row.

“Who’s bringing Greta?” Bree asked as Matt opened the passenger door and helped her inside.

“Collins.” Matt closed the door, rounded the vehicle to the driver’s side, and slid behind the wheel. “I thought they should appear together.”

“Good idea.” Bree smoothed her dress. “If all goes well, they’ll be partners.”

Matt drove to the catering hall. They met Todd outside. Most of his bruises had faded, though he still favored his left side. They walked in together.

Inside, board games were set up on dozens of tables. One end of the space was devoted to the buffet. A dance floor dominated the other side. Next to it, a live band was setting up. Bree saw Cady near the entrance. She wore a stunning cobalt-blue gown. Her long hair was down and waved halfway down her back. Bree glanced at Todd, who was slack-jawed.

Cady approached them, clipboard in hand. “So far, everything is going smoothly.”

Todd closed his gaping mouth but didn’t say anything. His face reddened.

Cady looked down at her shoes, as if just realizing her heels made her two inches taller than Todd. “I should have worn flats.”

“Why?” Todd recovered. He leaned forward to give her a quick kiss. “You look amazing.”

Cady beamed.

“Can I help with anything?” he asked.

“Sure.” She took his elbow and led him away.

Though Matt, Bree, and her family were early, the press already clustered at the entrance. Bree sent the kids to their table with Adam and Dana. She didn’t want them near the media. Then she crossed the floor, with Matt at her side, and faced the reporters. Cameras flashed.

She pressed close to Matt, making it clear they were a couple.

In the front of the group, Paris Vickers took in Bree’s dress. Her gaze stopped on the tattoo, and she seemed disappointed. The ink was intricate, extensive, and fully healed. It was the type of tattoo that took many months to complete. It clearly hadn’t been done recently. “Well, I guess that’s that.” She shoved a mic in Bree’s face. “Do you have any comments?”

“The gala has sold out.” Bree pointed to Deputy Collins, entering the venue in full dress uniform. A freshly bathed and shiny Greta trotted at her side. Guests were arriving and admiring the gorgeous dog. “I expect the sheriff’s department will have a K-9 team in the near future.”

Paris moved on, clearly bored.

Reporter Nick West stepped forward and nodded toward Bree’s tattoo. “Well played, Sheriff. Well played.”

Bree gave him a nod, then crossed to a bar, where she ordered a club soda. She turned and scanned the room.

The night was a huge success. People ate, played games, and danced. As Morgan had said, everyone was there. Bree spotted her and Lance on the dance floor. Cady and Todd worked the room, selling raffle tickets and taking even more donations.

Toward the end of the evening, Bree gave a short speech, thanking everyone who’d helped and donated. Collins trotted Greta out to a huge round of applause. After laying down the mic, Bree took Matt by the hand and led him onto the dance floor.

“You’re determined to flaunt our relationship?” he asked.

“Yep.” She rested her hand on his shoulder. “They can accept it or not. That’s on them. I won’t sacrifice one bit of our happiness for public opinion. I won’t sacrifice our future for anything, not even this job.” Since her sister’s death, Bree had continually reassessed her priorities. Seeing Matt risk death in the lake had brought that process to a swift conclusion. The future held no guarantees. She would treasure every single day with him. No exceptions.

His arm tightened around her, and he guided her around the dance floor. “Good. Because I’m here to stay.”